The country of Wano, the island of ghosts.

This is the base of the Beast Pirates, and it is the island where the evil spirits are said to be located by the people of Wano.

But at this time, the island occupied by evil spirits has become a mess.

Now that Captain Kaido has set sail with almost all the elites, the island's defense force has become empty.

After being attacked by a powerful enemy in this situation, it was natural that the island fell so easily.

Brett stood on the tip of a big horn on the head of the big skull on Ghost Island, calmly looking at the sea in the distance.

If you look forward from here, you can even see the end of Wano Inland Sea.

"Everybody's got it under control."

Hesong climbed up from below, "But it's a pity that now we have no choice but to retreat."

"There's no way, if I guess correctly, Kaido is coming back."

Brett smiled.

"Yes, Kaido."

He Song sighed.

The name Kaido is as loud as a nightmare in Wano, and the people of Wano will stay up all night in fear just by thinking of this name.

Everyone knows that although Black Carbon Orochi rules this country, he is just Kaido's lackey.

That monster is the one who truly dominates this country with his power.

"Next, prepare to retreat and hide properly. Kaido's search intensity will probably be several levels stronger than before." Brett warned.

This is a matter of course. The apparently ruling general of this country, Heitan Orochi, was killed.

Even now that the headquarters of the Beast Pirates has been captured, Kaido will no longer tolerate their existence.

"I know,"

Hesong nodded, "You should also be careful over there."

He probably heard Blake talk about the current situation on the sea and the enemies that Brett would face next.

Although he didn't quite know how scary the marines were, Kawamatsu thought that Brett, who didn't even care about Kaido, was full of fear of the navy. It was conceivable that they should be very scary opponents.

"Don't worry. Without Kaido, it will be much easier to deal with it."

Brett smiled.

This time Kaido came back and wanted to go out not so quickly.

Orochi is dead, and all the senior officials of the Orochi shogunate have been killed. It is very troublesome for Kaido to reorganize a government team to rule and govern the country.

He would have to spend a considerable amount of time on this matter.

"Then we are going to-"

Hesong only said half of what he said when Brett suddenly turned his head and looked at the sky in the distance.


He shook his head helplessly, "You came back so quickly!"


Hesong was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly changed, "You mean!"

Now in this country of Wano, who else can use the word "come back"?

Hesong could even see clearly. At the end of the sky, a certain monster rolled up in the clouds and was approaching quickly.

It's faster than expected.

"Go organize everyone's retreat."

Brett twisted his neck and said, "Leave it to me next."

"Is it really okay? Brett!"

Kawamatsu said seriously, "That's Kaido!"

"Don't worry, he is Kaido, but I am Bright!"

Brett grinned.


Hesong was silent for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Understood, let's retreat first! I'll leave it to you here!"

Without any more nonsense, Kawamatsu slashed open the ceiling of Onigashima with one sword, and then jumped down.

But although Hesong left, another guy soon jumped up.

"Is the bastard dad back? Brett!"

Yamato held the mace, looked at the sky in the distance, and shouted nervously.

"Leave this place to me, and you can leave with everyone."

Brett said.


Yamato wanted to say something more, but the monster in the distance gave her no time to talk nonsense.

"Hot breath!


The blazing flame roared directly from the end of the sky, streaked across the sky like a meteor, and crashed towards the ghost island.

Brett chuckled, then come on!

He jumped into the sky, his body instantly stretched and expanded, and in the blink of an eye, the fiery red dragon was already hovering in the sky.


! "

Yamato's eyes almost flew out of his sockets, "What is this! The same ability as dad!"

I have never heard Brett talk about this kind of thing!

"Hot breath!


Brett also opened his mouth wide, and blazing flames roared out, instantly colliding with Kaido's breath.

The two breaths collided in the sky, forming an astonishing explosion in an instant.

Flames splashed in all directions, and a fireball brighter than the sun hung in the sky.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!


The monster was very close, and Brett could even clearly see the lines on his scales.

He could also clearly see the soaring black pterosaur following Kaido.

What can be seen more clearly is the angry expression on Kaido's long dragon face.

Kaido was indeed furious at this time.

What the bastard Brett did in Wano was enough to make him angry, but now seeing Brett displaying almost the same ability as him was even more unbearable.

who is he? He is Kaido the Beast! The man who wants to become the world's overlord!

No one is allowed to have the same ability as him in this world!

"Go to hell! Bad wind!"

Kaido opened his mouth to spit, and the strong wind turned into a blade. Huge and sharp wind blades came through the air, and the air was torn apart and screamed sharply.

"Bad wind!"

Brett chuckled, and opened his mouth to roar filial piety loudly.

He breathed out the wind, and strong winds also blew around him.

The two winds mixed together and turned into an overwhelming storm blade, even larger than Kaido's Breath of Wind.

The two storm blades collided again.

Visible to the naked eye, the wind blades breathed out by Brett were larger and more numerous. After a brief stalemate, they completely defeated Kaido's breath and slashed at him overwhelmingly.

Because he can fly, Jin who came back with Kaido was also shocked.

We have known before that Brett has the same abilities as Mr. Kaido, but why is his power superior to Mr. Kaido?

The wind blade struck Kaido's body, splashing out a burst of sparks before being completely shattered.

Bright wasn't surprised. He didn't even have a wind blade attached to his Haki. It would be weird if it could hurt Kaido.

"Come on, Kaido, let's see our abilities, who is stronger!"

Brett looked up to the sky and roared filial piety.

The sky began to darken.


Thunder exploded.

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