One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 320 Loki and Laura

Late one night while heading towards the Giant Kingdom, Katakuri quietly came to Brett's room.

He turned into a white rice cake, seeped through the gaps in the ship's planks, and then condensed his body in the darkness.

"It is not polite to come late at night without warning, my friend."

Brett opened his eyes, sat up on the bed, and said lazily.

"Stop talking nonsense, Brett," Katakuri's tone was cold and his attitude was not very friendly, "What should we do in the current situation?"

"How to do it?"

Brett raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? Isn't the situation pretty good now?"

He himself is not too worried about the alliance between the Charlotte family and the giants.

Not to mention that Fishman Island is an ally of the Giant Kingdom, but what if this marriage really succeeds?

The person who married the Giant Kingdom was not Charlotte Lingling, but the Charlotte family.

In the past, Charlotte Lingling could indeed represent this family, but now, after Katakuri has new ideas, the situation is different.

Who knows whether it will be Charlotte Lingling or Katakuri who will represent the Charlotte family in the future?

"Don't act stupid for me!"

Probably because he was worried about waking up Charlotte Lingling who was already asleep, Katakuri lowered his voice and said, "Lola is very resistant to the marriage."

"She has indeed always wanted to get married, but the person must be one she likes."

That's right, the woman named Laura is indeed not a doll left to be played around by Charlotte Lingling.

In the original work, due to the compulsion of Charlotte Lingling, she directly chose to escape from the marriage.

However, her love is not precious.

If I remember correctly, she had been proposing to other men non-stop since she went to sea. By the time she met her junior brother Straw Hat, she had proposed more than 4,000 times, and of course all of them failed without exception.

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that Prince Loki seemed a little pitiful.

Brett looked at Katakuri and smiled slightly, "Isn't it too late to say this now? Katakuri, in the Charlotte family, marriage is a common thing, right?"

In Charlotte Lingling's concept, only family members are reliable, so in order to win over other guys at sea, she often resorts to marriage.

I don’t know how many daughters I have married off.

Katakuri was silent for a moment.

How many of his sisters married of their own free will?

But he didn't think much about these things in the past.

In other words, I never thought that I should think about it.

In the past, he had always felt that he had to obey his mother's decision.

But it's different now.

He could no longer sit back and watch his mother distort the lives of his sisters because of her own wishes.

Brett heard Katakuri's emotions clearly, so he said, "Don't worry, let Lola get in touch with Prince Loki first."

"Loki is a very nice guy. Haven't you met him before?"

"If Laura herself agrees, then of course you have no reason to object, right?" \u003c

Katakuri nodded, then he shook his head.

"But what if Lola doesn't agree?"

Katakuri knew very well that Laura's opinion was no longer important. Even if she didn't agree, their mother would force her to agree.

"Aren't there still us?"

Brett smiled.


Katakuri sighed in his heart.

Yes, with this guy's help, things will not turn around.

The ship moved on.

The ships of the Charlotte family are alive. They are all given souls by Charlotte Lingling. Homitz has his own thoughts and can sail much faster than ordinary sea ships.

With Charlotte Lingling excitedly asking for speed, the Giant Kingdom soon arrived.

The people to greet them had already been waiting on the shore.

"Hahahaha! Welcome, Brett!"

The extremely tall Giant King stood on the shore, waving enthusiastically to Brett on the deck of the ship.

"We meet again, Your Majesty the King."

Brett also smiled and greeted him.

His Majesty the King is indeed looking forward to his arrival and has long wanted to fight with him again.

Even the reason why he was willing to help last time was because he wanted to have another fight with Brett.

"Mom, mom, is it actually the Giant King who comes to greet us in person? I'm really flattered!"

Charlotte Lingling floated up on the Thunder Cloud Zeus and said hello with a smile.

The moment he saw him, His Majesty the Giant King's smiling face turned cold. He snorted, "Anyway, let's talk inside the palace first."

Charlotte Lingling saw his reaction, and the smile on her face faded.

It can be seen that His Majesty the King still has opinions on her and the Charlotte family.

Probably just because of Prince Loki's opinion, I had to compromise.

But is this a good thing?

This shows that Prince Loki is really fond of Laura.

Charlotte Lingling realized this, and then the corners of her mouth curled up again.

The motorcade used to greet Brett and his party soon arrived at the capital of the Giant Kingdom and sped all the way to the palace.

On the way, the Giant King invited Brett to sit in the car with him, and excitedly told Brett that he was ready to fight again.

What could Brett say?

Of course, I can only say that I am waiting for you at any time.

The King of the most powerful country in the world, His Majesty the Giant King is certainly very powerful.

But compared to Brett, it certainly pales in comparison.

When they arrived at the palace, the Giant King jumped out of the car first. He shouted at the top of his lungs into the palace, "Loki, stupid son, the girl you like has arrived!"

Here, Charlotte Lingling and Katakuri also got out of the car with the nervous Laura and stood in front of the palace.

"Laura, behave well for me."

When Charlotte Lingling was sorting out her daughter's clothes affectionately, she whispered in Laura's ear.

Laura's body even trembled, and she quickly said, "Yes, Mom..."

Katakuri looked calm and said nothing.

There were footsteps behind the palace gate, and then stopped behind the gate, and there was no movement.

Brett couldn't help but smile.


"What are you still dawdling about, you little bastard? Get out of here!"

The Giant King said impatiently.

Just yo.

Wang Hou's heavy door slowly opened, and a figure slowly walked out.

It was Prince Loki. He was now dressed in formal human attire, his hair was meticulously combed, and his hands were behind his back. Brett could see a bouquet of flowers in his hands when looking from the side.

He glanced at Laura timidly, and then quickly looked away.

After looking around with eyes, he finally took a deep breath and walked to Laura in big steps.

"Send, give it to you..."

His Royal Highness blushed and handed the flower in his hand to Laura.

Laura looked at the bouquet of flowers in front of her that was about the same size as herself, and was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the huge thing in front of her.'s too big!

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