One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 104 Ended without illness, Cyrus

Countless threads were tangled together and finally formed sixteen huge and sharp spears. These spears were wrapped with domineering energy and spread out like petals.

Then, the petals suddenly shot out, carrying an astonishing force directly through the ball of silk thread that was tightening.

"Hey, hey, is there really no problem?"

Tezzolo's golden left hand grabbed a big fat man's head and smashed him to the ground casually.


Along with the exclamation, a thin old man suddenly swelled up and turned into a strong man with muscles all over his body. He rushed directly towards Tezzolo, "Di Weng Fist!!"

His fist was so powerful that it hit the golden shield transformed by Tezoro, causing the shield to vibrate.

Tezzolo casually raised his foot and kicked the old man away.

He also said worriedly, "That guy's awakening looks like it's really no joke!"

not far away.

"Seven thousand pieces of Wa Zheng Fist!"

Jinbei shattered the raised steel cloak with one punch, and hit Diamanti, the top leader of the Don Quixote family, with an unabated punch on the face. The man's face was deformed directly, and then the cannonball Flying backwards in the same manner, "Believe Brett."

He turned around calmly and looked at the scene on the other side, "Bright will never lose."

Jinbe knew very well that Bright was far from giving his all.

That boy's true strength has surpassed his own, right?

It's so fast, it's only less than a year.

"Asshole!! Jinbei!!"

Roaring angrily, the cadres of the Don Quixote family did not admit defeat.

"Hahahaha, end this quickly! Samewa Shoken!!"


This side is an overwhelming battle.

Bright was trapped in a cocoon of silk threads, and he had once again transformed into a draconian form.

Thick and sharp thread guns passed by him. Some did not touch him at all, but some stuck close to him, almost breaking his scales.

"It hurts a little."

Brett grinned a little.

Doflamingo's abilities are very flashy, but his biggest shortcoming is that his domineering power is too weak and his attack power is really worrying. In the original work, he couldn't break through the defense of the four-block Straw Hat and could only delay it.

However, the power of his final ultimate move is still acceptable, and Bright cannot defend without damage.

This is normal. Kaido cannot ignore the attacks of masters at the same level. He took advantage of Doflamingo's all-out special move, but some of his scales were broken. He should be one level stronger than Kaido's teacher at the same time. .


Arcs of electricity danced across Bright's body.

boom! !

The cocoon of silk threads that had almost shrunk to the limit suddenly exploded. Doflamingo flew back for a distance in surprise. A figure jumped up from the silk threads, and then landed lightly on the ground.

"Is there any more powerful trick?"

After deactivating his abilities, Bright fell to the ground leisurely. He smiled and said, "Although it hurts, there is still a long way to go to defeat me."

This guy! !

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and the muscles in his cheeks were almost twitching.

How can he be so domineering?

His full strength only made him barely break his skin and bleed?

What a joke!

"Big wave and white line!!"

A large number of threads swept towards Bright.


Brett breathed a slow sigh of relief.

The next moment, his whole body became pitch black.

Although I disdain the use of full-body armor color as a waste of domineering energy, now is the time when it can come in handy.

The arc that was much stronger than before began to jump on Bright's body, the current pushed it, and it activated overload! !

He is like electricity, he is like light, stepping directly on the thread and passing above it.

Doflamingo wanted to control the silk thread to intercept, but often as soon as he had the idea, Bright would hear the sound on the silk thread, and then he would lightly reverse the direction.

Not only is the defensive power exaggerated, but the speed is also ridiculously fast! !

What the hell is going on with this guy!

Doflamingo's teeth were almost broken.

Brett is riding the wind.

Although he couldn't see clearly under the electric light, there was indeed mist spreading from his body.

His abilities from the giant fog fish allow him to create clouds of mist.

The cloud alone was nothing special, but it would be different if it had Visalia's technology.

The scientists there were able to summon strong winds by tying knots with ropes, and Bright was able to do the same thing through clouds and mist under the guidance of Vegapunk.

The wind surrounded him, lightening his body and increasing his speed.

Can't catch up!

Even if you control the thread, you can't catch up with this guy! !

Doflamingo realized something like this.

He flew higher to avoid being caught by the guy.

Since small-scale attacks can't catch you, use larger-scale attacks!

He raised his hands high, and the King's Heights instantly became shorter. Countless threads surged from all directions, rushing toward Bright like a tsunami.

This time, there was no room to hide.

Brett was swallowed up by the thread again.

But it only took a blink of an eye. Before Doflamingo could do anything, the sea of ​​threads exploded again, and Bright shot out.

"This bastard!!"

Doflamingo gritted his teeth.

You can't beat this guy!

None of his moves could severely damage this guy, and even just trying to catch him would require a lot of energy and a large-scale awakening.

Although it is difficult for this guy to meet him, Doflamingo cannot accept such a stalemate.


There was a scream from over there.

Doflamingo turned his head in shock.

Then he saw that his right-hand man, the always slimy Torebol, was knocked to the ground by Jinbe's punch.

The fishman was even able to turn around and punch Gladius away who was about to launch a sneak attack.

And that guy Tezzolo just happened to hit Monet with a heavy punch, who was about to turn into Feng Xue.

Not far away, Sugar was unlucky enough to get caught in the thread for some reason. He screamed in agony as he was entangled, and then he was knocked unconscious by the big-headed doll that emerged from the ground.

Total defeat.

"How dare you look around?"

The sound came from one side like thunder.

Doflamingo turned around in a hurry, and Bright had stepped on the thread and launched into the air. The black domineering energy wrapped around his body was instantly concentrated in his right fist, and the electric light was extremely dazzling.

The stored energy was used without hesitation, and Bright fired the strongest punch without using his abilities, "Oniwa Shoken!"


It was too late to mobilize the thread, Doflamingo hurriedly punched.

boom! !

Dark lightning radiated in the sky, and a figure crashed down, then was caught and wrapped in silk threads.

Brett landed slowly. He looked at his fist and said, "It's really rough and thick."

The threads spread out, and Doflamingo floated into the sky again, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

But that's all.

This guy is second only to Kaido among the bosses that Straw Hat has defeated. He can even withstand the Gamma Knife and a round of four-block beatings.

"Good job, Brett."

A voice came from the next door, and Jinbei smiled and came closer, "Let's join forces next."

"Hahaha, do you know your ending? Doflamingo?"

Tezzolo was very happy.

Doflamingo, who has been causing trouble for him for a long time and was once a Celestial Dragon, is about to be in bad luck.

Doflamingo's expression turned gloomy.

Even a fool knows the outcome of the current situation.

He couldn't even take down a Bright, let alone a possibly stronger Jinbe and a Tezolo who wasn't much weaker.

Continuing to fight will only lead to death.


Doflamingo laughed.

"Is there anything else funny?"

Tezzolo twitched the corner of his mouth, "The defeated dog finally started screaming?"

"Let me admit it, you do have the upper hand today." Doflamingo said with a smile.

Is this called having the upper hand?

Brett chuckled, really tough.

"It seems that today is not the time to compete with you. See you next time!!"

He opened his hands, and the King's Heights, which had just returned to its original height, became shorter again. The threads rising into the sky almost covered the sky and swept directly towards several people.

"That guy wants to escape!!"

Tezzolo immediately understood Doflamingo's intentions.

But it's useless to understand. Doflamingo even added weapons to these threads regardless of the cost. It will take a while to break them.

It was at this moment that the birdcage covering the King's Heights disintegrated, and part of the thread wrapped around the cadres of the Don Quixote family, and then threw them in one direction, taking Doflamingo with them. .

In the next moment, the threads spread out on their own and returned to what King's Heights should look like.

"That rascal!!"

Tezzolo looked forward angrily, and saw a ball of white thread rising up from a distant town, catching something, and then throwing them out.

"Want to give chase?"

Jinbe asked.

Even though I can run very fast now, I still have to rely on ships when I get to the sea.

"So be it."

Brett said.

Although you can catch other people, Doflamingo can fly. Unless you are willing to expose your ability, you cannot catch him.

The problem is that after the ability is exposed, the only choice is to kill Doflamingo. The government will go crazy. They will wonder if they learned anything from Doflamingo before he died.

It's better to keep this guy Doflamingo, he can also cause trouble for the government.


Tezzolo was unhappy.

"Knot, is it over?"

At the bottom of King's Heights, King Riku and his soldiers, who had been running down the stairs just now, poked their heads out fearfully.

"it's not finished yet."

Bright turned to look at King Riku.

There was a look of horror on the king's face.

Are these guys after Doflamingo?

After hearing King Riku's thoughts, Bright smiled, "I mean, have you figured out how to appease the people?"

King Riku was stunned for a moment.


In the palace, a tall girl ran out. As she approached, she slowed down and looked at Bright and others with a somewhat frightened look.


King Riku greeted his little daughter, "It's okay."

Brett looked at the girl named Violet.

This is the one who has truly mastered the ability to read minds, and her stare fruit has strategic significance.


Brett heard something and looked down.

"King Riku!!"

The next moment, a figure rushed up from the passage down from King's Heights.

He is holding a long sword and has a resolute face and a strong body.

"Hey, this guy isn't-"

Tezzolo said in surprise, "Cyrus?"

I saw his statue in the Colosseum.

Cyrus first looked at King Riku who was safe and sound, then turned his head and met Bright's eyes.

His expression was moved, and then he tightened his grip on the sword.

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