At the same time.

About 200 nautical miles away from the Poliport Sea.

A naval fleet consisting of no less than 20 large and small warships is sailing slowly.

Inside, there are several top-level large battleships that are usually used as the ships of the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters. The rows of black large-caliber naval guns make people’s scalps numb.

“Gion, it’s been almost ten days…”

On the flagship in the lead.

The powerful vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Taotu, is enjoying lunch leisurely.

In front of him, there is a Den Den Mushi, which simulates the outline of the Navy Headquarters Marshal Sengoku Sengoku: “Haven’t you caught that kid yet?”

“The pressure from above is very great!”

Sengoku is also helpless.

For no reason, that monk Shakya and Nico Robin who broke the precepts are going to cause trouble for him.

Why did he have to rob the Sky Gold when there was nothing else to rob, and he even stole the ability that a big shot in the Knights of God had set his sights on.

The Five Elders gave a deadline, ordering the Navy to arrest the criminal within a month and take back the Sky Gold.

Even his old boss, the former Navy Admiral, Steel Bone, Sora, who had been promoted to the commander-in-chief of the World Government, had a few talks with him.

As a Navy Admiral, he was under a lot of pressure.

“Hey, Sengoku-chan, don’t be too harsh, I did my best!”

Tall and slender, with long legs, sexy and charming, Taotu said helplessly: “It’s not me who is shirking responsibility, it’s really the broken monk Shakya and Nico Robin who are too cunning!”

“I thought they might run to the Calm Belt to hide, or even venture into the Calm Belt, or leave the West Sea and prepare to break into the Grand Line, and go there to search the nearby waters… But suddenly I received a message from CP claiming that witnesses saw them appear in the Kazakh Sea. When I rushed over, I heard that they appeared in the Isks Sea, making a big circle…”

“But don’t worry, Sengoku-chan, I will never let them run away!”

After finishing the meal, Taotu put down the tableware.

Took the tissue handed by his subordinates and wiped his sexy red lips.

Taotu’s red lips curled up, full of confidence, and said with confidence: “I believe they can’t escape this time. According to the route, their destination is most likely the Kingdom of Flowers!”

“I have ordered the fleet to advance at full speed towards the Kingdom of Flowers!”

“Tick, tick…”

Just then.

A navy personnel hurried over and saluted: “Vice Admiral Taotu–”

“We just received an urgent message from CP that the Broken Monk and the Devil’s Son appeared in the Polyport Sea, and clashed with the pirate fleet led by the pillar of the Eight Treasures Navy, Cone Green Pepper!”

“However, the strength of the Broken Monk is beyond imagination. After he transformed into a golden Buddha, he released a powerful shock wave, destroying most of the fleet in one blow!”


Hearing this-

Not only Taotu was a little surprised.

Even Marshal Sengoku, who was far away at the Navy Headquarters on the other end of the Den Den Mushi, was shocked and a little unbelievable.

In the marshal’s office, Zhan Guo, who was sitting behind the desk, stood up somewhat out of control: “That bastard kid, actually has such strength?”

“Ah~, it’s incredible…”

Momotobu stared at the bounty notices placed on the dining table in front of him.

On the top bounty notice, there was the young figure of Shakyamuni, the monk who broke his vows, riding a giant panda, and was full of vigor and vitality: “Zhan Guo, it’s a good thing you sent me here this time, otherwise, there would be a lot of trouble!”

“It seems that the information is not accurate. The strength of the monk who broke his vows is far beyond our expectations!”

Even a strong man like Momotobu couldn’t help but marvel: “At the age of seventeen, he not only has the domineering color domineering, but also has mastered the three-color domineering. He is also the ability user of the human-human fruit, the mythical beast species, and the Buddha form… Incredible guy!”

With such amazing qualifications, if he joins the navy, he will definitely be a general or marshal seed.

As a result, he became a pirate, and got involved with Nico Robin, the son of the devil.

She couldn’t help but feel a little regretful.

“You’re right, it’s really a bit unexpected…”

The voice of the admiral came out from the Den Den Mushi that simulated the outline of Sengoku: “This kid has terrible potential, we must catch him!”

Sengoku couldn’t help but pay attention to it.

If such a lawless guy is allowed to grow up.

In particular, he specially took in Nico RobinThis survivor of O’Hara is most likely a restless and ambitious person.

If left alone, he will definitely become a huge threat to the navy in the future.

“Understood, please rest assured!”


Momotobu agreed.

She hung up the Den Den Mushi and grabbed the bounty.

Looking at the overly young figure on it, she sighed helplessly: “What a handsome guy, it’s rare that he is the type I like, it’s a pity that he didn’t take the right path and took the wrong path!”


The adjutant on the side twitched his mouth when he heard this, and couldn’t help wiping his sweat.

Fortunately, Vice Admiral Chaton, who was also one of the candidates for the admiral, had been pursuing Vice Admiral Momotobu. Although he was ruthlessly rejected every time he confessed, he still persevered and did not give up.

Otherwise, his glass heart would be broken.

“Pass the order, speed up, go full speed, and make sure to catch the broken monk and Nico Robin before they leave the Kingdom of Flowers.”


In the unknown sea.

A small fast sailing ship is slowly moving on the sea.

As expected by Shakya, the surviving pirate warships of the Erbao Navy and the Babao Navy were indeed busy rescuing the survivors who fell into the water, and did not dare to pursue them rashly.

They sailed towards the Kingdom of Flowers unimpeded.

After lunch, Shakya handed the task of steering to Robin.

He sat cross-legged on the deck with his eyes closed, meditating.

A Bao on the side was lying there lazily.

He did not disturb the master.

These days.

Although he did not transform into a crazy cultivator, Shakya did not slack off in his own practice, and he would take a certain amount of time every day.

Sitting cross-legged there in meditation, practicing the Life Return obtained from CP9 member Lion Weidu, wanting to master this secret as soon as possible.

“Swish… swish…”

Without any signs.

Shakya’s hair began to dance.

And it continued to grow and lengthen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was astonishing.

“Woo woo…”

A Bao lying there.

Stared with his big round eyes.

Tilting his head, full of confusion and astonishment, silly and cute.

I don’t understand why the owner’s hair suddenly moved by itself, and it also grew directly.

“Tsk tsk, Life Return… Every time I see it, I feel a little incredible!”

Robin turned his head.

Looking at this amazing scene.

Although he was no longer surprised, he still couldn’t help but marvel there.

The hard training from childhood to adulthood has already made him control himself to a considerable extent.

After obtaining the cultivation method of life return, relying on his own super high talent and understanding, after the efforts of the past few days, he quickly mastered quite a lot of tricks.

It seems that he has been able to inject consciousness into the hair and manipulate the hair to move.


With the manipulation of Sakya’s consciousness.

Clusters of hair rushed out and hit the deck in front of him one after another.

As a result, not only did it fail to shake the deck.

And it directly scattered.

“It’s still a little short…”

The long hair shrank back and returned to its original state.

After opening his eyes and shaking his black hair, Shakya said with disappointment: “The power is weak, and I can’t use it as if it were my arm. I can’t use it to perform the six styles such as finger guns as a means of attack!”

“At present, I can only barely inject consciousness into the hair, internal organs and other parts, and manipulate them to a certain extent. It’s still far from the level of being able to do whatever I want!”

“It’s already very powerful…”

Robin on the side heard this and said speechlessly: “You have only started practicing for a few days!”

In such a short period of time.

He has already found some tricks.

Such comprehension ability is enough to make people dumbfounded. I didn’t expect Shakya to think that the progress was too slow.

How can those CP people who have been practicing hard for more than ten or twenty years and barely mastered it, or even failed to master the return of life, live?

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