One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 288 Rushing for help

The energy stored in Brett's body can be converted into strength or physical strength, which can greatly improve his basic quality.

If it were a protracted battle, Brett was confident that he could defeat Kaido.

But there is no time to waste now.

Although Mr. Zefa is now trying his best to avoid a head-on confrontation with the navy, who knows when a sudden encounter will occur?

Therefore, Bright directly unleashed his strongest attack.

Transform all the power stored in the body and use the techniques of the Fist of the King to blast it out in one go!

This is a fist that penetrates heaven and earth!

Kaido only felt that his field of vision was completely filled by this huge fist!

He couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock.

The world seemed to have stopped at this moment.




The sky seemed to be torn to pieces, the air was twisting violently, and even the space seemed to be wrinkled visibly to the naked eye!

The twisted air exploded the next moment, turning into an unparalleled shock wave that spread out.

The clouds in the sky were completely swept away this time, and the sea surface was even dented by the blow.

Onigashima, which was already crumbling due to the fall of the end, was trembling even more at this time, and the huge skull collapsed directly from the shock wave!

What was faster than the spreading shock wave was a black shadow shooting backwards.

Circles of mist spread out around him, surrounding him like rings as he flew backwards.

Sound barrier cloud.

It's something that only appears after the speed exceeds the speed of sound.


Bratt shook his fist and breathed a sigh of relief, "It's really thick-skinned."

"The domineering spirit is still a bit weak."

Although he was absolutely crushed in terms of strength, his relative weakness in domineering power still greatly weakened the power of this punch.

Then Brett no longer lingered. As he turned around, electric light sputtered from his body. The next second, it turned into light and shot straight into the sky. In an instant, he was gone.

It was only then that something spun and fell from where Bright was.

That's half a mace.

The figure that was knocked out was about to fall into the sea.

If it falls into the sea, even the Pirate Emperor can only wait to die.

After all, he is a person with abilities and cannot resist the curse of the sea like Brett.

But fortunately, just when he was about to fall into the deep sea, the flame cloud was released and completely wrapped his body.



Kaido, who was tightly wrapped in thick clouds, was groaning in pain, his eyes bulging, and it almost seemed like his eyeballs were about to fly out of their sockets.

There was a deep fist mark on his chest, which had broken the scales and torn the skin, and was deeply embedded in the bones.


Kaido spat out another mouthful of blood, his body trembling slightly.

"damn it!"

He gritted his teeth and raised his head.

Where is Brett's figure in the sky?

"That bastard!


Kaido roared unwillingly, blood still pouring out of his mouth.

But what happened to that guy?

Such power!

His domineering power was obviously only at that level, but his power suddenly soared to an unbelievable level!

Just one punch caused him to be seriously injured in a real sense, and he even fainted for a moment.

How could he be so strong!

Even Roger and Captain Rocks would never have such power!

That bastard!

He has actually become so strong!

Kaido actually felt a little frightened in his heart.

But of course Kaido didn't know that Brett's punch had done his best.

Before replenishing his energy, Brett would not be able to throw a second punch like this in a short period of time.

But if the fight continues, of course it will be Brett's victory.

Originally, Bright had the upper hand in the battle with Kaido.

Although Haki is slightly more immature than Kaido, in terms of physical fitness, Bright has the upper hand.

Even if Kaido still has the ability to drink, why should he defeat Brett, who is still in good condition, after being severely injured?

Kaido fell into a life of huge doubt at this time.

Why is that bastard Brett stronger than him even though he is obviously just an impostor!

At this time, the impostor had already left Wano Country and was quickly heading towards the half of the new world.

Kaido's problem has been solved, but the real trouble is far from solved.

The navy's large fleet is searching for the whereabouts of Mr. Zefa and the NEO Navy. They are much more difficult to deal with than the Beast Pirates.

So how do you fight off these bastards?

Otherwise, just bomb with explosives.

I just don’t know if Mr. Zefa will mind.

No matter what method we take, let's go meet Mr. Zefa now.

Brett sped up.

This time may be a good opportunity. If the navy's action ultimately fails, the prestige of the world government will of course suffer a huge blow.

While Brett was rushing towards the first half, there was an island in the front part of the new world.

There is only one lonely town on this island, with a population of several thousand people. Even pirates rarely come here.

But on this day, a huge fleet docked here, and the shadows cast by the raised sails covered the entire town. The number of soldiers serving in the fleet far exceeded the permanent population of the town.

Kizaru sat on the side of the big ship and complained lazily, "Is there no news from CP yet?"

They are indeed coming with great force, but the problem is that they can't find where the enemies have gone.

Their teacher Zefa disappeared in the new world after the navy fleet set sail.

Even with the intelligence capabilities of the World Government and the Navy, it is difficult to determine their location. Even if some traces are found, they will disappear quickly.

This is the most troublesome part.

Zefa and the others can keep hiding, but the navy's fleet cannot keep chasing them.

The navy's responsibility is to maintain the tranquility of the entire sea, and their enemies are all pirates on the sea.

The three generals cannot waste too much time on hunting.

"Is there no news from Kuzan?"

Kizaru complained.

The three generals did not act at the same time. They divided their forces into two groups.

Kizaru and Akainu were responsible for the frontal assault, while Aokiji led another fleet to surround them in order to prevent Zefa from having a chance to escape.

But the problem now is that this tactic is of no use at all, and we don't even know where the enemy is.

Akainu also frowned tightly.

This is very annoying.

Then, the phone bug rang.

"What? That guy Brett went to Wano Country!"

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