One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 317 The Purified Demon King

Since it is going to be an experiment, of course, we must first make protective preparations.

Of course, it was no longer possible to have a proper banquet at this time. Everyone hurriedly filled their stomachs, and then the experiment was about to officially begin.

The two ships were already far away, and Uta had used her ability in advance to drag Shanks into the spiritual world she created, and his body was far away from the red-haired pirates.

Only Brett took Uta and flew into the sky with flame clouds.

In this case, all the preparations have been completed, and even if the demon king comes back, there will be no trouble.

"It's time to start."

Brett said.


Uta took a deep breath, and then prepared to start singing.

Far away, on the sea.

"Is it really possible for that demon king to be controlled by someone?"

Princess Otohime said very worriedly.

Her ability to see into people's hearts is stronger than that of Brett, so she can clearly feel what kind of existence the demon king is.

It is a monster made up of all the negative emotions of human beings.

There is no kindness, only despair, fear, anger and resentment.

Just hearing his voice makes people feel numb.

Mr. Gordon said that this monster was created by the previous Singing Fruit user who persecuted people. It is really hard to imagine what that person did to the people he imprisoned in the spiritual world.

"No matter how terrifying it is, it is still just a product of Devil Fruit power."

Taizuo Luo crossed his hands on his chest and said calmly.

No matter how powerful the ability is, it is ultimately controlled by people. It is the ability person who controls the ability, not the ability that controls the ability person.

Even the power rampage that may be caused by the awakening of animal devil fruit abilities can be controlled by the ability user.

So why do you say that this demon king cannot be controlled by Uta?

"Believe Uta!"

Taizolo said solemnly.

"That's right! Believe in Uta!"

Lucky Lu also laughed and shouted in the next boat.

In the distant sky, Uta has begun to sing.

Although they can't see with their eyes and can't hear with their ears, Tezoro and the leaders of the red-haired pirates are good at seeing things, and their expressions all became solemn.

Although they kept saying that they should believe Uta, they were still very nervous when the singer girl started singing.

The power of that demon king is not fake at all.

In the sky here and in the spiritual world, Brett and Red Hair looked solemnly at Uta who sang loudly.

Mist had begun to rise over her body.

In the clouds and mist, the monster seemed to be about to reappear.



Brett blinked.

"Haha, this is true!"

In the spiritual world, the red-haired man couldn't help laughing when he looked at what appeared in front of him.

Later, on the deck of the red-haired pirates.

Everyone gathered around.

The expressions on everyone's faces were somewhat complicated.

"So what is going on now?" Tezuolo looked incomprehensible.

"But it's really cute."

Princess Otohime said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

The other female members of the AllStars group also nodded.

"So how did it become like this?"

Jesus Bu rubbed his chin, "Compared to just now, are they two completely different things?"

Surrounded by everyone is little sister Uta.

But what everyone was watching was the thing she was holding in her hand.

It was a small doll, wearing a Q-version top hat, with a round face and short yellow hair on the back of its head. Its body seemed to be made of various musical instruments, and its arms were as clear and black as the keys of a piano. .

It was like the previous demon king had been shrunk.

But now this little devil has completely lost the ferocity he had before. Yiyi is rubbing in Uta's arms, his two big eyes are curiously staring at the people around him, what is released in his eyes is childish innocence and ignorance. brilliance.

"Probably because it was completely destroyed in the previous battle, and the resentment and hatred contained in it have disappeared."

Brett guessed, "Although the current TotMusica can still summon a monster, it is no longer the one it once was."

"Yeah, yeah,"

Otohime also nodded repeatedly, "I can't feel any malice at all, I'm just a child who doesn't understand anything."

She smiled and said, "And he's still a newborn baby."

"In short, there is no danger anymore, right?"

Jesus preached the word of speculation.


Uta nodded heavily and happily raised the little doll in her hand.

The little doll waved his hands excitedly, and the instruments on his body produced various pleasant notes that combined into a beautiful tune.

"I can feel that he is a very good child!"

Uta smiled and said, "From today on, he is my exclusive accompaniment!"


The little devil played music happily.

"I have a guess,"

At this time, Gordon said, "The original Demon King absorbed the negative emotions of people trapped in the spiritual world and became powerful and violent."

"So," he said, "could this child become kind by absorbing people's positive emotions, but be equally powerful?"

"First Evolution"

Brett was stunned for a moment.

"Genius idea!"

Taizolo praised, "Negative emotions can become strength, but positive emotions cannot be used without reason, right!"

If the little doll in Uta's hand can grow to the level of the previous demon king, and if she can control it, it will be almost an invincible power!

After all, as long as Uta doesn't put others into her spiritual world, then who can do anything to the little devil who is between illusion and reality?

"It looks like we will have more concerts in the future."

Tezoro said with a smile.

Isn’t it easy to want people’s positive emotions?

Whether it's Uta or Otohime's singing, they can go straight to the heart and make people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

So in other words, as long as we continue to hold concerts, the Little Devil can continue to grow.

Tezoro was even thinking that if Uta could be allowed to join the war with the government, she might be able to play an extremely amazing role.

"I think we should have a nice talk again, Brett."

The redhead looked at Brett.


Brett nodded.

The last time they talked the redhead was just for his daughter, but this time it was different.

The two sides have different understandings of each other, the situation in Dahai is also different now, and Brett's identity and stance are also different.

It's time to have a good chat again.

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