Sanji encountered enemies on the road he had to take, which meant that something had happened to the Straw Hat Pirates.

After the Straw Hat Pirates separated from the White Group, they had an opportunity to take advantage of. The enemies lurking in the capital would certainly not miss this opportunity.

The Straw Hat boy was originally standing on a high place, looking at the direction of the city gate, and was a little worried about the safety of his brother. After all, Ace had to deal with tens of thousands of enemies at a time. He didn't know if he could withstand such a large-scale battle.

If Ace couldn't withstand it, Luffy would immediately join the battle. When he saw the scene of the fire fist piercing through the city gate, thousands of rebels were eliminated in one move, and the boy was relieved immediately, "Ace is still so strong, one day I will definitely surpass him, I will become stronger"!

Looking at the captain's ambitious appearance, the crew members around him were very relieved. Luffy's optimism was very contagious, making others temporarily forget the dangerous situation around them.

"It's raining, but why is this rain black?" Chopper looked at the black spots falling from the sky, his eyes were full of confusion. It was the first time he saw black snow.

Others also noticed this, but did not react immediately. Robin's face changed drastically and he immediately realized what it was. Just as he was about to speak loudly to remind them, the falling black spots emitted flames in front of everyone's eyes.

Then there were small explosions one after another. The black spots attached to the Straw Hat Pirates were especially taken care of and detonated remotely. One explosion after another echoed throughout the street.

Although the power of the explosion was not great, it was enough to blow people to the ground. Even if it could not seriously damage the Straw Hat Pirates, it was more than enough to cause them some minor injuries.

The two people who were more vulnerable, Nami and Usopp, were confused by the sudden bomb attack. They were directly blown unconscious. Zoro and Luffy were holding the explosion points flying above their heads and used their bodies as a barrier to protect their crew members.

Robin played a key role at this time, using the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit to generate a row of arms on the ground, and sent a pair of unconscious men and women out with their arms. The harmless Chopper was also in this farewell team.

After sending the timid trio away, Luffy stretched out his arms to grab the building opposite, and took Zoro and Robin to escape the explosion area. This round of explosions ended only after they were far away from the explosion point.

After Luffy stopped, he couldn't help complaining: "What kind of weather is in the Kingdom of Alabasta? Why does the snow explode?"

At this moment, the backbone of the Straw Hat Pirates has not realized the seriousness of the situation. Zoro pulled out the two knives on his waist and was ready to fight at any time. Robin watched the surroundings vigilantly, "It's Mr. 5, the bomber of Baroque Studio. We are being targeted by Sand Crocodile. Sooner or later, this day will come."

After the explosion flattened the area, a man with a golden hook walked out of the smoke, holding a cigar in his mouth and looking unhappy, "Robin, as long as you come back to me now, I don't mind your previous betrayal. Baroque Studio needs you."

After Crocodile appeared, the cadres beside him also came out from the shadows one after another. This time, all the members of Baroque Studio were present.

They had underestimated the Straw Hat Pirates before. If they had not wasted time on Drum Island and pressed Luffy and others to death on the spot in the snow, they would not have delayed the support of Admiral Kizaru, and there would not have been a chain reaction that led to Robin's escape.

In today's world, only Robin has the ability to interpret the main text of history. After experiencing the encirclement and suppression of Kaido, Crocodile has attached more and more importance to ancient weapons.

Since he can't beat those talented players (Kaido, Whitebeard), Crocodile can only take some shortcuts, otherwise he will be trampled under the feet of the Four Emperors in this life. Crocodile is not the kind of person who is inferior to others. It is more uncomfortable to bow down to others and be a younger brother than to kill him.

Robin has no good feelings towards such ambitious pirates. She still likes captains like Luffy who have a clean heart. In the process of getting along with the Straw Hat Pirates, she can be the most authentic self, without intrigue and living in crisis and worry every day.

"What can you do even if you get me, Crocodile? Do you dare to believe the historical text I deciphered?" The smile on the face of the black-skinned beauty made Crocodile very uncomfortable.

Indeed, as Robin said, she is a person who will play tricks on the historical text, and the exclusive right of interpretation is in her hands. It can be said that she can make up whatever she wants. Crocodile has no means to disprove it. If he is led by the nose, he will be a clown.

Crocodile also thought of this before setting off. Other members of the Straw Hat Pirates can be killed. Even if killing Luffy offends Dragon and the Navy hero, Crocodile doesn't care. Only Robin must be captured alive..

After capturing her alive, you must catch her and teach her well, change her bad character, and you can always find a way to distinguish whether Robin is telling the truth or not at sea. Crocodile can wait, he believes that the ancient weapon will fall into his hands sooner or later.

"Sanji hasn't come back yet since Xiao Feng was away. It seems that you have done a good job this time, and Princess Vivi also interests you." Robin, a smart woman, guessed the intelligence of Baroque Studio. Two men who make a living by legs, I don't know who will win.

When Luffy heard that Sanji and Princess Vivi were in danger, his blood immediately surged. Even if he was defeated last time, he was not at all inferior to the enemy this time. He wanted to beat Crocodile violently, "You are a bad guy who likes to make sneak attacks, and you made Princess Vivi cry. The death of the curly-headed uncle is also related to you. Today I want you to come back together."

The Straw Hat boy swung his rubber fists and started a quick attack on Crocodile's body, but just like last time, he couldn't reach the entity without the Armament Haki when dealing with the natural devil fruit ability user.

Zoro, holding a knife, wanted to help, but the next moment Mr. 1 blocked his way, "I don't know if your sword skills have improved these days, Green Algae Head, your opponent is me!"

Soon the two men started to chop each other, and the sound of metal collision resounded around. At this time, Robin was surrounded by a group of miscellaneous soldiers. Baroque Studio wanted to delay the woman and chose to use quantity to kill time.

These bounty hunters who would die for money began to sneak attack Robin from the dark one after another. Although they could not hurt the woman's body, they could involve her energy and prevent Robin from supporting other members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Miss Double Fingers and Ms. Valentine's Day, the two women also joined the siege of Robin. The bounty hunters might not be reliable, so they relied on them to delay Robin for a while.

The cowardly trio also had a hard time. Chopper had to protect two unconscious crew members alone, and the remaining Baroque Studio cadres, although weaker in strength, were just the right size to besiege them.

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