
Inside the ice cave.

A huge somersault cloud soared into the sky.

Carrying two people and one beast, it rushed towards the coast.

“By the way, Shakya, I have always had a doubt…”

Gem-like eyes looked at Shakya’s young and handsome face, which became more attractive the more he looked at it.

Robin raised his messy hair in front of his forehead and asked curiously: “Can your fruit ability infect and affect others invisibly?”

“Oh? Did you find it?”

Shakya raised his eyebrows and looked at Robin in surprise.

“You once said that some advanced Observation Haki is very special. For example, your innate Observation Haki can listen to the inner thoughts of others and even read their memories…”

Robin nodded and said with a smile: “Some Observation Haki can easily cover an island and listen to the voices of everyone!”

“There are also special Observation Haki that can feel the other person’s thoughts and emotions, and convey the user’s own consciousness to others, affecting others’ minds and thoughts and generating strong resonance, and even changing the other person’s values ​​and thoughts!”

Since Observation Haki can do this.

Then, the Devil Fruit ability may not be able to do this.

Robin guessed that the ability of the Mythical Beast Species·Great Buddha Form, in addition to giving the power, wisdom and spirit of Sakyamuni Buddha, may also have a special role.

She is extremely intelligent and learns everything quickly, so let’s not talk about it.

In theory, even the two giant pandas, Po and Han Bao, are very human and have good understanding.

It is impossible to understand what humans mean 100%. It is definitely not easy to learn advanced skills such as the Afterimage Fist and the Immovable Vajra, or even to comprehend and master the domineering aura.

But when Shakya guided them to explain those skills and corrected their mistakes.

Whether it was Po or Han Bao, they easily understood and understood what he meant.

The learning progress was very fast, beyond common sense.

It was incredible.

So Robin was always a little confused.

Shakya seemed to be able to teach the world like the legendary Buddha.

It can invisibly infect and influence others or other creatures.

Make them understand and understand his spirit and will.

“You are right, I am born with the domineering aura of observation, although I don’t have such power…”

Shakya did not deny it outright.

Instead, he nodded and admitted calmly: “However, the Mythical Beast · Buddha Form has given me the wisdom and spirit of Buddha. With the continuous in-depth development of the fruit ability, combined with my innate observation Haki, I naturally possess such characteristics!”

“With the continuous strengthening of training over the years, I have also developed some special moves with the ability of the Mythical Beast · Buddha Form and combined with different Haki!”

Speaking of this.

Shakya paused.

Looking at Robin, he smiled and said: “But don’t get me wrong, I have never used any means against you!”

This is indeed true.

He did not use that special observation Haki to do anything to Robin.

At best, when he was bored, he occasionally listened to the other person’s voice.

Just to satisfy the curiosity of a man.

But rarely.

“Sure enough…”

Robin understood.

Looking at Shakya who was full of sincerity.

She winked playfully and chuckled: “Of course I won’t doubt you!”

She naturally wouldn’t doubt what Shakya said.

In fact, the two had been together for quite a while before they really confirmed their relationship.

If this man really wanted to do that, he wouldn’t have to wait that long.

Apart from anything else, if the other party really had bad intentions, she would have known what she was thinking at the first time.

Seeing Shakya’s somewhat surprised look, it can be seen that he didn’t deliberately peek into her heart at all, let alone think about controlling her life.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to support her to fulfill her dream, find the historical text, and explore the historical truth of the blank hundred years.

As for ambition? If this man really wanted ancient weapons, with his wisdom and amazing learning ability, he only needed to read her memory and master the knowledge of interpreting ancient characters, and he could find them himself.

“However, such ability is really exaggerated, which makes people’s scalp numb!”

Robin sighed.

In other words, she knew Shakya well enough.

Moreover, the two of them were close and had already given their hearts and souls to each other. They had no reservations and unconditional trust in this man, so they didn’t feel afraid.

Otherwise, if they knew from the beginning, they would probably be wary and afraid.

They were resentful and subconsciously alert.vigilance and alienation, dare not approach.

Not to mention long-term coexistence.

“It’s not as exaggerated as you think. Although this ability is amazing, it can’t turn a person into a slave all at once…”

Looking at the end of the glacier in the distance, the navy fleet is already vaguely visible.

Gently stroking Robin’s hair, Shakya smiled and said: “Moreover, it is ineffective for those who are powerful and determined, and it is impossible to directly change their will.”

Of course, under the long-term subtle influence, it is not necessarily the case.

If Shakya is willing, he just needs to find ways to get close to the king of the Kingdom of Flowers.

It is completely possible to interfere and influence him for a long time, slowly brainwash him, and make him obey his orders, and even let the king of the Kingdom of Flowers directly abdicate to him.

However, he has no interest in these powers.

He is too lazy to do that.

“After all, it’s just the ability of the devil fruit, not the real Buddha in myths and legends…”

Robin nodded gently.

She was not surprised.

After all, the power of devil fruit is not omnipotent.

She blinked and smiled at Shakya: “But, Master, can you let me see it later and broaden my horizons?”

Although I have been following Shakya for more than half a year, and have witnessed his practice and fighting more than once.

But most of the time, he spent time training his body, practicing the unique skills of the various navy of the Flower Kingdom, or practicing his domineering there.

As for those enemies?

Their strength is basically too weak.

Most of the time, they can be easily solved with just the domineering color domineering and physical skills.

And because the fruit ability is too amazing and makes too much noise, it is rarely seen that the other party uses it.

All along, whenever Robin thought that she had almost understood the true strength of this man.

Shakya would give her a big surprise and show a stronger power.

She was really curious about how powerful the other party was.

“Since it is the request of the donor Robin, it is of course possible…”

Shakya clasped his hands together.

He chuckled and agreed, saying nonchalantly: “It was originally developed to deal with a large number of powerful enemies, and it’s just right now!”

He really didn’t hide this from Robin on purpose.

Because the navy and CP agents in the West Sea were relatively weak before, they only needed to use the Conqueror’s Haki and physical skills to easily deal with them in a few moves.

And he didn’t want to expose his own ability of the Mythical Beast Species and the Great Buddha Form to the World Government and the Navy too early, attracting overly powerful enemies.

Naturally, he couldn’t show those abilities.


Robin heard this.

His eyes lit up.

He became more curious and expectant.

“Namo the World Honored Shakyamuni…”

Shakyamuni put his hands together and chanted a Buddhist name.

With a look of compassion and a face full of righteousness, he sighed softly: “Although I don’t want to cause more killings, sometimes it is necessary to teach the navy a lesson and give them a small warning!”

“Otherwise, these guys really think I’m easy to bully. They keep pestering me like flies every other day, which is really annoying!”

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