“Another treasure map?”


The sun sets.

At dusk.

Looking at the treasure that Robin, a professional archaeologist, had finally found.

Shakya couldn’t help but turn pale and curse: “Which wicked thing without balls actually played such a trick on me?”

Nothing else, because the big treasure chest.

Except for a yellowed, animal-skin-made treasure map that looks a bit old.

Empty, nothing.

Oh no, there’s a crooked word on the bottom of the treasure chest: Treasure, the one who is destined to get it!

And a smiley face was deliberately drawn.

Treasure hunting is exciting in itself.

Until the moment the mystery is revealed, no one knows what’s inside.

Even if there’s only one Bailey inside, he can accept it.

The key point is that after he glanced at the words recorded on the animal skin…

“屮——” Ten years of Zen practice broke the defense directly.

I was so depressed that I wanted to vomit blood.

If the other party had not been dead for many years, it would be estimated that there would be nothing left.

Sakya had to find that bastard and scatter his ashes.

“Hehe, well, at least it’s not nothing…”

Robin smiled and said: “At least there is a treasure map!”

She was not angry.

Observing the worn-out animal skin treasure map.

It turned out that the treasure map was even older.

And although the route was a little blurry, it could be vaguely seen.

It didn’t look like a prank.

“God’s Valley?”

Robin was thinking hard there.

When she was a child, she seemed to have seen records about this island in the O’Hara Tree of All-Knowing Library.

“Don’t think about it, God’s Valley… more than thirty years ago, that place was wiped out from this sea by the World Government!”

Shaka curled his lips.

He sat down with a slump, feeling a little bored.

He worked for a long time, but it was all in vain.

If he remembered correctly, the entire God’s Valley had disappeared.

If there was a treasure there, there would be nothing left.


Robin was stunned.

He looked at Shaka in surprise.

“Woo woo…”

The giant panda Po beside him tilted his head, a little puzzled.

“You may not know?”

Shaka lay there lazily.

He grabbed a dogtail grass, held it in his mouth, and said casually: “Every three years, the Celestial Dragons will hold a killing competition…”


Robin widened her eyes.

She had never heard of such news.

Somewhat shocked.

“Don’t be surprised…”

Shaka said calmly, “For these self-proclaimed gods and high-ranking world nobles, it’s just like an ordinary ‘school trip’, because they don’t regard anyone as a human except themselves… Even those high-ranking navy officers are just watchdogs in their eyes!”

“Anyway, the rules of the game are to select an island that is not a member of the World Government and let the navy block the entire island… Then, the participating Celestial Dragons will kill all the indigenous people there just like ordinary princes and nobles going hunting in the wild. Occasionally, if the number of people is not enough, a large number of problematic slaves will be thrown in, and the winner will receive a generous reward!”

“Finally, announce to the public that the island is officially under the rule of the World Government!”


Listening to Shaka’s introduction.

Robin took a breath.

For a moment, she couldn’t help but sweat.

Such a heinous atrocity, she simply couldn’t imagine it.

In order to avoid the World Government’s pursuit, Robin had also stayed in the dark world for a long time.

Even if she had not seen many things with her own eyes, she had more or less heard about them.

She had seen things like killing for fun.

Those extremely brutal mafia and pirates, and even some princes and nobles, did a lot of such things.

But as Shakya said, once every three years, an island is selected, like a hunting game, to hunt tens of thousands of indigenous people for fun, which is really a headache.

It is even more infuriating and terrifying to think about it carefully.

The World Government has firmly ruled this sea for nearly eight hundred years.

Such things have probably happened countless times, and the countries destroyed and the indigenous people killed…

I am afraid that they have already experienced countless things.

Those so-called world nobles.

They are simply demons in human skin.

“Wait, you mean that the Valley of the Gods was invaded by the World Government and used as a hunting ground to hold a killing game?”


Robin thought of something.

Eyes like gems,Looking at Shakya with some confusion: “But didn’t you just say that the World Government would bring it under its rule? Why…”

“Yes, God Valley was once a resource-rich island, but it was not a member of the World Government, and it was named “God”, which violated the taboos of the Celestial Dragons…”

“About thirty-two years ago, the World Government captured it and arrested all the citizens, and also transported a large number of problematic slaves to the island!”

“They held a competition as usual!”

Speaking of this.

Shakya paused and sneered: “But this time, an unexpected accident happened to everyone!”

“Somehow, the news that should have been strictly confidential was leaked… At that time, the most powerful pirate force on this sea, the Rocks Pirates, got the news!”

“The ambitious sea overlord Rocks led his crew to attack here and clashed with the navy. Later, for some reason, the Roger Pirates also intervened…”

For the details of the Battle of God Valley.

Shakya was not particularly clear, and just gave a brief introduction.

“In short, after that battle, the Rocks Pirates were disbanded, and the Valley of the Gods was directly wiped out from this sea!”

He spit out the dogtail grass and said sarcastically: “And the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Monkey D. Garp, who stopped the conspiracy of the Rocks Pirates and protected the Celestial Dragons, became the so-called Navy hero…”

Although he is now a pirate.

In terms of his position, he is not a good person.

But for these navy who claim to be righteous, keep saying justice, but are willing to become the running dogs of the Celestial Dragons.

He is extremely disdainful.

When they more or less began to gradually come into contact with the dark side of the World Government and the Navy.

When they obeyed the orders of the World Government again and again, constantly compromised, lost their humanity, and persecuted those “minorities” who should have been innocent.

Even if they deceived themselves and thought that they were not loyal to the Celestial Dragons, but for world peace and for the majority of people…

They had already gradually lost their faith and ideals.

The justice they upheld had degenerated and they had become executioners who lost their humanity.

What they were upholding was not justice, but the tyranny of the World Government.

The rest was just slogans of self-comfort and self-hypnosis.

“So that’s it…”

Robin suddenly realized.

Although the purpose of the pirates who invaded the Valley of the Gods must be complicated, and they were not good people.

But at this moment, the image of the legendary marine, Hero Garp, who had been praised by the world for many years under the strong propaganda of the World Government and the Navy, was undoubtedly subverted in her mind.

She thought she was protecting the people, but it turned out that she was protecting those devilish Celestial Dragons.

At last, Shakya said directly: “By the way, Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, these famous pirate emperors in the New World, were once members of the Rocks Pirates!”


Hearing this——

Robin couldn’t help but open her mouth wide, shocked and speechless.

Having been with Shakya for so long and paying attention to current affairs, she was naturally not ignorant of the pirate emperor who reigned over the sea of ​​the New World like an emperor.

I never thought that those pirates who could shake the sea three times with just a stomp of their feet.

Most of them were members of the Rocks Pirates.

“However, the back of this picture is the real treasure hiding place…”

For a long time.

Robin digested the information.

He took a deep breath and suppressed his complicated thoughts.

He raised the animal skin in his hand and said to Shakya with a smile: “Shakya, what you just saw is just a sea chart marking the island where the treasure is located. The real treasure location should be located in the western waters of the Valley of Gods, an island about fifty nautical miles away!”

“Really? Let me see…”

Shakya suddenly became energetic and revived with full blood.

He hurriedly took the animal skin treasure map and looked through both sides carefully.

Only then did he find that the terrain of the treasure location marked on the other side of the island was almost the same as the outline of an island next to the Valley of Gods on the sea chart on the first side.

It can be seen that the location of the treasure is indeed not the Valley of Gods, but most likely another island next to the Valley of Gods.

He couldn’t help but be overjoyed. Is this a new hope?

“Great, it’s not in vain… But we have more important things to do right now!”

Compared to the treasure that he didn’t know whether it existed or not.

The world government specifically asked the Kingdom of Crimes toThe natural devil fruit that I asked for is obviously more important.

I can’t just miss it.

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