
“CP9 actually lost…”

“Damn the monk who broke his vows…”

“Open fire! Kill him!”

“Don’t let him get on board!”

“Bang… Bang…”

On the World Government ship.

Some CP agents were shocked.

They never expected that CP9, an elite agent who had mastered all six styles, would be crushed so easily.

They were busy holding their rifles, aiming at Shakyamuni in the air, and pulling the trigger.

“Swish… Swish…” accompanied by continuous sounds of breaking through the air, scattered bullets poured down.

But he dodged it easily.

“Pah, pah…” The air was pressed under his feet.

Instantly crossed a distance of 20 to 30 meters.

Landed on the World Government ship.

“Buzz——” Shakyamuni’s eyes suddenly became stern.

An invisible wave rushed out in an instant.

“Plop, plop…” The murderous and fearless World Government agents who rushed up directly had their eyes rolled back and foamed at the mouth.

They fell one after another.

They lost consciousness.

“Lan Jiao!”

He looked at the frigates on both sides that were trying to approach.

Without hesitation, he jumped up and kicked out with his feet.

“Swish… swish…” Two huge slashes broke through the air.

Amid the panicked screams of the navy, he directly cut the two medium-sized warships like cutting tofu.

Let them slowly sink to the bottom of the sea.

“Hmm, are they in there?”

It seemed like he had done something insignificant.

He didn’t even look at the slowly sinking warship.

Shakya squatted down and put his right hand on the head of a World Government agent who was wearing a slightly more gorgeous suit and was obviously a small leader.

A flash of red light flashed in his eyes.

The innate special observation Haki was activated.

He read the other party’s memory in an instant and found the storage location of the devil fruit.

He strode into the cabin.


Inside the cabin.

The door of the treasury was kicked open directly.

Boxes of dazzling gold and jewelry came into view.

A small dark blue treasure box was placed on the top of the box.

Next to it, there were many neatly stacked black suitcases, most likely filled with Bailey banknotes.

But these treasures were directly ignored by Shakya.

“Click…” He grabbed the unlocked dark blue treasure box and opened it.

A pure white devil fruit with cloud-like protruding patterns and shaped like a pineapple lay quietly inside.

There was also a label on it – Natural System·Yunyun Fruit.

“Yunyun Fruit?”

“I didn’t expect it to be Natural System·Yunyun Fruit…”

Inside the treasury.

Shakya smiled, a little overjoyed.

He really wanted to find a fruit that could fly.

This devil fruit came just in time.

“Leave the fruit… Don’t think about leaving!”

A bloody figure fell there.

The bloody palm trembled and grabbed over, trying to stop Shakya who had just walked out of the treasure house with the treasure box.

But the irregularly twisted right arm froze there.

Then, it fell down powerlessly.

“Tsk tsk, Xiong Shi Weiqu… Can he still hold on until now?”

The footsteps paused.

Watching Xiong Shi Weiqu who was struggling powerlessly and fainted.

Shakya couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows, but he was not very surprised: “Just right, no need to go to find you!”

That’s right, from the beginning, Xiong Shi Weiqu was kicked onto the warship by him on purpose.

Because he was really interested in the mystery of “life return”.

The Lion Wei is the only member of CP9 who has mastered the life return, except for Rob Lucci, who is known as the strongest CP9 in the past 800 years.

Life return can freely control the body, hair, and internal organs. As long as the consciousness is poured into it, any place can be freely controlled.

Even as long as you master the life return, you can also use it with the devil fruit ability.

In the eyes of Shakya, the role of this secret is immeasurable. It can make people control themselves to a subtle degree and fully tap the potential of the human body.

Previously, he did not get relevant information from Major General Yuchimura, the “Thousand Killer”.

Therefore, after discovering that the escort of the devil fruit was CP9, and recognizing the Lion Wei.

He had already set his sights on the other party.

He pressed his right hand on the head of the Lion Wei, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

“Hey, life return, so this is it…”

Shakya quickly extracted the relevant information he wanted and couldn’t help but smile.

Moreover, he also took the opportunity to get information from the Lion Wei.CP9 elite agents learned a lot of confidential information about the World Government: “However, those guys in the World Government are really dirty!”

Over the years, CP9 has assassinated many important figures from various major forces.

Not only the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, and those who are involved with the Revolutionary Army.

Even the members of the World Government, some princes and ministers who are dissatisfied with the World Government and show hostility are on the assassination list of the World Government.

Of course, there are also some shady things for some high-level World Government officials to deal with.

“Hua La La…” One by one, the unconscious World Government personnel who were stunned by the domineering aura were thrown into the sea violently.

In the eyes of the surviving navy who were constantly struggling to survive in the sea.

The ship flying the flag of the World Government turned around and turned the rudder.

Slowly went away into the distance.

And Robin in the distance received the signal.

They also set sail directly, taking the giant panda Po with them, and followed the big ship.

This place is too close to the Red Earth Continent.

There are a large number of naval forces stationed there.

As expected, the naval fleet has received the news and rushed over as soon as possible.

Naturally, they can’t dawdle here any longer to move the treasure.

However, it’s all fat meat that has already been in their mouths.

Although, whether it’s Shakya or Robin, the two are not very keen on treasure.

But since they have already offended the World Government.

They don’t care if they offend it even more.

Naturally, they are not going to let it go in vain.

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