One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 251: Causing trouble for Brett

"Is that what the guy said?"

Marie Joa, the Five Old Stars soon received reports from agents from Punk Hassad's base.

Dr. Vegapunk's answer made the Five Old Stars a little dissatisfied.

The answer they expected more was of course that Vegapunk told them that he could recreate another fish-man Brett.

After all, Brett really put a lot of pressure on them.

However, Vegapunk replied that there was nothing they could do.

That man is the number one scientist in the world, and his scientific research capabilities are unparalleled. The government cannot lose him.

"Whether Vegapunk is hiding something or not, at least one thing that is certain is that the rise of that guy Brett is indeed dependent on that one fruit that we consider to be a failure!"

The bearded Five Old Star's voice was solemn.

"Then, we can definitely try to get that Vegapunk guy to copy more Devil Fruits."

Even if the success rate is really low as the guy said, he himself cannot guarantee whether it will go smoothly.

However, when the number reaches a certain level, there will eventually be many successful works, right?

"The more important thing is to urge Vegapunk to realize the evolution of the fish-man potion as soon as possible!"

The blond Wulaoxing said, "That guy Brett is hiding in the deep sea. We can't expect them to really move the country to the sea!"

Since the battlefield of the war with Fishman Island is basically determined to be in the deep sea, of course the government needs a group of soldiers who can fight in the deep sea.

Vegapunk originally made a fish-man potion that can give the user the same power as a fish-man.

Although it is not very useful, it now allows the Five Old Stars to see the hope of deep sea combat.

Since it can integrate some of the blood factors of the fish people, humans can also have power comparable to the fish people.

So, why can’t this fusion of bloodline factors become deeper?

It really makes people who use the medicine become similar to fish people, grow gills, and be able to move freely in the deep sea!

In terms of Vegapunk’s technological strength, this is not something that cannot be done!

Vegapunk has already done this kind of experiment, but now, we need to go deeper!

"Well, that's all we can do now."

The bearded Wulaoxing sighed.

What else could it be?

If you want to use force, there is nothing you can do against Brett.

They wanted political and economic sanctions, but they were afraid that Brett would go to Mary Joa overnight to give them a rock of dynamite to cheer them up.

"However, you can't just assume that this never happened!"

The white-robed Five Old Star said coldly, "Although you can't attack that guy directly, you can still cause some trouble for him!"

"What do you want to do?"

someone asked him.

"The clone of the Devil Fruit that has never appeared before, and the ability to move freely in the water! These two secrets will make the whole world restless!"

"Indeed, then do this! Expose that bastard!"

While the five old stars on Mary Joa's side were holding secret talks to prepare for Brett's debut, Brett's side.

He and Neptune had returned to Fish-Man Island. After all, they were very close to Fish-Man Island after jumping off the Red Earth Continent.

As soon as he returned to Fish-Man Island, Jinbe came to find him.

"I had no idea the World Conference would be over so soon!"

Jinbei said seriously, "So, what happened?"

"That's really exciting."

Neptune smiled bitterly.

Then Bright and Neptune told Jinbe a complete series of things that happened today.

"It's not unexpected at all."

Jinbei sighed, "Are those pirates really sent here by the government?"


Brett was silent for a moment, "There must be some of our compatriots involved in this."

After all, the pirates who attacked the mine did not enter the mine, and all the pirates who attacked the sea forest were wiped out.

How would the news get out if there was no co-ordinator?


Jinbei was also speechless.

Of course he thought of the same thing.

"Leave this to me."

Brett said, "I can't forgive the guy who betrayed his compatriots. I can't pretend that I didn't see it."


Jinbei nodded.

"Fortunately, Brett was already prepared."

The solemn atmosphere dissipated, and everyone no longer thought about what they had just said. Neptune changed the subject and said, "Otherwise, we will really be dead this time!"

"I didn't know before that Brett was actually an esper!"

"Because it will be very troublesome if this matter is exposed."

Jinbei said, "Nipton, you also know that Bright's abilities are unusual."

Neptune nodded.

Of course he knew that Brett's ability was exactly the same as Kaido's. If it had been exposed before, how could Kaido just give up.

Even now, if Brett's ability is exposed, Kaido will definitely become furious in an instant.

"Now, the situation we will face is a bit troublesome."

Jinbei frowned, "The World Government will definitely list us as its number one enemy!"

This is a matter of course.

As far as the government is concerned, even the revolutionary army is certainly not as dangerous as Fishman Island at this time.

After all, the revolutionary army does not have a killer weapon like dynamite rock, nor does it have a design like Pluto that can subvert the world order.

Compared with Fishman Island at this time, what is the revolutionary army that has overthrown several countries this year and made the countries that joined the government tremble in fear?

"So, Brett, what's next?"

Jinbei said solemnly, "You should already have an idea, right?"

“I don’t have any long-term plans yet, but I do have a small goal in the short term.”

Brett said so.


After hastily ending his conversation with Jinbei, Brett immediately took out his phone and asked to contact another guy.

As soon as the call was connected, someone laughed loudly, "How about it? Can I do an exclusive interview for you? I'm very interested in the detailed process."

"Don't say stupid things. Neither I nor the World Government want you to do such stupid things."

Brett said.

"Is that so? So has there been any agreement reached with the government?"

The guy over there smiled and said, "Okay, Brett, why did you contact me specifically this time?"

"Keep an eye on some guy for me, Morgans."

"Some guy?"

"Well, the King of the Drum Kingdom, Wapol, told me when he left Mariejoia and returned to the Drum Kingdom after the World Conference." Brett said.

"Oh, is it that guy? I know, haha," Morgans said with a smile, "Are you eyeing that country's medical technology or that guy's fruit ability?"

This bastard knows so much.

When Brett was about to say something, Morgans on the other end of the phone suddenly said.

"Wait a minute, there's a call coming in."

There was no sound over there.

Brett waited for a moment, and soon, maybe a few minutes later.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Guess who I just received a call from Brett? "

Morgans's extremely excited laughter came, "I never knew that you were actually a person with abilities! Someone wants me to help you spread this story to the whole world!"

So is there any need to guess?

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