One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 236 Acting School

The rulers of the World Government, the world's highest power on the surface, five old men appeared in front of Brett.

Let’s not talk about their appearance, but they are indeed quite impressive. Two are sitting on the sofa, one is standing behind the sofa holding the back of the sofa, and the other is standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window with his back to himself. Finally, One is making tea leisurely.

Brett's eyes swept over the five old guys, and then focused on a guy in the corner of the room.

Wearing a white robe and a mask to hide his appearance, you can tell from his voice that he must be tensed up and ready to take action at any time.

Oh, to be able to appear here at this time, this guy is probably the commander of CP0 or the senior leader of the Knights of God.

One of the two people sitting on the sofa, Wu Laoxing, a bald man with a curly beard and a scar on his head, frowned and said, "Britt, you kid, don't you know what politeness is? Don't you know to knock on the door before you come in?" What?"

Brett's lips twitched, "Then I'm leaving?"

Is it possible that he still wants to give himself a blow?

"Okay, this is our first meeting, there's no need to be so tense."

The five-old star who was making tea was wearing a burgundy suit that was different from the other five-old stars. He looked much younger, with blond hair and beard. He smiled and smoothed things over, "It's been a while since the past few years." Are you happy working together?"

He picked up a cup of tea and said, "Britt, do you want some tea?"

"Thank you. Not everyone has the honor to drink tea brewed by Wulaoxing himself."

Brett smiled and walked over and took the tea cup.

Don't reach out to hit the smiling person, right? Brett doesn't want to understand what kind of strength the supreme leader of CP0 has for the time being.

However, compared to his body shape, the tea cup in his hand seemed a bit too petite.

"Britt, do you know why I called you here this time?"

The five-year-old star behind the sofa was wearing a neat black suit, with a long white beard hanging down. He had a thin face and a thin figure. His voice was low and there was no emotion.


Brett asked with interest.

"Because we want to ask what do you want to do?"

The long-bearded Five Old Star's voice turned cold, "No need to say any unnecessary nonsense. You are contacting the minority races of the Giants without permission. What do you want from the Fish-Man Island?"

It's quite honest.

It's because there are no outsiders here, so there's no need to pretend, right?

"Isn't this a good thing for the government?"

Brett chuckled and said, "The Dragon Palace Kingdom is a government-affiliated country. Now that the giants have formed an alliance with us, don't they count as half a government-affiliated country?"

"I think you should thank me."

"Stop talking nonsense, Brett,"

The other Wulaoxing on the sofa had a thick beard, his hair was combed into strips, and he was wearing a little black hat. He snorted coldly, "With so much power, how can we be sure?" Aren’t you trying to fight against the government?”

"So, did you call me here specifically to challenge me?"

Brett put the teacup in his hand back on the table. He smiled and said, "It's really scary. Could it be that the three generals of the Navy Headquarters are hiding in the next room right now, waiting for you to give the order? They broke through the wall like a wolf and arrested me."

"You should understand us, Brett,"

The blond Five Old Star, who gave Brett a cup of tea, spoke in a much softer tone than his colleagues,

"Maybe you just want to protect yourself from the beginning to the end, but for the government, the emergence of an organization like the Seven Corners Alliance may be the beginning of disturbing the situation in the sea."


Brett smiled.

Red face and white face, right?

"Didn't we have a very pleasant cooperation before this?"

The blond Wulaoxing said, "We just hope you don't do stupid things. As long as you and Fishman Island are still willing to stand on the side of the government, then of course we will support you as always."

"Whether it's you or Fishman Island, you can get everything you want."

is that so?

I want the world government to disappear from this world. Is this possible?

"If you want us to trust you, show your sincerity, Brett."

Wu Laoxing, who had been standing by the window silently and pretending to be an expert looking out at the scenery, wearing a white robe that was incompatible with his other colleagues and holding a knife in his arms, turned around.

Brett could hear clearly that this guy's attitude was the most unfriendly among all the unfriendly Five Old Stars.

He said, "As you said, let your allies become allies of the government."

This is not surprising at all.

But, no.

The five old guys seemed to have something more than just this in mind.

Brett heard clearly that the emotions in the hearts of the Five Old Stars at this time were suspicion and determination to promote something.

What are they going to do?

Or should I say, have they decided what to do?

It's a pity that I can only read their emotions. It would be great if someone like the Red Count could accurately read other people's thoughts.

"This is not an easy task. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time. As you know, they are all non-franchising countries and they don't have a good impression of the government."

While speculating on what the government wanted to do, Brett casually responded.

There are only three places where the government may cause trouble.

One is here, directly targeting himself or Neptune.

The other one is Fish-Man Island, where you can do some trouble while you are away.

The last one is Delosrosa. Princess Otohime is still participating in the training after forming the group.

So, which side is it?

Or, more flowers?

"Time doesn't matter, as long as you can show your attitude, we are satisfied."

The blond Wulaoxing smiled.

"You'll see."

Brett seemed serious.

But in fact, it would be better to let allies act in this matter.

It won't be a problem to perfunctory for several years.

"It's enough for you to have this awareness!"

Next, the attitude of the five old stars changed greatly. They talked with Bright enthusiastically and promised many benefits before letting Bright go back.


On the way back, Brett sighed in his heart that his ability to read minds was really not worth the amazing acting skills of the five old stars.

After Brett left, the five old stars in the Power Room became somewhat silent.

"It's just perfunctory to us."

"Then, even if we are sure that there is nothing wrong with Fish-Man Island, we still have to put a collar on this guy."

"First make sure that there is really no problem with Fish-Man Island! Let your people prepare to take action, Zero. Let's set the time for tomorrow's opening ceremony."


The next day was the official opening of the World Conference.

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