One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 346 The Dragon Returns to the Sea

Brett's experience is very special.

He can hear sounds, many, many sounds, not just people's inner emotions, but he can even hear the sounds emanating from inanimate objects clearly.

But this time, the sound he heard made him feel terrified.

That is a truly powerful voice, and just hearing this voice will make people feel incomparable!

The last time I heard a similar sound was when I found Hades in the magma lake deep underground in Wano!

That is definitely not something that can be fought with the body!

Brett realized this at the first moment. The real monster was coming!

We can't continue to delay here, we must leave the battlefield immediately!

Therefore, he went all out without hesitation.

He transformed directly back into the form of a dragon, and with lightning splashing all over his body, he flew forward as fast as lightning.

The two children were wrapped in clouds and dragged behind him, speeding forward with him.

In just an instant, Brett was almost ejected in front of Charlotte Lingling.

"Do you treat me like a soft persimmon?"

Charlotte Lingling took it for granted that Bright had used her as a breakthrough point, roaring angrily and slashing with the sword,

"Emperor's Sword - Broken Blade!


Dark lightning wrapped around the broadsword and struck Brett on the head.

Brett's sense of knowledge had reached its limit, and he listened with all his heart to all the sounds emanating from Charlotte Lingling.

The sound of arms, the sound of swords, and even domineering sounds.

Even if he couldn't foresee the future, he was well aware of Charlotte Lingling's attacks.

He simply turned sideways to avoid the powerful and merciless sword strike from the world's strongest woman, and then Brett's fist blasted out.

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - King Wuraikan!"

About half of the stored energy was used in this punch.

Armed Color and Overlord Color are intertwined, using the internal destruction technique of Armed Color Haki to manipulate Overlord Color, so that both colors of Haki can penetrate the surface of Charlotte Lingling's indestructible body and penetrate directly to the inside.

Coupled with the impact fluctuations of the fish body technique Ogi Takerui Kan.

Brett's punch was a punch that penetrated the steel balloon.

The fist did not hit Charlotte Lingling directly, but hit her abdomen from a distance.

Charlotte Lingling's abdomen became sunken, and the fat on her abdomen kept rising and falling like waves.


! "

Charlotte Lingling, who had not been hurt for many years, almost rolled her eyes.

Blood even splattered from her mouth.

The next moment, the woman was flying backwards like a cannonball, so fast that it even caused sonic boom clouds in the air.



Thundercloud Zeus and Prometheus screamed and rushed after them. If they didn't touch their mother, it would be the end when she fell into the sea.

They were screaming together, along with the leaders of the Charlotte family on the ship below.

"What a joke!

! "

Perospero covered his face with his hands, and his tongue almost flew out of his mouth.

Mom, that incomparable mother, was knocked away by Brett in an instant?

Even her impenetrable defense failed, and she was beaten by Brett until she vomited blood!

Katakuri pursed his lips.

Brett's strength is really not something to brag about! It's simply overwhelmingly powerful.

"Lingling! What are you doing, you idiot?"

The flame dragon roared and bumped towards Brett.

Just one encounter and he was knocked away by Brett!

The anger in Kaido's heart was unspeakable.

Along with Kaido, there are his subordinates.

Unlike the leaders of the Charlotte family who can only stare at the sea because they cannot fly, the leaders of the Beast Pirates can either fly or rely on Kaido's flame cloud to fly in the air. They can fight against Brett launched the attack.



Doflamingo roared.

Of course he was angry, because because of Brett, this bastard, his life began to take a turn for the worse.

The plan to seize the Kingdom of Drosrosa failed, the identity of the Shichibukai also existed in name only, and the political affairs were captured and bred by Charlotte Lingling. Now they must also rely on the Beast Pirates!

How could Doflamingo not be angry? How could he have any reason not to be angry?

A long thread whip extended from Doflamingo's hand, and his air-tearing whip was drawn towards Bright.

In order to take revenge for this period of time, Doflamingo is also constantly working hard to become stronger.


Brett didn't even pay attention to Doflamingo's attack and let the thread whip hit him.

Doflamingo's attack failed to even leave a mark on his scales.

Like Doflamingo, there are Jin and Quinn.

As he released the flames, Quinn kept bombarding.

Of course it's meaningless.

The only thing Bright cared about was Kaido, who was running towards him.

“Shenglong Bagua!


The flame dragon's head was wrapped with dark domineering energy, and lightning was radiating in all directions.

Even before the hot breath came close, Nana screamed.

“It’s about to be roasted!


Brett resumed his red dragon form again, and the clouds rolled the two little girls over, and he protected them between his two front paws.

Then, all the power is concentrated on the long tail.

Electric light is everywhere and water waves are entangled.



The remaining half of the stored power began to transform into cloth. Laite twisted his body and hit Kaido's head with his tail like a steel whip.



Dark lightning radiated in all directions, and the clouds in the sky began to split.

As if the entire sky was torn apart, clouds began to flow towards this crack.



Kaido let out a muffled sound, and his body was whipped out by Bright's tail.

Still an overwhelming force!



In the fierce wind, Doflamingo raised his head in surprise. Among the cracked clouds, he vaguely saw something flashing past.

Brett didn't care about this anymore. While Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were repelled, he plunged into the sea.

"Hey, hey, Mr. Bright, don't ignore me."

Dazzling light gathered in front of him, and Kizaru suddenly appeared beside him.

"Lightspeed Kick."

Without hesitation, the monkey kicked the huge Brett on the head.

"Don't get in the way!


Brett contracted his body to avoid the monkey's attack, then opened his mouth to spit.

"Breath of thunder and fire!


Thunder, flames, and wind, the breath of the Trinity directly swallowed Kizaru inside.

But the next moment, the light flickered, and the light gathered in front of Brett again.

"Tian Cong Yun Sword!


Kizaru held a shining lightsaber in his hand and struck it down.

"I told you, stay out of the way!"

The thing in the sky was getting closer and closer, and sweat even broke out on Brett's forehead.

"Electricity Propulsion - Mystery - Oniwa Shoken!


Punch out without mercy.


In the huge explosion, a black shadow shot out from the smoke, and then crashed into the sea, causing huge waves.


After the smoke dissipated, Kizaru scratched his hair and asked, "Did you get tricked?"

The blow just now was not forceful at all. Did you mean to be knocked away by yourself?

Kizaru looked at the still turbulent sea.

"Another failure."

Well, how many times have I said this?

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