One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 324: Parting on bad terms

Charlotte Lingling was indeed a little angry.

The marriage she had been looking forward to for a long time had come to nothing, and judging from the attitudes of the Giant King and Loki, it would be almost impossible to have a marriage in the future.

In other words, her ambition to obtain the power of the giants has almost come to nothing.

Does Charlotte Lingling, who has a bad temper to begin with, have a reason not to be angry now?

And since you have the flame of anger in your heart, you have to vent it out, right?

Charlotte Lingling, known as the Pirate Emperor, is certainly not a forbearing character.

She now wanted to vent her anger violently.

"Mommy mommy!"

Charlotte Lingling lowered her head and looked at Brett. She grinned and her eyes flashed fiercely.

"Britt, do you want to stop me?"

Brett was very calm, "You are all my friends. Of course I don't want to see any disputes between you."

"Although the marriage has been ended, there is no need to fight with swords, right?"

"No need to stop her, Brett,"

The Giant King also sneered and said, "I would like to see what she wants to do!"

His Majesty the Giant King has never been a shy person.

As the most powerful country in the world, the Giant Kingdom could not find much that could make the Giant King fearful even if it searched the entire sea.

Charlotte Lingling and the Charlotte family she commands are indeed one of the most powerful forces in this new world, but they are not powerful enough to frighten the giants.

"Mommy mommy,"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "Did you see that? Brett, this guy doesn't seem to appreciate your favor!"

"Then King Giant, how about we talk to my mother about marriage?"

Although the world's strongest woman had a smile on her face, her voice was full of sternness, "If you really disappoint me and come back, I will be very angry!"

"I'm curious, what will happen if you get angry?"

Of course, the Giant King was not timid at all and asked with a sneer.

"Mom, mom, very good, very good!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed.

But the cloud and the fireball flying out from behind her told everyone that her mood was not as cheerful as his expression.

The blazing fireball became huge, and the clouds showed a ferocious expression and became pitch black.

"Then I'll let you see it!"

Charlotte Tringling's hand had already grasped the captain's bicorn hat she was wearing on her head.

In the next moment, the hat turned into a big knife as she pulled it with her hand.

"Are you going to fight, Mom?"

There was a face on the blade, and it was smiling excitedly, "I can't wait to suck the blood!"

Since the power of the giants can no longer be obtained, let's vent it out now.

After putting aside all worries, Charlotte Lingling began to act unscrupulously.

"Am I still afraid of you?"

The Giant King sneered. Although he was unarmed, his fists had turned completely black at this time.

The battle was about to break out.

Who would have thought that these two guys were discussing a wedding for their two children yesterday.

Loki was a little helpless.

No matter how you say it, Charlotte Lingling is one of the Pirate Emperors and one of the largest forces in the New World.

It would be completely meaningless to have a conflict with them just because they don't agree with each other.

Loki turned to Brett for help.

Brett nodded understandingly, and he took a step forward and appeared directly between the Giant King and Charlotte Lingling, "That's it for now, do you want me to watch two friends fight to the death in front of my eyes? "

"Tsk, Brett, you are such a hindrance!"

The Giant King looked a little dissatisfied. Bratt guessed that he couldn't wait to fight Charlotte Lingling.

The current attitude includes the factor of hating Charlotte Lingling, but of course there is also the factor of wanting to compete with a master like Charlotte Lingling.

"Mom, mom, do you want to mediate the conflict between us? Brett, you are really arrogant!"

Charlotte Lingling grinned.

What the words mean is, Brett, who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to talk nonsense here?

"If you insist on fighting,"

Brett sighed softly, "Then let me be your opponent."

Fiery red scales have begun to grow on the surface of his body.

"There's really nothing I can do against you,"

The Giant King could only helplessly shake his head, and then snorted coldly, "Then let's call it a day."

He looked at Charlotte Lingling coldly, "Go back to where you belong."


Charlotte Lingling tightened her grip on the sword in her hand, and dark lightning began to circle around the blade.

You really take yourself seriously, Giant King, who do you think I am?

"What, big·mom,"

Brett turned to look at her, "Do you want to fight me!"

"If so, then I can accompany you to the end!"

Black lightning that was even more exaggerated than Charlotte Lingling's sword soared from Brett's body.

Charlotte Lingling hesitated.

Although her previous words and deeds revealed her contempt for Brett, Charlotte Lingling knew that this guy had extraordinary power.

She was one of the few people who knew the inside story of the previous New World War. This woman knew exactly what role Brett played in that war.

What's even more troublesome is that if you choose to continue to cause trouble now, you will have to face the alliance between Brett and the giants.

It was at this time that Katakuri, who had been silent all this time, spoke, "Let's stop here, Mom."

"Brett is our ally no matter what, so let's give him some face."

Gave his mother a step down.

"Mom, mom, that's it for today!"

Charlotte Lingling finally chose to give up and put the hat back on her head.

"But the shame this incident has brought to me will not dissipate just now. Let me remember what happened today! King of Giants!"

She glared at the Giant King fiercely and said harsh words.

"Each other!"

Of course, the Giant King would not dare to show weakness.

"Let's go, Katakuri."

There was no point in staying any longer, Charlotte Lingling turned and left together with her son.

But before finally leaving, she turned back to look at Brett and said, "Britt, I think you should think about it carefully."

“It’s about who you should be friends with and who you shouldn’t be friends with.”

Brett raised his eyebrows.

In short, this blind date ended on bad terms.

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