【Ding, the correct answer is C. Congratulations to Katakuri, Borsalino, and Redfield for getting it right! 】

Three silver-white roulette wheels appeared on the screen again, attracting the attention of everyone in the chat room.

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufu, still a step too slow?】

【Gore·D·Roger: Isn’t she Lingling’s daughter? What a pity!】

【Redfield: As expected, it seems that I finally have a chance to regain my youth….】

【Shiki the Golden Lion: Humph, Reid, how can you guarantee that among the rewards from the Sky Curtain, there is something that can restore your youth?】

【Redfield: Based on my observation…】

Before Redfield could finish, a group of strong men from the old times showed unpleasant looks on their faces.

Rayleigh’s face turned pale. He was really afraid of Redfield. This guy could read minds!

Some inner thoughts can be read.

In a person’s life, he might suddenly think of many things.

Even in battle, as long as you are not as thick-skinned as Roger, you will basically be attached to the beautiful things in the world.

For example, it is normal to confess to your childhood sweetheart after this battle. It

‘s just that some dirty words, if you say them in your heart, will be heard by that man!

Every time Redfield takes the initiative to observe, there will always be an unexpected surprise, saying words that make the enemy angry, which is called the taunting skill.

【Redfield: According to my observation, the rewards issued by the Sky Curtain should be the other parallel world itself.】

【Redfield: Like the healing flame that Zephyr got, it’s the flame that comes out of Shanks’s little sister in the parallel world when she’s injured.】

【Redfield: Although it is just an individual case, the magic of the parallel world cannot be fully displayed by the sky dome in a short period of time.】

【Vegapunk: What you said makes sense….】

【Shiki the Golden Lion: You’re really confused, so are you so sure that there is a reward that can restore your youth?】

【Redfield: Shiki, haven’t you discovered yet? Tokisaki Kurumi’s Time-Eating City is the ability to absorb time!】

【Shiki the Golden Lion: Humph, of course I have discovered this kind of thing, so what? Can you still draw it?】

【Redfield: The representative color is red, so it is not necessarily impossible to draw.

Redfield did not say too much nonsense, and chose to draw directly with a thought.

He just didn’t believe that with his luck, he would not be able to draw?

【Ding, Redfield chooses to draw…】

As the mechanical sound rang, the silver-white turntable finally began to turn.

Colorful colors flashed quickly, and finally, accompanied by gorgeous fireworks, the pointer stopped at a very unique reward.

【Ding, congratulations to Redfield for drawing the angel of the parallel world general candidate Tobiichi Origami, the angel of extinction.】

【Angel of Extinction Sky Wing, one of Origami Tobiichi’s angel abilities, has the ability to fly at high speeds and teleport】

【Shiki the Golden Lion: Damn, what kind of shitty luck!? High-speed flight and teleportation, these abilities sound similar to my Float-Float Fruit!】

【Redfield: My luck has always been good.】

【Kizaru Borsalino: Hmm~ What an enviable luck! It’s much better than the scissors. It seems that just washing hands is not enough. I will take a shower and change clothes before drawing the lottery.~】

【Drought Jack: You are so arrogant! You bastard, why do you make us wait for you to take a shower and draw the prize before we can watch the sky screen?】

【Kidd: Humph, what a disgusting guy!】

【Yellow Monkey Borsalino: Kouwa~Have you been targeted by the Three Calamities and the Supernova? How scary.】

The veins on Kidd’s forehead throbbed faintly, and he was shaking with anger.

Are you kidding! ?

The person who defeated him with one kick last time, saying that he is scary or something, is simply not credible!

This frivolous tone is really unpleasant!

【Charlotte Katakuri: Come to think of it, I didn’t pay attention until now, who is the red-haired daughter? Why have I never heard of her? Is it also a difference in parallel worlds?】

【Gore·D·Roger: What!? Shanks, you have a daughter now?】

【Lakiru: Yes, yes, of course Shanks has a daughter! Hahahaha!】

【Pluto Rayleigh: What a surprise, I’ve never heard Shanks mention his daughter to me before】

【Don Quixote Doflamingo: Fufufufu, maybe it has something to do with Zephyr? After all, if the information about the offspring is exposed, it is easy to be retaliated by the enemy.】

【Black Arm Zefa: The termites in the sea are really annoying!】

【Monkey·D·Cap: Flamingo, do you want to die?】

【Akainu Sakaski: What a bold statement! Have you lost sight of reality just because you are one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Doflamingo!】

【Vice Admiral Tsuru: Haha, Doflamingo, it seems that the lesson I taught you before was not enough. 】

After seeing Doflamingo mention the matter about Zephyr, the high-ranking officers of the navy immediately started to argue.

You know, since Zephyr lost his wife, even a jerk like Garp has never boasted about his grandson in front of him.

Doflamingo is obviously jumping in a minefield!

【Buggy: Shanks, you bastard! You didn’t even tell me you had a daughter!】

【Red-Haired Shanks: Hahaha, my daughter? It’s been a long time since we last met.】

【Buggy: Tsk, what? Shanks, you are such a bad father.】

【Charlotte Katakuri: No wonder I haven’t heard of Shanks’ daughter or anything like that….】

Katakuri obviously misunderstood and thought that Shanks’s”long time no see” meant that his daughter had died a long time ago.

After all, if they were family members, they would have to make time to see each other no matter how busy they were, right?

Anyway, Katakuri himself was like this.

Since Shanks himself said”long time no see”, the most likely possibility is that his daughter had passed away.

【Charlotte Katakuri: Well, it’s time for my turn.】

【Ding, Charlotte Katakuri is drawing rewards…】

【Charlotte Lingling: Hmmmm, I’m really curious, what will I get?】

【Kaido: Hahaha, Katakuri? He’s a very good young man!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Of course, you don’t even look at whose son he is.】

【Kaido, the King of Beasts: Hehe, my son is no worse than Katakuri!】

【Charlotte Lingling: Yamato? I think it’s your daughter?】

【Kaido: No, it’s my son! 】

As the turntable twitched, Katakuri’s reward was finally drawn.

【Ding, congratulations to Charlotte Katakuri, you have been selected…】

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