One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 274 Zefa’s changes, tripartite negotiations

After the brief conversation, Brett sent Zefa and his team to the highest-standard hotel on the island to rest.

It was already very late. It was already late at night when Brett set out for rescue, and now it was already dawn.

Just when Brett was about to go back to catch up on his sleep, a certain guy rushed over impatiently.

"You actually convinced that guy, Brett?"

Tezoro smacked his lips in surprise while looking at Brett, "Isn't that guy Zefa super stubborn?"

"Even the strongest wall has a weak point."

Brett yawned and said lazily, "Fortunately, I found Zefa's weak point in reality, and captured him in one go."

"That's a disgusting statement, asshole."

Tezoro rolled his eyes, but immediately smiled excitedly, "Anyway, we have a new partner now, right?"

This guy is even more eager than Bright to overthrow the world government and knock the Celestial Dragons off their throne.

"I already told you,"

Brett smiled and said, "Although it seems that the world government has overwhelming power now, we only have as many allies as we need."

In this world, there are too many people who are in difficult situations because of the world government.

The number of people willing to fight for them is also huge.

"If the world government represents the above-the-sea, upright world, then what we want to unite is the world outside the world order, the world below the sea!"

We are the rebels of this world!

He is someone who wants to break all the original order and build a new future.

"I'm looking forward to that day!"

The corners of Taizuolo's mouth curled up.

"By the way, Tezoro, come to a meeting with me later."

"Meeting? What meeting?"

"I asked a certain guy to come over. Since everyone's goal is the world government, now is the time to have a good chat."

"Oh, you mean that guy, that's true."

Mr. Zefa and his party were not in a hurry to leave Fish-Man Island. He was also somewhat interested in the new friends that Bright said he wanted to introduce to him.

Within a few days, Brett took him on a tour of the country.

The situation of Fish-Man Island is no longer a secret. It will be in the newspapers every three days. However, although I have heard about it for a long time, this is the first time I have actually seen the current appearance of Fish-Man Island with my own eyes.

Zefa was deeply shocked by the prosperity and tranquility of this country.

I have never seen such a prosperous country, I have never seen such a peaceful country.

During those decades as a navy, you spared no effort to fight against pirates, so that all countries in the world can be as prosperous and stable as here, right?

That is true justice.

It's not like Zefa has never been to Fish-Man Island in the past, so that's why he was so shocked.

Brett, this guy, has indeed brought this country to a new future!

So, can such a future also embrace other countries on the sea?

Zefa was suddenly eager to try.

"Teacher Zefa, what's wrong with you?"

When Zefa went back to the hotel that night, his disciple Miss Ain looked at him in surprise.

"Did something good happen? You kept laughing."

Zefa was indeed smiling, a smile that Ain had never seen before.

"I just remembered something."

Zefa smiled and pushed the sunglasses on his nose back to his forehead.

Ain noticed that the teacher's eyes, which had become sharp because of the navy's betrayal, became gentle again.

But it's not just gentleness.

In this gentle gaze, there is powerful power.

Zefa felt better than ever.

The flames of anger and hatred that were burning in my heart suddenly disappeared, and the dream that had been forgotten for a long time began to shine again.

A long time ago, before his family suffered misfortune, he did not think about cultivating heroes, but thought about becoming a hero who saves the world.

Now, the dream is back again.

He wanted to try again, give it one last try in his twilight years, and see if he could become the hero who saved his dream.

Because the body, which has gradually become weak due to illness and age, even feels stronger because of it.

Ain didn't quite understand, but of course she was happy for her teacher's change.

Brett also noticed changes in Zefa.

But he didn't need to ask what happened to Zefa like Ain, he could hear the voice from this man's heart.

So he also knew about Zefa's changes.

Willpower is a real force in this world.

When a person has strong beliefs, he will become strong. On the contrary, if a person's beliefs collapse, he will become weak.

Then one day, the man Brett was waiting for finally came to Fish-Man Island.

Along with a gust of breeze, the man gathered in Brett's office.

"I never thought you could actually win over Mr. Zefa, Brett."

The dark green cloak on his body was constantly swayed by the wind brought by him. With the hood flying, his smile appeared in front of Brett's eyes.

"It's not that I pulled him over, but the World Government pushed him over."

Brett said.

The visitor, Mr. Dolag, Brett's old friend and the commander of the revolutionary army, nodded slightly, "Indeed, if possible, of course we also want to live a peaceful and peaceful life, but it is a pity that the world government did not give us this opportunity. "

"Let's go, Dorag, we should have a good chat."

Brett stood up.


Dorag nodded, "It's time to have a good chat."

Of course, the more partners that can unite to fight for the goal of overthrowing the world government, the better.

Brett and Dorag went to the conference room of the headquarters, and then asked people to invite Mr. Zefa and Tezoro over.

Zefa was quite shocked when he saw Dorag.

"Britt, you said this is the new friend you want to introduce to me?"

"Long time no see, Mr. Zefa."

Dorag bowed slightly and nodded in greeting.

His relationship with Zefa is not unfamiliar.

After all, his old father and Zefa have been old friends for many years.

Zefa hugged Dorag when he was a child.

"If the enemy is the world government, then Dorag and the Revolutionary Army are of course our best partners."

Brett said.

"Welcome to join our camp, Mr. Zefa."

Dorag said solemnly.

The arrival of Zefa has undoubtedly greatly strengthened their strength.

"Hahaha, anyway, let's have a good chat next!"

As half of the host, Taizolo laughed and interjected, "After all, we are companions."


Zefa was slightly silent.

His once close companions were now on the opposite side of him.

But will there be a new companion soon?

Although they are just a few brats.


Zefa nodded happily.

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