One Piece Talent System

Vol 2 Chapter 451:

Red clay continent.

It is the center of the intersection of the great route and the red earth continent. It is also the base of the holy land of Mary Joa and the original G1 branch of the Navy. It is now the seat of the new naval headquarters.

Unlike Ma Linfo, the new navy headquarters is closer to the holy land, almost just below the red clay continent. It can be said that it is connected together, only across the height of the red clay continent.

At the moment.

On the red clay continent, the world government is gathering strength.

Standing on the fort, it is the world's total military commander of the whole army. This time, in response to the upcoming decisive battle of the nations, he will take over the command of the battlefield, and the naval marshal will listen to the battle as a combat force.

no way.

The Navy alone can't fight the nations of today, so it is obviously not qualified for the position of the general commander of the war as the commander of the Naval Marshal.

Moreover, in this battle, Karp chose to withdraw from the old age and did not participate in the plan. He only guarded justice and did not guard the Tianlong people.

With the lack of Karp, the Navy can be said to have lost a top combat.

"Isn't the elite of the South China Sea branch yet?"

The steel skeleton stands on the fortress and looks at the coming and going navy and the government forces under the world government.

"Reporting Marshal, it’s coming, it will take up to half an hour to arrive." Next to a naval general, Shen Shenghui reported.

The steel bone nodded and asked: "On the side of Bega Punk, is the combat power of his research transferred?"

"It has arrived."

The Admiral, who is in charge of liaison with the scientific forces, responded.

The steel bone nodded emptyly and said: "That is a powerful force that rivals the seven Wuhai. Even if the Wuwu Sea has been torn apart, it can replace the existence of Qiwuhai as the main force."

In the last two years.

The Qiwuhai plan has completely declared bankruptcy.

All the roads, the death of the dead, the withdrawal of the exit, the wandering wandering, even if there are two people sitting in the position of Qiwuhai, but this emergency call is not one.

no doubt.

These seven Wuhai simply do not want to conflict with the nations.

In the wars where the world and the world government are facing each other, even if they are seven seas, they are likely to become cannon fodder.

With the issuance of a series of orders, the elite of the navy and the government army finally completed the assembly on the red clay continent!

A full 300,000 elite soldiers!

This is not 300,000 ordinary soldiers, but most of them are elite, with the navy occupying 200,000 and the government army having 100,000.

The naval forces, in the order of the ranks, have different positions in front and rear. The lowest ranks of seamen and non-commissioned officers stand in the last row of the ranks. They are officers who are dressed in justice and forward, and then the schoolmen.

In front of the school, there are a total of 20 senior lieutenant generals. Among them, the one standing in the middle is the tea dolphins, one of the alternate generals. His rank in the lieutenant is naturally the most advanced.

Standing in front of the tea dolphins, it is the three naval generals of the Navy headquarters, the highest fighting power of the world government.

Peach rabbit! Huang Wei! And the green cow!

"The lieutenant generals are all together..."

"There are generals."

These elites from all over the world, in the various branch bases, watched the 20 lieutenant generals standing in front of the team, and the naval generals known as the highest combat power, could not help but have some heart.

It is worth mentioning that one of the 20 Lieutenant Generals has become an alternate general, whose name is comparable.

As a disciple of Karp, in the two years of confrontation with the nations, he has gone through countless battles and broke through himself many times in the battle. Now he has mastered the domineering color of the foreseeable future.

Although his strength is much worse than that of the one that is now the One Piece, but still stands in the position of the alternate general, also known as the most likely to succeed Huang Wei.

"Reporting the empty marshal, the naval headquarters has been assembled."

Standing in the forefront of the naval camp, Qinglan was covered with a golden epaulette embroidered with the golden epaulettes of the Navy, and reported to the steel skeleton.

The steel skeleton was once the naval marshal, and when the steel skeleton was the naval marshal, he was only a lieutenant general.

Twenty years have passed.

Steel Bone Air is already the general marshal of the world government, and he has become the Marshal of the Navy.

"it is good."

The steel bone nodded and turned to look to the other side.

"Reporting the empty marshal, the government's combat power is assembled!"

The person reporting the report was a dark-skinned man who was the highest commander of the government army.

In this world where the sea occupies the vast majority of the area, the forces of the government forces are much worse than the navy. The usual tasks are to protect the red clay continent and the Tianlong people.

It can be said.

Government forces often exist because of the Tianlong people.

But because of this, even if the government army is much weaker than the navy, it still has enough powerful combat power.

The head of the highest-ranking government army, the combat power is equal to that of the Qing Dynasty, and the deputy commander’s combat power is not much different. It can be regarded as an alternate general.

"Everyone, according to the order, is waiting in a row, and before the enemy appears, there must be no slack in any moment!"

The steel bones rushed to the assembled navy and government forces, and the slightly old voice blew up in the square like Hong Lei.


The navy and the government army are responsive.

After the orders of the Navy and the government, all of whom were waiting for you, the steel bones looked back.

There are a total of ten teams.

The World Government’s subordinate intelligence agency, CP CP for short, has completed the assembly from CP0 to CP9!

"You have come The steel bones swept a wide audience, and the eyes stopped at the center of the team and also the one in the forefront.

The other party is the new chief of CP0. Although his status is one level lower than that of his general marshal, he is directly under the five old stars. Without command, he is not free to command.

"The five old stars have ordered, I am waiting for all the staff, and they are all dispatched by the commander of the empty marshal."

The total length of the CP0 is directed at the empty opening of the steel shaft.

The steel skeleton is not surprised by this. Since the five old stars have handed over all the tasks of the array and command, he will certainly not make a force to do whatever he wants.

In this extraordinary period, the CP forces also obey his assignment.

"The Guardian work on the red clay continent will be handed over to you. Once you find any traces of the enemy, report it to me immediately. If you don't have time, release the signal bullet directly."

Steel ribs rushed to CP0 and others to order.

CP0 and other members of the spy agency, each with a chilly response, then quickly assigned their respective tasks.

This is the end.

The combat power of the world government has also completely completed the assembly!


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