【”Allah, Allah, you are really capable.”】

【”A supernova with a bounty of over 100 million defeated three in just a short period of time.”】

【Tokisaki Kurumi lifted her bangs slightly, revealing the golden clock on her left eye, and licked her delicate lips.】

【Just such a simple action makes the opposite sex want to possess this woman.】

【”According to the predicted results, Straw Hat Luffy will suddenly appear in half a minute and interrupt Origami’s lightsaber that is stabbing at Trafalgar Law.”】

【Almost at the moment when Tokisaki Kurumi made her prediction, Tobiichi Origami had already raised the lightsaber in her hand, pointed it at Law’s head, and was about to stab it.】

【A hint of hesitation flashed across the dark blue pupils】

【Origami is struggling over whether to kill the pirate in front of her.】

【The order she had received was that in order to protect Drake, none of the supernovas present could be killed.】

【In addition, the pirates who kidnapped the Celestial Dragons must be detained in Impel Down.】

【This is an order from Admiral Sengoku himself.】

【Origami can disobey, and even if he disobeys, his salary will be deducted.】

【However, for the sake of the overall situation and future plans against Kaido, we still have to protect Drake.】

【However, Luo was now under her lightsaber, and it would be too fake if she let him go!】

【After struggling for half a minute, Origami finally decided to swing her lightsaber at Luo.】

【No matter what, even if the Marshal’s order is a supernova, it can’t be killed】

【But if we just kill one, it shouldn’t have much impact on the plan, right?】

【”What are you going to do to Traman?”】

【”Rubber Tomahawk!”】

【The straw hat kid in a red jacket stretched out his arms like rubber, grabbed Luo with one arm, and then his leg muscles instantly tensed up, swelling like a balloon, accumulating powerful strength.】


【Suddenly, the power accumulated in the legs burst out like a flood.】

【A deafening roar, like thunder exploding in the sky, echoed in the air, and a powerful destructive force spread out in all directions with Luffy as the center.】

【It was like the power of a strong wind and huge waves, instantly blowing up the gravel on the ground and splashing everywhere. The originally flat and unobstructed road surface instantly became bumpy under the impact of this force.】

【Tobiichi Origami looked calm and relieved.】

【Fortunately, it seems that this pirate with a spotted hat is quite popular. Some people actually risked their lives to save him.】

【In this case, we can still give in a little and let the supernovas go.】

【However, when she saw the man in front of her, or more precisely, the straw hat in front of her, Tobiichi Origami was obviously stunned for a moment.】

【”Straw Hat? Shanks?”】

【Recalling ten years ago, on a fertile island in the East China Sea, the sun shone on the golden beach, and the sea breeze carried a salty and fresh taste. At that time, she was still a little girl, innocent, holding hands with her parents, strolling on a bustling food street.】

【At that time, she was carefree and enjoyed the endless love and care of her parents. Everything seemed to be going according to the trajectory of her life, extending towards a happy future.】

【But that day, with the arrival of the red-haired man in a straw hat, everything was ruined!】

【The battle between Red-Haired Shanks and another pirate forced everyone in the town to lose their lives one by one!】

【Seeing her parents being affected by the battle right in front of her, she felt helpless and almost collapsed. That scene became an eternal pain in her heart.】

【Thanks to Tokisaki Kurumi’s timely intervention, otherwise whether she could survive the battle between Red-Hair Shanks and another pirate would be another matter!】

【The flame of anger burned in the blue eyes】

【Origami Tobiichi looked at the Straw Hat Boy in front of her, and her figure overlapped with the Red-Haired Shanks from ten years ago.】

【”Huh? Do you know Shanks?”】

【Luffy scratched his head and asked curiously. 】

In the chat room

【Shiki the Golden Lion: Hahahaha, the cruel sea always produces these kinds of guys who suffer unexpected disasters and become stronger with hatred!】

【Dauberman: Red-haired Shanks? What a sinful man!】

【Huoshaoshan: As expected, pirates are pirates. Even the Four Emperors with the best reputation are just pirates!】

【Aokiji Kuzan: Ah la la la, the pirates’ fight has implicated innocent people? This is really disgusting.】

【Gore·D·Roger: Hahaha, fighting is always inevitable!】

【Ben Beckman: Shanks, that idiot, would he actually hurt civilians?】

On the flagship of the Red Hair Pirates.

Shanks, who was originally holding a banquet to celebrate the broadcast on the sky screen, froze with his hand holding the wine glass when he saw the description of Tobiichi Origami’s psychological changes on the sky screen. Did he hurt others?

Not the pirates who were determined to go out to sea, nor the navy who obstructed him in order to enforce justice, but innocent civilians!

I am indeed a bit sinful.

Shanks drank the orange-yellow wine with mixed feelings, and his face was a little drunk.

【”It seems that the psychological trauma of that year has not been completely healed even now.”】

【”But that’s true. After all, ordinary people can’t stand that kind of almost pathological dependence.”】

【During this period, Kuang San’s slender and tender fingers rested on her smooth white chin, with an expression of watching fun on her face, which did not stop Tobiichi Origami from venting.】

【She used a bullet that can predict the future. Straw Hat Luffy’s journey will not end here. 】

A bullet that can predict the future?

The tall bamboo shadow in the flower room condensed his eyes, and immediately speculated wildly about Tokisaki Kurumi’s ability.

Since he can predict the future, can he also travel to a point in the future?

Im opened the devil fruit encyclopedia and focused his attention on a page.

“Time Fruit”

“Ability to travel to a future time point by designating oneself or a specific object according to the will of the ability user”

【Shiki the Golden Lion: Predicting the future? Can you do something like this? Isn’t that a special kind of observation Haki that can only be born among millions of people?】

【Whitebeard: Stupid Shiki! Didn’t your brain stop growing after you became a little girl? Didn’t Tianmu say that it was Tokisaki Kurumi’s own ability that gave her the ability to predict the future?】

【Shiki the Golden Lion: Baka, Baka! Of course I know about this kind of thing! Newgate, you are the fool!】

【Vegapunk: Well, it seems that the body of the opposite sex as a child does have a great influence on the adult soul.】

【Aokiji Kuzan: Ah la la la, can you predict the future? If I have this ability, I will definitely want to see what my future wife will look like. 】

The picture on the sky screen is no longer Tokisaki Kurumi, but Tobiichi Origami.

As the number closest to zero on the scale of one to ten, Tobiichi Origami’s strength is naturally extremely powerful!

【”Angel of Extinction·Cannon Crown!”】

【More than 20 small floating cannons were stacked together in the blink of an eye, forming an extremely cool silver-white turret, pointing in the direction of Straw Hat Luffy.】

【Tobiichi Origami’s dark blue glasses were filled with murderous intent. Even though she knew the person in front of her was not Shanks, she still couldn’t control the murderous intent boiling in her heart. 】

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