One Piece Talent System

Chapter 44: Naval headquarters vibration

far away.

On the other two warships, all the navies were staring at the warship where Rhodes and the ghost spider were located, but it was difficult to see because of the distance problem.

"The sound seems to have stopped."

"Is it over? Ghost Hand Rhodes should be suppressed by Major General."

Someone listened to the warships where Rhodes and the ghost spiders fought, and the constant sizzling and roaring sounds stopped, and they could not help but look at each other to reveal the color of attention.

"of course."

"The Major Spider Spider is a major general who guards the great route, and a ghost in the district, Rhodes, how can it be a storm."

The generals of the Xihai Division sipped cigars and had a dull opening.


Almost as soon as his voice fell, on the far-off warship, suddenly there was another noise, which was the sound of the cracking of the board. The entire hull seemed to have a strong shock under the influence of some kind of power.

"what happened?!"

Many people were shocked by the fact that they were concentrating on their eyes. When they planned to observe it carefully, they saw that the hull of the warship suddenly burst into overwhelming sound, and the whole ship was constantly twisted and shattered from the middle.


Under the gaze of countless navy, the warship twisted and folded in the middle, like the two previous warships, destroyed by hard destruction!

"The warship... was destroyed!"

"How is it possible! The ghost spider is on the warship!"

Numerous naval school officials have revealed the shocking color, incredulously looking at the destroyed warship, and some people even grabbed the sentinel's telescope and looked at it.


The collapsed warship shattered to the sides, causing a huge wave of water beneath the sea, and rushing in all directions.

On the wreckage of the broken warship, a **** figure was standing there, like a **** of killing from the battlefield.

"That is, Ghost Hand Rhodes!"

Looking at the **** figure and judging his identity, the navy on the remaining two warships was full of horror.

The ship was destroyed, and Rhodes appeared on the wreckage. What about the ghost spider? !

Could it be that……

Some people have raised an almost unbelievable thought, and there is a hint of fear in their eyes, and they can't help but shake their heads subconsciously.


Never possible!

The ghost spider is a major general of the navy headquarters. How could it not win a pirate in the West Sea? !


Just as a group of navy was horrified and unbelievable, the figure of bathing blood suddenly stepped on the ground, and the whole person rushed out and rushed toward the two remaining warships.

"He is coming!"

"Damn! Where is the ghost spider?"

Many navy were still horrified, still couldn't believe that the ghost spider would fall to the hand of Rhodes, until the figure of Rhodes rushed to the warship, they were frightened to pick up the knife and gun in their hands, aiming at Rhodes to open fire.

boom! boom! boom!

The bullets flew, but they couldn't bring any blood flowers on Rhodes. When he stepped on his feet, the ship's board was twisted and broken, and the whole person fell directly to the lower layer of the ship.

Then, a tyrannical twisting force, centered on the position where Rhodes is located, spreads in all directions, like the center of the entire ship, and is subjected to a violent impact. The ship's board is layered like a wave.

Hey! Hey!

Under the power of Rhodes, the fourth warship also completely collapsed and shattered!

"Withdraw... quickly withdraw!"

The navy on the fifth remaining warship in the distance saw the horror of the fourth warship, and finally recovered from the incredible, showing the fear and gloom.

The colonel on the ship looked at the wreckage of the warships in the distant sea in horror, and ordered the entire warship to be chaotic.

The wreckage of the fourth warship.

Rhodes stood in the middle of a broken ship's board, looking at the fifth warship that fled in the direction of the turn, violently breathing, barely standing.

In the battle with the ghost spider, he almost consumed most of his physical strength. If it was not the last time that he suddenly realized the domineering, he would surely win if he could still win.

The remaining small part of the physical strength, after destroying the third warship and the fourth warship, has completely bottomed out. Today, he has almost no strength to move the bullet. If the fifth warship turns the artillery over a round of volley, the scene It will be extremely dangerous.


Rhodes had no worries. He was very aware of the naval's ability to withstand. Under the circumstances that the ghost spiders were unclear and the four warships were destroyed, it was completely beyond the psychological capacity of the navy on the fifth warship.

Secondly, killing the Major General's ghost spider, he got 40 points of proficiency. If the fifth warship is really eager to die, he will be able to point to the 40-point talent proficiency. Strengthen and temporarily restore it.

"The strength of the major of the ministry is really extraordinary, but it is a little underestimated."

Looking at the fifth warship that was far away, Rhodes shook his head and looked at the blood marks on his body. He could not help but whisper.

His physical condition is far from being comparable to that of ordinary people. The blood marks on his body are no longer bleeding, and they are all scarred.

After a while.

Robin drove the pirate ship and slowly drove in the ruins. When the ship came to the front, Rhodes also recovered a little strength, and the whole person jumped up and fell to the deck. .

"Captain Rhodes..."

Seeing the blood marks on Rhodes, Robin couldn’t help but reveal a trace of surprise and quickly came forward.


Rhodes waved his hand at Robin, indicating that he was fine, and let her take the medical box and simply cleaned the wound.

Seeing that the wounds on Rhodes were all skin wounds, and they were all scarred, Robin felt relieved in his heart. He changed his hands and took a cotton ball to care for Lodz.


Naval headquarters.

In an office on the top floor of the fortress, the plaque of 'Absolute Justice' hangs on the wall, here is the office of the Navy Headquarters Red Dog.

Dressed in a navy justice embroidered with a gold epaulette, the red dog is sitting behind the desk, holding a paper in his hand and looking at the lieutenant Doberman standing in front of him.

Doberman is reporting to him about his work.

"There are no problems with these things, I am very satisfied, but..."

The red dog listened to Doberman's recent work, first affirmed his work, but then he lifted his head and stared at Doberman.

"What is going on in the West Sea?"

As a general of the Navy headquarters, the overall situation of the entire sea, although most of the time is on the great route and the new world, but the East and West and the North Sea will still occasionally pay attention.

Doberman heard the red dog mentioning the West Sea, suddenly his eyes changed slightly, bowed:

"Because you are busy with work, I have not reported to you. I didn't expect you to hear about it. I am going to report it to you after I have finished processing it. After all, it is only a small matter in the West Sea. It is not troublesome to handle. ”

The red dog snorted and said: "Small things? About the ghost of the hand, but let the government spend a lot of effort to cover up, almost let the navy face!"

A pirate in the West Sea, naturally can not enter his eye, but if it involves the face of the Navy, it is not a trivial matter ~ ~ is a mistake. ”

Doberman bowed his head deeply and said: "I have let the ghost spider go to the West Sea. As mentioned in the report from the previous few days, I have already tracked the exact location of the ghost hand Rhodes. I want to come in a few days. The matter is drawn to a full stop."

Hearing the words of Dobman, the indifference on the face of the red dog converges. Pick up a pen and review the documents submitted by Doberman and hand it over.

Just as Doberman took over and was about to retire, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and a navy captain rushed in with sweat.

"Report... report!"

"The West Sea Fleet led by Major General Ghost Spiders suffered a heavy blow in the fierce battle with the Ghosts and Pirates, destroying four warships, and the ghost spiders are also unknown!"

As soon as this statement came out, the room was silent.

The air is solidifying.

The red dog narrowed his eyes and turned to look at the navy colonel. His eyes were glaring, and the temperature in the room was faint.

"what did you say?!"

The navy captain shuddered and did not dare to speak.

The expression on the side of Dobman's face was completely stiff, and the heart violently vibrated. The documents in his hand were almost unsteady.

The ghost spider actually failed to deal with a pirate in the West Sea!

I thought that the small people who could easily suppress it, but once again jumped out of control, became a huge trouble!

The impact and seriousness of the Rhodes incident has now completely exceeded his expectations.


The sea thief era eleven years in April.

Rhodes defeated the Major General's ghost spider in the sea area of ​​the shipwreck town of the West Sea, sinking four warships, the news was sent back, and the Navy headquarters shook it!

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