One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 322 Katakuri and her sister

In order to welcome the arrival of Brett and his party, a banquet will be held in the Giant Palace.

Before the banquet started, Blake was invited over alone by the Giant King, saying that he wanted to discuss some matters about combat skills.

The King of the Kingdom of Giants is indeed an extraordinary martial artist, and he is far more interested in fighting than in governing the country.

Bright didn't hide his secrets, and had a deep discussion with him about the advanced application techniques of armed color domineering.

The Giant King's Haki is also very powerful, but after all, he is a giant, and his research on Haki is not as good as that of humans.

The giant king was very grateful for this.

After talking about these things, the Giant King paused for a moment. Brett knew that now was the time to talk about business.

"So, Brett, what is the current relationship between your Fishman Island and the World Government?"

The Giant King's expression has become serious. "You will leave the World Conference before it ends. After that, the World Government will publicize your abilities to the whole world!"

"This is not the attitude a collaborator should have!"

He said seriously, "Moreover, just before, the World Government specially sent an envoy to Elbaf to warn us to keep a distance from your Fishman Island."

Very sharp.

Although he put more energy into fighting, it was not just his muscles that were left in his mind.

Brett didn't hesitate much, "As you can guess, although we haven't broken up on the surface, we have actually broken with the World Government."

"Is there a breakup?"

The Giant King frowned.

This is not good news for the Giant Kingdom.

After all, there is also a cooperative relationship between the Giant Kingdom and the World Government.

"Then can I ask? Brett,"

The Giant King said seriously, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"Is that what we want to do?"

Brett smiled and said, "That would probably be to smash the current world order and create a new era."


The Giant King was stunned for a moment, "Create a new era?"

The next moment, a smile bloomed on his face, "Hahahaha, it sounds really good!"

"I thought you would be very angry after hearing me say that." Brett said with a smile.

After all, now that Fish-Man Island has broken with the World Government, the situation of the Giant Kingdom, which is an ally of Fish-Man Island, has become very embarrassing.

But now the Giant King's direct performance or his inner emotions indicate that he doesn't seem to think so.

"Angry? Why are you angry?"

The Giant King grinned and lowered his voice, "I finally know why we got along so well and came to Bright!"

"You said you want to create a new era, then let me tell you, this is what we giants have been waiting for for generations!"

Brett raised his eyebrows, "Oh?"

"Come and talk to me next about what the future you expect looks like!"

Why does it feel like the same question was asked not long ago?

If you have no choice, then have a good chat with him again.

While the chat was going on here, on the other side, in the lounge prepared for some members of the Charlotte family, the atmosphere was already so depressing that it was almost difficult to breathe.

"Mommy mommy,"

Charlotte Lingling sat on a chair that was a bit wide even for her. She smiled and looked down at her daughter Laura, who stood in front of her with a frightened expression.

"Can you give me a good explanation? Laura, why, why didn't you do what I said?"

Laura's body was trembling, "Mom, mom..." She called her mother in a low voice, full of fear.

"Hey, Laura! Didn't you hear me asking you?"

Charlotte Lingling reached out and grabbed Laura directly. Her voice turned cold instantly and her smile disappeared in an instant.

"Did you let that boy Loki down?"

"Yes, but mother -"

Although Laura was filled with fear, she still tried hard to make a sound.

"Prince Loki is a very good man, but he is not what I like-"


I couldn't say the last word.

Charlotte Lingling's hand holding her daughter suddenly tightened, and her strange strength instantly made Laura feel as if she was about to be crushed.

She couldn't even scream.

At this time, Laura remembered that in the family where she grew up, the Charlotte family, no one was allowed to disobey their mother's orders.

"Mom, stop it!"

Fortunately, Charlotte Lingling and Laura were not alone here. Katakuri, who had been watching quietly from the side, finally spoke up. He said seriously, "Do you want to kill Laura?"

Charlotte Lingling snorted coldly when she heard this, and threw Laura to the ground.

She looked down at her daughter who was panting violently with a look of disaster on her face, "I don't care how you feel, I just need to remember one thing, Laura!"

"Try your best to please Loki! Make him your husband and make the giants my allies!"

"If you can't do it, you know the consequences!"

Laura looked horrified, she knew her mother was serious.

If she couldn't fulfill her mother's request, there was only one fate waiting for her.

That is, death.

Mother has never had the idea of ​​being soft-hearted towards her children. In other words, it is precisely because her blood-related children choose to disobey her that they are treated even more cruelly by her.

"Yes, yes! I know, mom! Please leave it to me!"

Laura said quickly.

"Mom, mom, this makes sense!"

Charlotte Lingling smiled kindly, and she stretched out her hand to stroke Laura's head.

"You will never let me down, right?"

Laura lowered her head and did not dare to move, as if she was afraid that her head would be crushed directly in the next moment.

Katakuri was still just watching calmly, but behind him that Charlotte Lingling didn't see, his right fist was already clenched.

The banquet started soon.

The Giant King was still chatting happily with Brett and didn't pay much attention to Charlotte Lingling.

But Laura's attitude changed drastically from before. She took the initiative to sit next to Loki and tried her best to find topics to talk to him.

Prince Loki was a little flattered, and then naturally intoxicated.

Brett glanced at Laura, who was smiling from the corner of his eye, and slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

So, Katakuri, my friend, what decision would you make in this situation?

The time comes to this day and night.

After the banquet, Prince Loki took the initiative to invite Prince Loki to visit the Giant King's City that he had not finished today. Laura, who returned to the palace very late and was about to return to her room to rest, the smile on her face had completely disappeared after entering the door. Gone.

She sighed dejectedly.

"Why are you still sighing? Laura."

There was a sound in the darkness.

"Brother Katakuri?"

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