One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 102 The fierce battle begins under the moon, Pika

King Riku urgently summoned King Riku's army.

If he wanted to collect a huge sum of 10 billion beli overnight, even if he filled in all the royal family's property, what would be left would be a huge hole. All he could think of was to raise donations from all the people.

After all, it's impossible to kill three monster pirates in the new world and then send their heads to the navy to collect the reward, right?

I'm sorry for the people of this country, but I can't even give a reason to ask them to give up their property.

But now we can’t worry so much. If we can’t come up with 10 billion beli before dawn, we don’t know what will happen to this country.

That guy Doflamingo is a monster who destroys towns at every turn!

Even if he brings infamy for himself, he must not let the people suffer disaster.

"It doesn't matter whether you kneel down or plead,"

King Riku loudly said to his warriors, "The fate of this country depends on these few hours -"

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, King Riku."

A high-pitched, somewhat joking voice sounded.

King Riku turned his head in surprise, and then he saw a big-headed doll rising from the floor.

"My name is Tanaka," Tanaka bowed slightly gracefully, "please give me some advice."

"Are you sent by Doflamingo to monitor me?"

King Riku gritted his teeth and said.

"Please don't get me wrong, the position between the man I follow and Doflamingo is hostile."

Tanaka was not angry because of King Riku's misunderstanding. He still said calmly with a sinister smile, "I'm just here to tell you, don't worry about Doflamingo, someone will deal with him soon." .”


Sneers came from one side, and Doflamingo flew in from the window.

Of course he was always watching King Riku's actions.

Tanaka's expression changed slightly.

At this point, Tezzolo can't even defeat Doflamingo, let alone him.

"So, who are you?"

Completely ignoring King Riku and his troops, Doflamingo sauntered over with a sneer, "You won't tell me that you and the people behind you are here specifically to wait for my arrival, right?"

If that's really the case, that would be a bit bad.

Are your actions unexpected by others?

"Well, someone will tell you this later."

Tanaka stepped back with a smile. He glanced at King Riku and said, "King Riku, see you later."

He sank directly into the ground.


Doflamingo was stunned for a moment. He threw out a whip and tore the ground directly, but there was no trace of Tanaka at all.

"A similar ability to Pika or Senor?"

Doflamingo looked gloomy.

He turned to look at the confused King Riku, "It seems that we need to speed up the progress."

"Parasite thread!"


The palace door suddenly opened.

King Riku and the soldiers filed out, and the heavy footsteps instantly tore apart the silence of the night.

How is this going?

Why is the body out of control?

I can't even open and close my mouth, and I can't even make any sound!

King Riku fell into extreme shock and fear.

What on earth is that guy Doflamingo trying to do! !

What does he want to do to this country!

At the top of the palace, Doflamingo sat leisurely on the eaves, moving the ten fingers of his hands flexibly like a puppeteer controlling a puppet.

"Dover, the officers have all gathered."

I don't know when, an extremely tall and strong figure appeared behind him and said in a very high-pitched voice.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I'm curious, who is going to go against me."

Doflamingo chuckled softly.

King Riku and his soldiers will soon move towards the lower part of the King's Heights.

But that's about it.

laugh! !

The night sky was illuminated by a sharp arc blade.

The arc blade entwined with electric light cut through the night sky, flew over the heads of King Riku and others, and pointed directly at Doflamingo.


Doflamingo felt that his hands were empty, and the thread connecting the puppets was broken.

"Bah, bah, bah, that's it, this move!!"

He had seen it before.

boom! !

Explosions exploded across the night sky.

King Riku and the soldiers felt their bodies become empty instantly, and the power controlling their bodies dissipated.

Queen Riku gasped in fear.

Was it the person with the big head who said he was coming?

At the top of the palace, Doflamingo stood up, "Come out, Bright!"

King Riku's eyes widened. Ahead, at the edge of the King's Heights, the Mr. Tanaka he had just seen emerged from the ground with several figures.

"I just went to have a meal and almost missed it."

Someone said with a smile.

"Fortunately, I caught up."

Another person said.

King Riku's expression gradually became dull, and most people had no impression at all, except for a certain man.

"Bright and Tezolo? Revenge Boy Group? And, hey, hey, you're not, Jinbe!"

Doflamingo looked at Jinbei, who was standing side by side with Bright, and the corners of his mouth dropped, "Does this mean you want to start a war?"

Jinbei crossed his arms across his chest and said calmly, "Bright is the helmsman of Fish-Man Island, and I agree with the decisions he made."

Doflamingo pursed his lips. The situation was different from what he thought.

As a Shichibukai, Jinbe actually has this guy Bright as his backbone?

Bright raised his head, and figures appeared behind Doflamingo. He said loudly, "Don't blame us, Doflamingo. The government spent a lot of money to get me to agree." Came here."

"Government guy?"

Doflamingo gritted his teeth secretly.

If it was already a done deal and it had been exposed before, of course the government would not allow his actions.

"It seems that the assembly has been completed,"

Tezzolo smiled and said, "Our combat power is at a disadvantage."

The Don Quixote family has mobilized in full force, and all the cadres have gathered here.

"It doesn't matter."

Bright said casually, the number of people is indeed a disadvantage, but in terms of top combat power, his side has the advantage.

"Bah ha ha ha, forget it,"

Doflamingo looked down at Bright and the others condescendingly, "Since you dare to stand in front of me, you must be prepared to be killed!"

"Kill him? Who will kill whom?"

Tezoro said jokingly, "Do the former Celestial Dragons who fell from the clouds dare to speak nonsense? Do you think there will be a navy general to rescue you when you are attacked? You are just trash abandoned by the Celestial Dragons."

Buzz! !

The roaring momentum was instantly crushed, and veins popped up on Doflamingo's forehead.

Has this news been revealed?

"I'm going to kill you!"

Doflamingo opened his right hand, and threads of thread rose into the sky. After flying high into the sky, they radiated in all directions, and then fell, "Birdcage!"

A birdcage made of white silk threads covered the entire King's Heights and a large area nearby.

Brett glanced at Tezzolo.

This guy is really good at messing with people's mentality.

"Leave it to me! Dover!"

Behind Doflamingo, the tallest man's body sank, his voice was high-pitched, "I'll crush them into dust!!"

Soon, the entire King's Heights was distorted, and everyone's footing was unstable.

"See my power!!"

Accompanied by sharp laughter, on the side of the King's Heights, the upper body of a huge stone giant stretched up. The giant had raised its fist enough to block the night sky.

"This this--"

King Riku, who was knocked to the ground by the shock just now, had despair in his eyes. How should he resist this kind of power?

"What an exaggeration!"

Tezzolo couldn't help but said in astonishment, "The Stone Stone Fruit can do this to this extent!"

"Bah, bah, well done, Pika! Go to hell!!"

Doflamingo laughed.

The strength of the pickup may not be very strong, but its ability is very powerful!

As long as his exact position in the stone cannot be found, no one can defeat him unless the entire stone giant is shattered in an instant.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

"I'll take care of this guy in, um, thirty seconds."

He ejected.

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