One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 195: The moving people

Although the news of the destruction of the naval base and the theft of the dynamite rock caused an uproar within the government, the entire sea still looked calm and calm.

After all, few people in the world know about Dynamite Rock, and the government has no intention of publicizing this scandal. They just started an investigation secretly.

All suspects will not be let go, and the government is willing to spend a lot of time and energy on investigation work.

Especially the guy with the most suspicion.

The five old stars felt the pressure. If the prisoner was really that guy, it might mean that they were about to face their extremely bad situation.

And the guy who was the ultimate suspect had returned to Fish-Man Island at this time.

"Are you really not kidding, Brett?"

King Neptune was holding a bottle filled with dynamite rock in his hand, shaking it curiously, "Can such an ordinary and unremarkable rock really blow up a small island into the sky once it explodes?"

No matter how you look at it, it is just an ordinary stone.

"If it's just a small island, that's totally fine."

Brett smiled and said, "But if it's a slightly larger island like Fish-Man Island, you might need to use a few more."

Neptune swallowed. Brett was actually serious. He quickly tightened his grip on the bottle in his hand for fear that it would be broken somewhere, but he was also afraid that he would break the bottle by squeezing it too hard, thus falling into a conflict of force and violence. In the cycle of withdrawing force.

"No need to worry about King Neptune,"

Brett smiled and said, "It won't explode in the water."

For safety reasons, the meeting place between Bright and Neptune Jinbe was in the seawater of Ryugu Castle, so even if the bottle containing the explosive rocks was broken, there was no need to worry about an explosion.

"Is that so?"

Neptune breathed a heartfelt sigh of relief, and then quickly handed the bottle containing the rocks back to Brett, "You'd better keep such a dangerous thing yourself, Brett."

He didn't dare to handle it. If something went wrong, the entire Dragon Palace City would be blown up.

Brett took the stone and said, "Although this thing does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, it is now in our hands, and the initiative lies with us."


Jinbei also nodded with deep understanding, "A stone that is as powerful as ancient weapons can play a huge role."

"But there's a problem Brett,"

Neptune said with some worry, "If this matter is discovered by the government, there will be absolutely no chance of relaxation."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Brett smiled at this time, and then, amid Neptune's astonishment and Jinbei's smile, he said, "The days of being scared are gone forever!"

He clutched the bottle in his hand as if grasping strength and dignity.

"Now we can no longer be afraid."

"We can face all the wind and rain on the sea!"

Neptune was stunned.

Then, he smiled too.

After talking about Dynamite Rock, we can talk about something less important.

Brett said something about that guy Tezoro who wanted to hold a star draft on Fish-Man Island.

"This is a good thing!"

Neptune seemed quite overjoyed, "Since the movie was released last year, there has been an audio-visual trend on Fish-Man Island! Many film and television music works from the human world have been popular!"

"I think there must be a lot of young people dreaming of becoming stars!"

The smile on his face dimmed slightly, and then he said in a troubled tone, "Even Otohime is very tempted by this. She feels that if she can become a big star like Taizolo, she will be able to do it very well." Improve the relationship between humans and Fish-Man Island to a great extent."

Brett couldn't stand it at that time. Is that Aunt Otohime? Aunt Otohime who already has four children?

Jinbei also looked embarrassed and said with a dry smile, "Your Highness the Princess is really, really, thinking outside the box."

But Brett then thought about it and realized that maybe Otohime was really suitable to be an idol.

If she held a concert with her ability to see, hear, and see, who could withstand it?

Create a group of die-hard fans in minutes.

"If there is really a draft, Otohime will definitely cry and make a fuss and want to participate." Neptune sighed with a frown on his face, and he looked at Brett and Jinbe.

"Brother Jinbei, do you need my help in practicing?" Brett asked enthusiastically.

"Of course that's good! I'm not very skilled at internal destruction of Armed Color Haki!" Jinbei said calmly.

"You two guys!"

Brett, who was powerless to deal with Neptune's troubles, left Ryugu Castle and first went to hide the dynamite rocks.

It cannot be placed on Fish-Man Island. There is a lot of air here, and there are too many outsiders, so it is too easy to cause problems.

After thinking about it, Brett came up with a good idea. Wouldn't it be better to put it outside the Fish-Man Island?

Later, in the deep sea near Fishman Island.

"Don't worry, mate!"

The proud warrior shrimp waved his huge pliers and loudly said, "I will protect your treasure on the honor of the deep sea warrior!"

"That puts me at ease."

Brett nodded slightly.

He placed the dynamite rock inside Alexander's lair.

In this deep sea, there should be no one who has returned so far away from the Fish-Man Island and dared to peek into the nest of the Sea Kings.

"In exchange,"

Alexander's tone became excited, "Come and fight with me, mate! My domineering power can become even stronger!"

"That's no problem."

Brett smiled.


After beating Alexander again, Brett returned to Fish-Man Island and made a phone call to Tezoro.

"Have you got it already?"

Tezoro's voice was very excited, "Hahaha, now we finally have a card in our hands that can compete with the World Government! What about Brett, do you have any ideas to try it out right away?"

"There will be a chance."

Brett smiled, "But not now. By the way, Neptune has agreed to the request to be drafted on Fish-Man Island."

"Really? Double happiness!"

Tezoro's laughter became more and more excited, "We are about to take the world by storm again, partner!"

Brett smiled.

"By the way, Brett, I have something I can tell you by the way."

Tezolo said, "Do you know the Revolutionary Army?"

"Revolutionary Army?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"An army commanded by a man named Dragon, whose mission is to overthrow the world government,"

Tezoro said, "Now that they have started to take action, I think we can try to contact them. The enemy is the world government anyway."

This has been done a long time ago, and even Fishman Island is now an ally with the Revolutionary Army.

"So, what did they do?"

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