One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 344 It’s getting lively

"That is--"

Bai Xing, who was rolled up by the clouds released by Brett, looked at the approaching cloud in the distance and panicked, "Brother Brett, there seems to be something terrible inside!"

"Oh? Did you notice it?"

Brett smiled.

The knowledge and color of this child is truly remarkable!

But not all beginners of knowledge and color have such a broad scope of exploration.

Coupled with the ability to explore the heart and instill emotions inherited from Otohime, Shirahoshi's knowledge and color are truly extraordinary.

Sure enough, it was the awakening of Neptune's abilities that further promoted the evolution of her vision, knowledge, and color?

Brett is very experienced in this.

"Eh? What?"

Although she had awakened the domineering power of the Armed Color, Nana, who had not mastered the Seeing Color, looked blankly at the clouds in the distance, but could not see anything.

"Is there something in there?"

"That's why I said I had to leave quickly, but it turned out to be a little slower."

Brett had a headache.

The clouds are getting closer.

Laughter can even be heard.

"Noooooooo! Brett!"

A gap opened in the purple cloud, revealing the scene inside.

The green divine dragon, baring its fangs and claws, came quickly through the air, "Finally I found you again, kid!"

"Hey! Does he look like brother Brett?"

Nana's first reaction after seeing the dragon was that he looked similar to Brett.

"Except for the color, they are exactly the same! Brother Brett, is that your twin brother?"

"Don't say stupid things, that's the enemy."

Brett said calmly, manipulating Yanyun to put the two children on his back and fixing them with clouds.



Nana's eyes widened, "Is he a very powerful guy?"

Along the way, I met many people who were looking for trouble, but Brother Brett never said that they were enemies and dismissed them all casually.

Then this guy must be an incredibly strong man!

"Well, that's about right."

Brett said casually.

Even for him, Kaido is certainly a formidable opponent.

After all, he is one of the Pirate Emperors, one of the strongest guys in the world.

"What should we do now?"

Nana was a little anxious.

Brother Brett is of course not afraid of anything, but aren't there two people holding him back now, namely her and Shirahoshi?

Wouldn't it be bad to encounter a powerful enemy in this situation?

"Ignore them and go back."

Brett didn't bother to fight Kaido at all, and directly plunged into the sea below.

As long as he returns to the sea, what can Kaido, the so-called strongest creature in the sea, land and air, do?

Do you understand who is the real strongest creature in the sea, land and air?



Brett tilted his head, and in the next moment, a ray of light almost grazed his face and flew past, falling diagonally into the sea in the distance, triggering a big explosion.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, it's me again this time."

Dazzling rays of light gathered in the sky ahead, and a man wearing a coat of justice appeared in front of Brett with a smile.

"Oh! I know this guy!"

Nana said loudly, "The admiral of the navy! He seems to be called the Yellow Monkey!"

"It's Kizaru, little sister."

Kizaru corrected with a smile, "But are we going to fight side by side with pirates this time? Is it such a coincidence?"

He looked at the group of clouds that was very close and the blue dragon in the clouds, and he looked a little sighing.

"What a coincidence?"

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, that's such a coincidence."

Lowering his head, Brett looked towards the end of the sea.

There, a large ship was leaping across the sea at a jaw-dropping speed.

“What a fast boat!”

Nana exclaimed, "It's too much! How can there be such a fast boat!"

It was indeed almost too far, almost drawing a white line on the sea, flying forward like a rocket.

"Mom, mom! Brett! Let's settle the accounts again!"

On the bow of the big ship, a fat old woman waved the big knife in her hand and laughed.

On the bottom of the big ship that Brandt couldn't see, the propellers were turning rapidly.

The propellers all have a life of their own, and each one has a face on it. Now they are rotating their bodies at a rapid speed through gritted teeth, bringing incredible surging power to this big ship.

In order to arrive quickly, Charlotte Lingling spent a lot of souls making these propeller homitz.


Brett sighed helplessly, "It came really fast."

Forget about Kaido and Kizaru, after all, they can fly and can rush to the battlefield quickly, but Charlotte Lingling, why are you so fast?

It only took most of a day for him to reveal his whereabouts. This island should still be quite far away from Wan Guo.

What a headache. All the troublesome guys came to the door in one breath.

"Let's save the unnecessary nonsense for later!"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "Kaido, Kizaru, our targets are all Brett, we will talk about other things after we capture him!"

"I have no objection!"

Kaido also grinned.

The clouds tightly surrounding him dispersed, revealing other people wrapped in clouds.

The end of the flames flapping their wings, and the fat plague Quinn relying on the clouds to float in the sky.

And another old acquaintance of Brett.


Brett raised his eyebrows, "So you're not dead yet?"

I almost forgot about this guy. He was snatched away by Kaido before and has disappeared since then.

Looking at Brett, who transformed into a red dragon, Doflamingo chuckled softly, "I'm still alive and well, but Brett, you bastard is probably over here."

"is that so?"

Brett smiled.

"Well, although it's embarrassing to say that the navy and pirates are cooperating, if the target is Brett, then it can only be said to be a matter of helplessness."

Kizaru said with a smile, "Kaido, big mom, at least until I defeat Bright, I can trust you temporarily, right?"

"Mom, mom! Isn't that of course?"

Charlotte Lingling laughed loudly, "Is it cooperation between pirates and the navy? I remember it happened once before. When did Kaido come?"


Kaido snorted coldly, "Don't let me recall what happened at that time, but..."

"That bastard Brett might actually be more powerful than Captain Rocks!"

"Mom, mom, you're right!"

Charlotte Lingling was already flying on the clouds, "So Brett, are you ready?"

"Don't expect us to show mercy!"

This is true.

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