Admiral Smoker of the future made his outrageous statement, and the navy outside the light curtain was stunned. My goodness, my goodness, is this something you can say?

Tashiki saw the surrounding navy looking at Smoker with strange eyes, and she was a little worried about her boss, "Captain Smoker, let's take the navy transfer order and leave quickly."

Smoker is not a navy admiral now. What he said in the future has offended many people invisibly, and will cause him a lot of unnecessary trouble, "Let's go."

Some of the words that the future said are what he thinks now. Smoker has never thought about comparing justice to business, but after being pointed out by the future, he instantly realized something.

The refinement of words and strength have been greatly enhanced. This beautiful future makes Smoker very happy, but before he can be happy for long, Sakaski's adjutant called him, "Smoker, Admiral Akainu wants to talk to you about justice. You can leave on the warship later."

Tashiki: "Ah"!

Smoker: "Alas!"

As expected, knowing the future in advance is not necessarily a good thing. The content of the future navy in the light curtain is even more exciting.

——Dividing line——

"Ajin, you are going to meet the Straw Hat Pirates, right?"

"I don't know where these people have been hiding for the past five years. Their appearance on Fishman Island is a big surprise for our navy. The Poseidon Treasure House has never appeared in the navy's data. The resurrection of Princess Otohime will probably spread across the sea soon."

Originally, the resurrection was spread through the Straw Hat Pirates by word of mouth, which only made the people in the light curtain half-believe and half-doubt. In the future, two admirals of the navy actually certified this matter. The Dark Blade Tensugaya really exists.

"Straw Hat Luffy and his style of doing things are the same as five years ago. I have reported their information to the Navy Headquarters. They have been marked as adventure groups. This kind of people are not a threat to our navy for the time being."

From Admiral Ajin's mouth, the concept of adventure groups was presented to the world for the first time.

As the name implies, the adventure group is mainly for adventure. It is the name for pirate groups that have not committed crimes. Under the reform of the navy, such targets are not the targets of the navy, so that the navy can free up more hands to deal with more dangerous targets on the sea.

Based on the latest concept of Acting Marshal Altria, we should establish the broadest united front and unite all forces that can be united. Some pirates who have not committed crimes can also be united. We should distinguish between the main contradiction and the secondary contradiction, and we cannot push the objects that can be united directly into the hands of the enemy.

"The concept of the adventure group of the acting marshal really saves our navy a lot of trouble. The navy can actually issue bounties or search missions to the pirates. Some brave guys can really complete them, which makes us have stronger control over the sea."

"However, for the stubborn and extremely evil pirates, only Admiral Sakaski can think of taking collective responsibility measures against relatives."

Admiral Akin and Admiral Smoker recalled Admiral Akainu's iron-blooded style, which made them both feel uncomfortable. These two radicals felt that the other was a bit too extreme.

Admiral Akainu became even more hated. Collective punishment refers to a system in which people who have a certain relationship with the criminal are punished together when someone else commits a crime. This extremely cruel criminal law method will be carried forward by Sakaski in the future.

Cut to a scene of Sakaski quarreling with the acting marshal

"Acting marshal, I have submitted the report for so many days, why haven't you issued an order yet? The food in the navy prison is still being wasted"

Five years later, Admiral Akainu has a few more scars on his face. His three-meter body stands in front of the acting marshal, making Altria, who is less than 1.6 meters tall, look even more childish.

"Sakaski, it's useless for you to slam the table here. Your collective punishment system has exceeded my tolerance. Killing the direct relatives of the pirates is fine, but you want to raise it to the three clans. This time you let me approve that report and you want to kill more than 3,000 people. Do you want to turn the navy headquarters into a slaughterhouse?"

Altria rarely showed an angry expression. These were lives. The acting marshal only needed to make a light stroke and more than 3,000 people would die.

The three clans refer to the father's clan, the mother's clan, and the wife's clan. In Admiral Akainu's concept, as long as a pirate committed a crime at sea, the three clans must be exterminated to deter later generations from taking this as a warning. The navy has killed many people in recent years. The sea area near the execution ground of the navy headquarters has always maintained a bloody sea that has never faded.

"I have a table full of official documents reporting you. Akainu, get out of here. If you continue to be so extreme, I will remove you from your position and let you, the admiral of the navy, start as a soldier."

Admiral Akainu just snorted, took his official report and slammed the door. The acting marshal told himGet out, he said get out, if he didn't get the advantage from the acting marshal, he would get it back somewhere else.

Altria touched her golden hair, with a tired look on her face, "Marshal Sengoku, ah, Marshal Sengoku, why are there so many thorns on your hands, Sakaski really gives me a headache."

There is a plaque hanging behind the blonde girl, on which it is clearly written that the justice of the world is ruled. The thing behind this is not a decoration. Altria has practiced this justice in the five years of ruling the navy.

"The acting marshal has far surpassed any other naval marshal in terms of military achievements. I wonder how long the World Government will keep the title of acting marshal on her head."

"It's just that the World Government is deceiving itself. Two years ago, the acting marshal sent four admirals to wipe out the separatist forces of the White Earth Island, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army. The forces that Long has cultivated for so many years have been uprooted by us. The heads of his commanders have become the merits of our promotion."

"A year ago, the acting marshal personally formulated a plan to lead the Red Hair Pirates Enter the encirclement, the eight admirals in ambush will attack together. Even if the Four Emperors Pirate Group is strong, it will be swept into the garbage dump of history by our navy, leaving only Red-haired Shanks alive."

"The justice of the former Marshal Sengoku is just empty talk. Marshal Altria truly leads the navy to dominate the world. Sooner or later, there will be only one voice in this sea."

After Smoker finished speaking, he became like Akin before, with admiration and fanaticism on his face. Such a powerful navy is worthy of their service.

The conversation between the two admirals ended, and the light screen gave another dark picture that shocked the world.

The blonde girl sat high on the main seat, with six admirals sitting on both sides. A total of twelve admirals in the future all appeared in this picture.

The three admirals, Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji, sat in the middle, and the remaining nine could sit on an equal footing with the three monsters. For the pirates, this is simply the most terrifying picture.

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