“Nine Snake Female Emperor!”

As soon as the Warring States saw Boya Hancock boarding Lin Xuan’s ship, his eyes immediately lit up.

Of course, this kind of eyes are shining not because he sees the female emperor beautiful, but because he remembers the female emperor’s ability.

That’s a tremendous ability to exercise restraint for men!

Warring States felt that others might not be able to take Lin Xuan, but now that Boya Hancock made a move, perhaps the result was not certain!

In fact, it was not only Sengoku who had this idea, but also Lieutenant General Tsuru next to him.

She naturally knew how attractive the female emperor was to men, and she was very much looking forward to Lin Xuan planting a heel here!

So, they all looked expectantly at Boya Hancock who boarded Lin Xuan’s ship.

Then, after they saw Lin Xuan seeing the female emperor, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly became even more excited:

There is a play!

But in just the next moment, they fell into disappointment.

Because they found that the people around Lin Xuan, even the girl Conis, couldn’t help but show their fascination when they saw Han Cook.

But Lin Xuan’s eyes only lit up slightly, and then he returned to calm, and there was no obsession in his eyes that other men had when they saw the female emperor, only a trace of appreciation!

Obviously, Snake Ji’s charm is strong, but it can’t achieve the effect of confusing Lin Xuan at all!

This made the Warring States they couldn’t help but be disappointed, but they also felt that there seemed to be nothing surprising.

After all, the minds of the real strong are very strong, and they are not at all confused by the beauty of the region!

And then something that made them even more angry happened.

I saw that after Boya Hancock failed to confuse Lin Xuan, he didn’t want to leave Lin Xuan’s ship, or he meant to fight Lin Xuan.

Because, Lin Xuan didn’t know why, suddenly very happy, directly invited her to sit down and drink tea together, she actually did not refuse, directly sat down on Lin Xuan’s boat, and laughed with Lin Xuanyou!

Seeing this scene, Lieutenant General Tsuru first became angry: “What is Snake Ji doing?” Doesn’t she want the location of this Seven Martial Sea?! ”

She naturally couldn’t know that Lin Xuan was directly reflected in the picture of Flakes being live to the world at this time because of the appearance of the female emperor just now, and for a while many people in the world were amazed, directly contributing 100 million or tens of millions of prestige points to Lin Xuan, so she was so happy.

As soon as he was happy, Lin Xuan naturally warmly welcomed the female emperor to sit down.

Of course, the reason why he dared to do this was naturally because Lin Xuan thought that the female emperor was no threat to him, and he knew that with the fact that he had captured three Draco as slaves, the female emperor would not be able to take action against herself, and he could also use the female emperor to brush more prestige by the way, why not?

Seeing this situation, the Warring States sighed lightly and said, “It seems that I can only personally take action and create opportunities!” ”

However, before he could think about how he was going to make a move, a naval soldier hurriedly ran to the front of the Warring States, gave a military salute, and then said anxiously: “Lord Marshal and Marshal, I just received news that it is said that there are now big screens in many places around the world, and someone is broadcasting the situation on the scene to the world in real time!” ”


Whether it was Sengoku, Karp, or Lieutenant General Tsuru, they all exclaimed at once.

The Warring States immediately looked at Lin Xuan’s situation on their ship again, only to find that at this time, in addition to Lin Xuan and Cornis, who were standing at the bow of the boat and watching the battle, and the three people of Datumu Kaguya, there were also a few sneaky guys hiding in the cabin!

Those guys are naturally a few people from the Frex Pirates group who are in charge of filming the live broadcast, and a few guys from the newspaper office!

Lin Xuan had already taken advantage of the chaos to make arrangements for Frex and a few of them just now, and directly let them hide, but the phone worm was exposed in some places and could be filmed.

As a result, the Warring States actually forgot this group of people because of a momentary negligence, and they broadcast the situation on the scene live!

In this way, isn’t the embarrassed appearance of their navy at this time already known to everyone in the world? So what prestige do they have in the future?


Sengoku angrily smashed the table in front of him.

He took a few deep breaths before he controlled his anger and said to Lieutenant General Karp and Tsuru in a deep voice: “We must stop them from broadcasting live immediately!” And rescue Draco! ”

His gaze fell on Lin Xuan’s boat again, and he saw that after being captured by Lin Xuan from the system prison, he was thrown on the deck of the wooden boat like a dead dog, and Lin Xuan did not pay attention to them again.

However, Lin Xuan deliberately placed them in a place where the phone worm could be photographed, seemingly deliberately to make them repeatedly show their faces in front of the audience around the world!

However, the previous plan of the Warring States was actually going very smoothly, because at this time, there was no one to guard the vicinity of the three Draco…

No, there is another one!

Sengoku’s expression was startled, and his gaze fell on the figure standing near the three Draco on the wooden boat.

It was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows wearing a green tights and an earthy yellow neck around his neck, and he was standing there looking around, and the battle around him seemed to make him nervous.

It’s just that what makes Warring States strange is that this middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, whether in appearance or the momentum on his body, is not even as good as a little pirate like Ferex, he is completely like a small trash fish!

If everyone else hadn’t been led away, he wouldn’t have noticed that there was still such a person on the ship.

Therefore, the Warring States immediately believed that this middle-aged man with thick eyebrows should be the subordinate of the little pirate of Ferrex, who was sent to guard the Draco.

However, soon Sengoku looked at the middle-aged man again and frowned.

As a marshal of the navy, he naturally does not underestimate anyone because of the appearance of the other party.

Especially the other party is still Lin Xuan’s person, in this battle, he has seen many guys who look ordinary but can burst out terrifying combat power.

In his opinion, this guy may also be a hidden master!

“To make sure nothing goes wrong, Tsuru, you’ll strike with Karp later!” Sengoku solemnly looked at Karp and Lieutenant General Tsuru and said.

“Sengoku, what do you mean? Don’t you think I can’t beat that guy in green?! ”

Karp’s eyes widened all of a sudden, and he yelled at Sengoku with some anger, thinking that Sengoku was looking down on him.

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