“Just a good warm-up…”

On the island.

Stretching his muscles.

Shakya took down the Zen stick that was placed aside.

A naval fleet consisting of more than a dozen warships of various types.

In a place like the West Sea, it is no longer a small-scale operation.

Judging from the “sound” sensed by the observation Haki, the number of troops is no less than 5,000.

Moreover, judging from the size of the flagship, it is already a large warship second only to the highest-level battleship.

It seems that the last time a brigadier general of a naval branch in the West Sea was eliminated, it should have attracted the attention of the Navy Headquarters.

The aura of the leader this time is obviously more than ten times stronger than the original brigadier general of the branch.

Nine out of ten times, it is a major general of the Navy Headquarters, or even an elite major general with relatively strong strength.

“Such a battle…”

Looking at the fleets that are getting closer and closer.

Robin’s beautiful face couldn’t help but change slightly.

Looking at the eager Shakya on the other side, she persuaded with some concern: “Shakya, there is no need to fight them head-on. Our ship is on the other side. While the navy’s fleet has not approached yet, why not just withdraw!”

Although she was very confident in Shakya’s strength.

But the navy was obviously well prepared for such a big battle this time.

She still didn’t want the other party to take risks, so as not to be accidentally injured in the fight.

Even with the fearless and unscrupulous character of this monk who broke his precepts, he would sooner or later conflict with the navy, be identified as a pirate and be rewarded.

But for now, the reason why Shakya was chased by the navy.

It was mainly because of her, the son of the devil.

“Don’t worry, there is no need for that…”

Shakya chuckled.

Paying attention to the fleet getting closer and closer on the sea, he said there: “We came here specifically to find treasure, how can we just leave in disgrace?”

He was looking forward to the mysterious treasure.

What if there is a devil fruit inside, and he just gave up and passed it by.

Wouldn’t it be a big loss?

Although he often uses Conqueror Haki.

Stunned the navy and CP agents who came to arrest Robin again and again.

But over the years, the ability of the mythical beast species and the Buddha form has rarely been used in front of people.

Most of the time, there is no need to use the fruit ability, and the enemy can be easily solved with his own strong strength.

When fighting with Cone Pepper a few days ago, although the fruit ability was used, there was no one around except the pirates of the Eight Treasures Navy.

So far, it is normal that the navy has not received the news, and his ability should not have been exposed.

Otherwise, it may not be the rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, but the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

At such a young age, he not only possesses the rare qualifications of a king, but also has mastered the domineering Haki, plus the ability of the mythical beast species, the Great Buddha form…

Considering that he is also related to Nico Robin, the “Devil’s Child”, who is regarded as a dangerous person by the World Government.

No matter how careless the Navy Headquarters is, it is impossible to send only a major general.

It is necessary to send the Navy Headquarters’ elite vice admiral, or even a powerful vice admiral or a general who represents the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters, to kill the threat in the cradle before this pirate with great potential really grows up.

At this moment, on the sea.

A fleet composed of dozens of large and small warships of various types is murderous.

Strictly speaking, such a force is enough to easily capture a weak country.

Even those “big pirates” in the West Sea with huge forces and bounties exceeding 50 million Baileys generally dare not directly face them head-on, and can only avoid their sharp edges.

“Major General Yuchimura, this is Sicilia Island… and we have found the traces of the ‘Broken Monk’ Shakya and the ‘Devil’s Son’ Nico Robin who were expelled from the Kingdom of Flowers. It is confirmed that they are on this island!”

On the flagship in the lead.

A naval lieutenant saluted the fleet commander, Major General Yuchimura, and asked respectfully: “Are you ready to land and capture the target?”

There was awe in his eyes.

The general in front of him came from the Navy Headquarters.

But Major General Yuchimura, who has the reputation of “killing thousands of people” and makes countless pirates terrified.

In the past few months, the Navy and CP have repeatedly failed in their efforts to capture the “Devil’s Son” Nico Robin, and the losses are not small, which has attracted the attention of the Navy’s top brass.

This powerful elite major general of the Navy Headquarters.

was specially sent to the West Sea by the higher-ups to hunt down the Broken Monk Shakya and Nico Robin.

“Don’t be careless!”

Wearing a gray suit and a cloak of justice.

Tall and thin, with a fierce look and two samurai swords on his waist, Rear Admiral Yuchimura carefully observed the island ahead with a monocular telescope, and found Shakya and Robin on the island in the direction indicated by the lookout above.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he said in a deep voice: “It goes without saying that Nico Robin, the son of the devil, is very cunning. The World Government and the Navy have been chasing her for more than ten years, but they have always been one step behind, and have repeatedly let her find opportunities to escape and slip away!”

“And the ‘Broken Monk’ Shakya, who has just been rewarded 80 million Baileys by the headquarters, is still very young, but he is definitely not an ordinary pirate!”

“In the past six months, few Navy and CP agents who participated in the failed operation to hunt Nico Robin have been able to come back alive, and they are extremely cruel…”

Speaking of this.

Recalling the relevant information about the “Broken Monk”.

Rear Admiral Yuchimura couldn’t help but flash a solemn look in his eyes, and his face was solemn.

After a pause, he continued, “Half a month ago, Brigadier General Hackel led a large number of people to cooperate with the government agents of CP6 to hunt down the ‘Broken Monk’ and the ‘Devil’s Son’, but they were completely wiped out…”

“In particular, it is said that in the operation to hunt Nico Robin, the navy and CP agents present often fainted inexplicably when facing him. If it is not some special devil fruit ability, then it is very likely that he has the legendary domineering color domineering. Don’t take it lightly!”

Such a pirate with amazing potential.

Naturally, it will inevitably attract the attention of the Navy Headquarters.

Even an order has been issued to strangle the opponent in the cradle before he grows up.

Therefore, the elite major general of the Navy Headquarters was directly dispatched.

“There is no need to rush to land and fight for the time being…”

Looking at the two figures on the island ahead.

Rear Admiral Yuchimura did not hesitate and directly ordered: “All fleets, aim at the target and prepare to fire!”

“In addition, find their pirate ship and destroy it… No matter what, they can’t have a chance to escape again!”

Out of caution.

He has been leading the fleet to chase pirates in the Grand Line for many years and has rich combat experience.

He was not prepared to give up his own advantages foolishly, and directly ordered the naval personnel of the fleet to land and fight immediately.

If the son of the devil can be captured alive, it will certainly be a great achievement.

But what if an accident occurs and the boat capsizes in the gutter?

After all, we can’t take it lightly, we still have to be safe.

At the very least, we have to bombard directly and test it.

See if the other party has any weird devil fruit ability, and consume the target’s physical strength as much as possible.

Anyway, as long as the pirate ship is destroyed, the monk Shakyamuni and Nico Robin have no ability to fly, so they are destined to be unable to escape.


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