One Piece Talent System

Chapter 49: Attention

Water Island.

This sea area is known as the Watergold waters because of the names of the two largest islands here, one called Walter and one called Gould.

Among them, the largest island of Gould is a large island large enough to accommodate a country, and Water Island is second only to the island of Gould, between the medium-sized islands and large islands.

Rhodes and Robin boarded the island and were walking down the street.

The style of the street here is very dark. Whether it is a pedestrian or a beggar who is kneeling in the corner, the eyes are full of fierce colors. Compared to the country of flowers that is still in some order, here is pure disorder. zone.

Some of the underground forces in the West Sea control the situation here. The Kapen family was originally one of them. However, due to the heavy blow of Rhodes, the forces have plummeted and have already withdrawn from here.


Suddenly, a gunshot came from the front, causing countless people on the street to show their vigilance. They looked at each other. A thin man blew his gun in his hand and sneered at a brawny man who fell in a pool of blood. Sound, turn around and leave directly.

"It really is a mess."

Rhodes's plain opening, he and Robin have been immersed in the underground dark world, this situation has long been eccentric, did not reveal any surprise.

After a while, I came to a bustling street. Rhodes looked around and said, "I still collect intelligence separately, and come back here half an hour later."

"no problem."

Robin lowered his hat and gently nodded.

Although she rarely practiced, Rhodes occasionally pointed her to develop her fruit ability. Today, she is not a problem for the pirates with a bounty of 20 to 30 million, and because of her special ability, she can completely ignore the human tactics.

Rhodes and Robin split up and walked for a while. When they saw a pub in front of them, they walked in with their hands and went to the counter to order a glass of wine and asked casually:

“I heard that the Swordsman Pirates Group has recently appeared in the town?”


One of the counters behind the counter had a beautiful kanban girl with Robin's seven or eight points. When she heard Rhodes's words, she was shocked. After the wine was put over, she snorted and lowered her voice. "What do you do about them?" !"

Rhodes smiled and put two gold coins on the table. He said, "Just want to inquire about it. It seems that you seem to know something."

A glass of wine here has a price of at most one silver coin. When I saw two gold coins, the kanban girl suddenly brightened her eyes and gave a smile to Lodz. She took two gold coins without any traces, then leaned slightly and lowered her voice. :

"They came here two days ago. When they left, they got up with people, killed dozens of people, and the bodies were everywhere. They were cleaned up for a long time before they were cleaned up. A group of horrible guys... It is said that even the fleet of the Navy branch They were killed by them."

Having said that, watching the bridesmaid paused, watching Luoz sitting there wearing a fur hat, only half of his face, whispered: "They seem to be collecting people near the West Bank. It is said that there must be certain Strength can join, you should not intend to join them."

"Is it near the West Bank? Thank you."

Rhodes took a sip of wine and stood up. He looked up at the kanban girl and smiled. "As for joining them... then they have to afford it."

When the voice fell, Rhodes turned and left the pub.

The banyan girl looked at the back of Rhodes, her eyes slightly wide, until Rhodes walked out of the pub, she violently reacted, grabbed a stack of rewards next to the table and made a mess, and quickly pulled out one of them. Looking at the familiar face, she couldn't help but take a breath.

Bounty of 92 million Bailey...

Ghost Hand Rhodes!

In the past two days, what kind of wind has been blown, and all the two horrible pirates in the West Sea have been blown over. Today, the West Sea, the Ghosts and Pirates and the Double Sword Pirates are far ahead of other pirates. Above, it is the Gemini star standing at the top of the West Sea.

If they collide, it is undoubtedly a big event that can alarm the West Sea!


Starting point.

Rhodes returned here in advance. After waiting for a moment, he saw Robin coming in the other direction. She came to Rhodes and lowered her voice:

"The Double Sword Pirates recruited crews near the West Bank to form a large fleet, Devil Sergeant Lafitte... It is said that someone has seen him in this town, which is the last few days."

"Oh? Lafite is here too?"

Rhodes looked at Robin with a slight surprise. After thinking a little, he said: "This is just the right thing. People who are restless in the bones hear the ghost hand Rhodes confrontation with the double-sword pirate group. There is no reason to avoid this big scene. Let's go and go straight to the West Bank."

Robin nodded, and Rhodes’s thoughts happened to be hers.


Rhodes pointed to a bullet, and the cap on the top of the head was pushed down from the front end into a state of raising the front end, and looked up and walked forward.

In this street where few people speak and the atmosphere is depressed and dark, almost everyone has two or three eyes staring at any time, and the costumed Rhodes and Robin are naturally the focus of attention.

When Rhodes slammed his high-cap, he stared at his three or five eyes, and he condensed together, and then he could hear the sound of cold air coming from many corners.

"That guy is..."

"Ghost Hand Rhodes! Actually it is him!"

Almost for a moment, the mixed street image changed greatly. Rhodes and Robin walked forward. No one dared to block the road ahead. All of them retire to the sides. Even most people dare not stare at Rhodes. I am afraid that it will cause trouble.

Compared with the ghost sword of the double-sword pirate group who has been buried for many years, the name of the ghost hand who swept the West Sea recently is undoubtedly more awe-inspiring and fearful.

The streets became unimpeded.

Rhodes took Robin across the street, heading for the direction of the West Bank, and people who were aware of the direction of Rhodes along the way could not help but think of something, and they were shocked.

"They seem to be...going to the West Bank!"

What is in the West Bank, most people are very clear, the Double Sword Pirates Group is recruiting powerful people on the West Bank to go to the ship to the existence of the level of Ghost Hand Rhodes, will join the Double Sword Pirates What?

The answer is no doubt no!

In the rumor, the captain of the Ghosts and Pirates Group has always had the hobby of hunting strong people. The number of pirates with a large number of bounty rewards of more than 20 million in the West Sea has been killed by a large group. The newcomer fills in the position.

Now Ghost Hand Rhodes travels to the West Bank to find a double-sword pirate group. The purpose is probably very pure. Most of the time, he will recapture the double-sword pirate group in the first position of the West Sea as a prey!

"Ghost Hand Rhodes, do you want to start with the Double Sword Pirates? This is big news!"

"If you fight it, the outcome is really hard to say. A major general who has destroyed the naval headquarters, one who has been to the great route..."

Many people looked at the back of Rhodes, and they were shaking their hearts.

"I think the odds of the ghost hand are bigger. The hero of the navy's headquarters was not destroyed recently. It is not the branch of the double-sword pirate group." Someone screamed.

One person shook his head and retorted, saying: "The ghost of the ghost sword is 98 million Bailey, this is only a reward for his three years ago, and the ghost hand has not been to the great route!"

The great route is known as the pirate's grave. Many of the strongest pirates in the world, from north to south, can't afford any waves on the great route, and they are drowned there.

The ghost sword can enter the great route, throwing out a reward of 98 million Bailey, and finally returning to the West Sea with its body, its strength is undoubtedly terrible.

As Rhodes gradually approached the West Bank, even the underground forces that controlled the island were shocked after receiving news.

For a time.

The eyes of the entire island come together!

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