One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 229 When the group is formed

The players finished taking the stage, and then there was a speech from Tezzolo.

The general meaning is to thank the audience friends for their support, thank Fishman Island for their cooperation, and thank all the players for their efforts.

Then finally, amid the cheers of the audience, the final competition began.

The rules of the finals are very complicated and are divided into four rounds.

In the first round, the three people performed their talents, and then the order was determined by the scores of the audience and judges. The top two entered the winner's group finals, and the last one fell into the loser's group.

The second round is a competition between the two players who advance to the winner's group finals, and the loser also enters the loser's group.

In the third round, the two people who fell into the loser's bracket will compete in the loser's bracket finals.

The final round is where the winner of the third round advances to the finals and the winner of the second round determines the final winner.

The reason why the rules are made so complicated and simple is because if there are only three players to decide the winner in a simple round, many viewers may complain that it is too hasty.

The more complicated the rules are, the more it reflects the organizer’s rigor.

Thus, the first round of the finals began.

The three contestants who can stand on the final stage are all mermaids, and they are all beautiful mermaid ladies.

There is no way, although there are beautiful girls among the mermaids, they are still relatively disadvantaged compared to the mermaids.

Except for Princess Otohime, the remaining two mermaid ladies are all very beautiful girls, and they also have beautiful singing voices and graceful dancing postures.

In the eyes of overseas audiences, these two girls are much more outstanding than Princess Otohime.

In the first round of competition, Princess Otohime ranked third.

This sequence made the spectators who came to watch the game start talking a lot again.

Why should she be ranked last again? Are the organizers doing something shady again?

Even though Brett was standing on the high wall at the edge of the square, he could clearly hear such discussions.

It can only be said that the audience's guess was really accurate. Isn't that guy Tezolo just doing something shady?

No matter what the audience said, the first round of the finals began.

The two mermaid girls performed on stage one after another.

It is indeed a strong person who stood out from thousands of contestants and finally stood on the final stage. Both his singing and dancing were unusually strong.

At least Brett felt that the two of them were indeed much better than Otohime.

"oh oh!

How great! "

"We'll support you forever!"

"Everyone, vote for them! Don't give that princess a chance to do shady things!"

Just listening to the cheers from the audience, you can already know how good they are.

But it's a pity.

Otohime is a cheating player.

She appears.

The cheers that were far more exaggerated than before almost tore apart the bubbles above Fish-Man Island.

The murlocs or mermaids who came to this square to watch the finals cheered almost crazily.

The humans who came from afar were immediately confused.

Although I already knew from watching the live broadcast that this princess has a high reputation in this country, is this a bit too exaggerated?

Then they immediately knew why Otohime was so popular.

Otohime started singing.

The previous two mermaid ladies sang love songs, and they indeed sang with that lingering and pathos flavor.

Unlike them, Otohime sang a holiday song.

It should be a well-known song for people on the sea. It mainly expresses people's happy mood in the festival atmosphere.

Regardless of the difficulty of singing, the melodiousness of the song, or Otohime's singing level, it should be far inferior to the previous two mermaid ladies.


"Why? What's going on with this feeling!"

"Why do I feel so happy from the bottom of my heart!"

"Why just listening to her singing makes me feel like I'm actually celebrating the festival, and I feel happy from the deepest part of my heart!"

Everyone present could not help but smile at this moment.

Just like people who feel happy in a happy holiday atmosphere.

Some people have even been moved to tears.

"What, what's going on with this singing!"

"Surprisingly, it's so deeply rooted in people's hearts!"

"Mermaid Otohime, it's really, really, great!


Cheers gradually rose.

"Amazing ability!"

Backstage, Tezolo sighed.

Although I had already found out about it from Brett, this was the first time I actually heard the princess sing.

She really has amazing abilities.

As Brett said, even without any inside operations, this woman can win all the way to the top with her strength.

Isn't it a waste of the ability to make others feel for you if you don't become a star?

The song is over.

"Oh oh oh oh!

Princess Otohime!


The cheers were even more exaggerated than before, almost making the entire Fish-Man Island echo with their cheers.

People who came from afar finally understood why Her Royal Highness the Princess was so popular in this country.

Listening to her sing live is a completely different experience than watching a live broadcast!

It was a dreamy sound that could really go straight to their hearts, making them feel as if they were in another world!

Really, great!

Brett stood on the high wall beside the square, listening to the cheers coming from all directions, and quickly called his subordinates.

They are asked to strengthen their vigilance. In this case, they are afraid of something going wrong.

In the first round of the competition, Princess Otohime became the first place without any suspense, and then in the second round, she defeated another mermaid lady who was promoted to the winner's group with an overwhelming advantage.

After a short break, the fourth round of the finals also won the final victory with overwhelming popularity amidst the cheers of the audience.

When Otohime was about to give a speech after winning the podium, people watching the live broadcast around the world were a little confused.

I don’t understand. Were the people who went to watch the game also bribed?

Why did this princess who was not worthy of her name really win the championship?

In any case, the final result was as expected. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Mermaid Otohime stood on the stage that finally belonged to the winner.

"From now on, let me spread the voice of Fish-Man Island to the whole world!"

She raised her arms and shouted.

Flowers and encouragement came from all directions.

In the audience, Otohime's husband's children cheered with great excitement. At this time, no one even remembered that they were the princes of this country. Many people were already laughing and joking with them.

At almost the same moment, Mary Joa was located directly above Fish-Man Island.

The five old stars are also watching the live broadcast.

"Is it really ugly enough to forcefully support this woman?"

The five old stars sneered at the methods of Brett and Tezoro.

"How is the situation over there? Is there any result?"

"They have bribed a group of fishmen and have achieved some results. Fishman Island does have many suspicious places, but it is very well guarded."

After the finals on Fish-Man Island, it’s the final human division.

Brett watched this live broadcast with Charlie at the Mermaid Cafe.

When the girl singer showed off her singing voice again, everyone knew that there could be no other winner.

"Uta! Uta! Uta!"

So, of course, amid the cheers of almost every audience in the world, the teenage diva became the final member of the group.

Next, it’s the final moment of group formation.

The location is in Deros Rosa.

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