On the way back to Fishman Island, in the deep sea, Neptune looked at Brett with a smile on his face while holding a phone in surprise.

I don’t understand, why do you still need to contact Wulaoxing now?

Just as confused as him were the five old stars of Marie Joa.

The bald Five Old Star, who has a relatively bad temper among his colleagues, immediately shouted angrily after hearing Brett's voice, "Britt! You bastard!"

There was a lot of anger brewing in my heart, but for the moment I couldn't find any words to speak.

The five old stars who were born in the Tianlong people did not know many curse words, and the only word that came to mind at the first time was 'bastard'.

Apart from this word, there is nothing that can describe Brett in my heart!

This guy is already a serious problem for the world government!

He is powerful, has many powerful allies, and has captured the dynamite rock. He even has the fishman Tom who has mastered the blueprint of Pluto in his hands!

It’s hard for the government to do anything against him!

And now this guy actually dares to call and provoke him. What is this if he isn't a bastard?

Several other Five Old Stars also had angry expressions on their faces.

If it weren't for Brett, this bastard, how could they be in such an embarrassing situation now?

In front of that adult, I didn't dare to raise my head at all.

"Don't worry, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry yet, Wulaoxing,"

Brett's voice in the phone notification was full of smiles, and Brett's expression simulated on the phone was also relaxed and calm.

"I have something serious I want to talk to you about."

"Now that things have happened, there is nothing left to talk about between us!"

Even though he was kneeling on the ground, since Brett did not see him, it would not affect the image of the Five Old Stars. The White-robed Five Old Stars immediately angrily said, "Between the government and you, a sinner with unpardonable crimes." , what else is there to talk about!”

"Of course we need to have a good talk."

Brett answered him this way, "Otherwise, the next days on Fish-Man Island may be a little sad."

"It's too late to regret now."

The blond Wulaoxing sneered, "The Fish-Man Island will be subject to the most severe sanctions from the government in the future! Get ready to return to the barbaric era!"

"Please don't do this, Wulaoxing,"

Brett sighed, "It took a lot of effort for Fish-Man Island to develop to this level. Wouldn't it be a waste if all the efforts made over the past few years have been in vain?"

The bearded Wulaoxing said sternly, "Now that things have happened, do you think there is still a possibility of relaxation between the government and Fish-Man Island!"

"We will use all methods to completely destroy you!"


Brett's voice coming from the phone became regretful, "If this is the case, then I can only do my best to destroy the government."

If they were not in front of this adult, the Five Old Stars guarantee that they would not be able to help laughing at this time.

"Britt, what nonsense are you talking about!" the bearded Wulaoxing sneered, "Who do you think you are? You barely escaped this time, and you think you can become an enemy of the government?"

"It's impossible to tell."

Brett smiled and said, "The power of the World Government is indeed the largest in the world. It is indeed a bit foolish to say that it can fight against you now."

This guy still knows the current situation!

However, before the five old stars could sneer and ridicule, Brett had already continued to speak.

He said.

"But Mariejoia is really close to Fish-Man Island."

The five old stars were stunned at the same time.

"Five Old Stars, my old friends, you probably don't want to see me running up to Mariejoia when I'm bored one day, throwing an explosive rock down to say hello, right?"

The bodies of the five old stars froze immediately.

Yes, that bastard Brett has explosive rocks in his hands, and he also has the same ability as Kaido, able to fly freely in the sky!

He can come to Mariejoia whenever he wants, and he can throw dynamite rocks whenever he wants!

The government, let alone defense, may not even be aware of this!

The five old stars almost lost the ability to speak for a while.

There is no doubt that when facing Fish-Man Island, the government fell into absolute passivity!

There is even a risk of being blown up by this bastard at any time!

The five old stars raised their heads almost at the same time and cast their eyes for help on that mysterious figure.

The figure didn't react at all, but still stared at them calmly.

"Britt, what are your conditions!"

The bearded Wulaoxing almost gritted his teeth and asked, "What on earth do you want, you bastard!"

"I don't care what you want to do secretly."

Brett said this, "But on the surface, let everything be business as usual. What Fishman Island needs is to continue to develop."

"After all, there are quite a lot of explosive rocks taken from you. You don't want to taste them, right?"

"That's it. In fact, I'm looking forward to your rejection."

The phone was hung up, leaving no chance for the Five Old Stars to speak.


The five old stars were silent.

There is no doubt that they are now threatened.

But they had to accept such threats.

What can they do against Bulite?

Even if he could foresee the future with his knowledge, he could not foresee the future that was too long. If he chose to refuse, it would be impossible to predict when Bright would launch a sneak attack, and there would be no way to defend against it.

Marie Joa will be blown up into the sky at any moment.

In fact, even if Bright agreed, the risk of being bombed into the sky did not diminish at all.

It can only be said that we are now in a completely passive situation!


They looked at the supreme Lord Yin Mu.

If it were this adult, he would definitely be able to counter Brett.

"Mlocculant Brett,"

Mo Hu's voice came from the dark robe, "Interesting guy."

"The Fish-Man Island is under the Red Earth Continent, in the deep sea. Let them come to the surface."

The five old stars understand.

Even this Lord, even with the power he possesses, it would be difficult for him to have any effect on the Fish-Man Island located 10,000 meters deep in the ocean!

So, can we only accept Brett’s threat?

damn it!

What a humiliation!

In the deep sea, Brett and his team have not returned to Fish-Man Island yet.

After seeing Brett put away the phone bug, Neptune asked with some confusion, "In that case, why not just throw a rock of dynamite and blow up Mariejoia?"

"The reason?"

Brett thought for a while, "Honestly, because I'm a little scared."


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