One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 106 Conversation with Otohime

While Bright and Jinbe were on their way back to Fish-Man Island, a ship was slowly moving forward in a certain area of ​​the new world.

Doflamingo sat on the side of the boat, looking calmly at the sea.

It looked like he had been in this position for quite some time.

"Dover, everyone's injuries have been dealt with."

A man with a bandage on his head and a trembling body that looked like a disgusting fusion of sticky liquids walked out of the cabin. "Although they were all seriously injured, luckily they are all fine. This time it's really amazing." What a failure.”

"Sorry, Torrebol,"

Doflamingo turned around, the corners of his mouth always sinking, and there was no longer any unscrupulous smile that he always maintained, "I was too careless this time."

"Dover! What are you talking about!"

Torebol was so anxious that he even started to jump. He shouted loudly, "You are the king destined to dominate the sea! How can you bow to others?"

"Bah-bah-bah, don't say such stupid things, Torebol."

Doflamingo stretched, "No one in the world can avoid making mistakes and constantly surpass the past. This is the real strong person!"


Torrepol was almost in tears.

This is the man they chose, the man they think can become the king!

"What did Virgo say?"

Doflamingo asked, "What's going on over there in Deros Rosa?"

"Yes, good news, Dover!"

Torebol hurriedly said, "Pica is still alive. He was captured. King Riku is going to hand him over to the government. The government has sent the navy from the G-5 base to take over."

"As for those bastards Brett, it looks like they're leaving soon. But—"

He hesitated again.

"Derosrosa and Fishman Island have reached a partnership, and Tezzolo has decided to move his company headquarters to Derosrosa."

"Baaaaaaaaaaa! Is that so?"

Doflamingo was not as furious as Torrebol imagined, "Does this mean that he won't be able to attack Delosrosa easily in the future?"

Otherwise, what happened last night may happen again.

And if they rashly attack the franchised countries, they might not even be able to keep the reputation of the Shichibukai.


The phone bug started ringing.

"Is it finally here?"

Doflamingo smiled, then took out his phone and answered the call.

"Doflamingo, you did a good job!"

As soon as the call was connected, there was a roar from the other side.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, no need to say any unnecessary nonsense. I won't take action against Delosrosa again."

Doflamingo said happily, "So, let's forget about what happened last night."

"...You guy!!"

The person over there, Wu Laoxing's voice was low, with anger hidden behind it, "Don't be too arrogant!"

"Hey, let's all take a step back. This is good for everyone. It's a simple truth, right?"

Doflamingo smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk about how you are willing to put the pickup truck back."

Soon, the call ended.

A smile appeared on Doflamingo's lips again, and he finally got a satisfactory result.

"So, Dover, is this the end of the matter?" Torebol was a little reluctant.

"Forget it? Baaaaaaaa! There is no room in the world for people who attack the family but remain safe!"

Doflamingo laughed loudly, "Although Deros Rosa can't get it, it doesn't matter. There are many non-franchised countries in the New World, just find one."

"The Fish-Man Island is very difficult to deal with. Those bastards Jinbe and Bright are not easy to deal with. In addition, that guy Tezoro, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. We also need some strong allies! After that, I will personally go to Wano Country ! Since we are looking for allies, of course we must find the strongest ones!”

The location is Fishman Island, Jide Kaolong Square.

Princess Otohime, who had just returned from Mariejoia, was standing on a high platform. She was waving a stack of paper in her hand with high spirits. She was holding a phone bug in her other hand and was giving a speech.

"The time for change has arrived!"

Her Royal Highness the Princess shouted loudly, "The world's nobles have allowed us to move Fish-Man Island to the sea. Thanks to Director Tobright, we can even choose a territory on the sea ourselves!"

"The wish that has been made for hundreds of years is finally possible today! Blue sky, sea breeze, white clouds, sunshine, we can finally embrace them in person!"

"Let's go to the sea together! Let's integrate into the sea world and embrace the civilized world!"

Bright stood in the corner of the square and looked at Princess Otohime who was giving an impassioned speech.

"It's been like this since I came back."

Next to him, Neptune sighed helplessly, "I can't wait to take the people to the sea immediately."

"Not surprisingly."

Brett smiled.

The government has made such a promise, and her long-cherished wish is about to come true. How can Otohime not be excited.

"But the public is very resistant to this."

Neptune said, "Now that Fishman Island is safe and increasingly prosperous, the citizens think that it is just fine to stay in the deep sea as they are now, and there is no need to take risks at sea."

"This kind of thinking is not acceptable." Brett shook his head.

"Bright, is it possible," Neptune was stunned for a moment, "that you also agree with Otohime's idea?"

"No, now is not the time."

Bright said calmly, "But sooner or later, the time will come, and we will go to the sun-filled sea to welcome a new era."

Therefore, complacency will not work.

"That's it, then you have to help me persuade Otohime."

Neptune looked helpless, "She cries whenever I talk about her. I really can't do anything to her."

Is this why you specifically told yourself to come back quickly?

Brett sighed in his heart, it seems that this king's status in the family is not very high.

"How was your chat with King Riku?" Bright asked.

"very nice!"

Neptune immediately beamed, "That is a peace-loving, passionate, heroic, sincere, benevolent, and respectable king. If we form an alliance with such a king, it should be a blessing for Fish-Man Island." "

"That's good."

Brett was not surprised.

He finally understood that all the wise kings in this world have the heart of the Holy Mother.

Even Kozuki Oden, who went his own way in the early days and didn't take the people seriously at all, turned into an honest man who danced for five years when someone threatened the people after returning home.

"By the way, where is the information Princess Otohime brought back?"

Brett remembered the real business and asked hurriedly.

"I summoned all the scholars in the country to sort it out."

Neptune also had excitement on his face, "You did a great job this time, Brett! There are a lot of great technologies in it, and Fish-Man Island can develop many industries this time! Many necessities can be self-sufficient. !

"This is good."

Brett was satisfied.

Of course, these technologies are carefully selected by the government and will not pose a threat to them, and they should never involve weapons.

But it doesn't matter, and I don't expect it. It's enough to allow Fish-Man Island to develop.

Moreover, Bright has already made plans for the weapons business on Fish-Man Island.

"By the way, preparations for the first school have been completed."

Neptune suddenly said, "It's already under construction."


Brett became interested.

"Well, the number of students enrolled in the first batch should be about 3,000. I have also prepared teachers. The subjects taught are language, mathematics, basic science, ethics, and martial arts."

Neptune said, "For the six-year teaching program, the enrollment age is from six to thirteen years old."

"I estimate that more than a hundred schools will be built. Fortunately, there is still a lot of free land on Fishman Island, otherwise it would be very troublesome to select sites."

"This will be a huge expense."

Bright said seriously, "Fortunately, there will be more industries to support it."

"But Brett,"

Neptune was a little worried, "Isn't it a little too eager to let children learn martial arts and haki? Martial arts are okay, but if they are domineering, can their bodies support it?"

Brett thought for a moment, "I'll consult a professional later."

To be honest, it should be feasible to learn Haki from an early age. Isn’t it true that almost all the warriors on Kuji Island can use Haki? It shows that domineering can be popularized.

But I don’t know if they have any special skills.

I have to consult Mr. Rayleigh, who is experienced and involved with Nine Snakes Island.

At this time, Princess Otohime's speech was almost over.

Neptune immediately cast a pleading look at Bright.

Brett took a deep breath, no matter what, he had to do it, right?

He stopped Otohime who was about to continue to pester the citizens.

"Ah! Brett, you're back!"

The princess was very excited when she saw Bright, "The government people told me that the reason why the government is willing to give such conditions is because of your great activity in the new world!"

Otohime sniffed, "What a good boy, you really changed Fishman Island! Sa, come and join me now to persuade the people to move to Qinghai!"

"We are going to Qinghai."

Brett said calmly, "But not now."


The princess was stunned for a moment.

Bright looked directly into her eyes, "Princess Otohime, you don't know, do you? What kind of plans is the government planning?"

This woman can also sense the emotions in other people's hearts, even more accurately than herself.

How could she not know the government's plan to actively let them go to sea?


Otohime was silent, and then a smile appeared on her face, "But look, Brett, it's not easy for hundreds of years of wishes to come true. I think we should have the courage to try, and we should try to change What the government thinks of us..."

"So are we going to gamble with the safety of all citizens?"

Bright looked directly into Otohime's eyes, "I'm not Neptune, so I'll be more direct. Are we going to bet on the government's kindness with the security of this country? We have to put our hope in the world's nobles no longer wanting mermaid slaves." ?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess's eyes were filled with tears, "But, but -"

But I have been waiting for so many years.

It has been eight hundred years since the agreement between Joyboy and the Mermaid Princess.

She just wasn't willing to give in.

"I've been waiting for so long, so just be patient for a while longer."

Bright said seriously, "You can go to the sea anytime you want, but the key point is that we must have enough power to protect ourselves."

"That's it, Princess, I hope you think about it carefully and it doesn't matter if what I said is wrong, I will do my best to stop you."

Having said it clearly, Brett decided to go find Charlie, and he disappeared for more than a week.

"Just like Brett said, don't worry about going to the sea until we can protect ourselves."

Neptune came to his wife who was standing quietly.

"Wow!! That kid is not cute at all!!"

Otohime cried loudly and hugged her husband's tail, "I hate it so much!"

"But, but," she sobbed again, "Maybe I am really too anxious, Neptune."

She raised her head with tears in her eyes, "What should I do?"

Well, so cute.

Neptune blushed a little.

"Believe in Bright, he will be the light that illuminates Fish-Man Island."

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