One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 351 Series connection

"So, are we going to start taking action so soon?"

In Brett's office, Tezzolo was very surprised.

Didn’t they say a few hours ago that we would be on hold for the time being? Why are you so eager to join the war now?

"Well, the plan really can't keep up with the changes."

Brett spread his hands helplessly, "Who would have thought that Charlotte Lingling would want to join the war so soon."


Taizuolo raised his eyebrows, "Charlotte Lingling has already started taking action? Kaido's guy is more impatient than we thought."

"There is no way, of course Kaido doesn't want to see another overlord rise in the new world."

Brett said leisurely.


Tezoro chuckled, "You want to say that you were the last one, right? Brett?"

"But it's not just bragging."

Today, for Brett, it is no longer impossible to dominate the new world.

"No need to say more nonsense,"

Brett smiled, "The key issue now is that Katakuri is finally ready to take action."


Taizolo's eyes lit up, "Does this mean we are going to attack Charlotte Lingling this time?"

"Be a little more secretive,"

Brett said, "If the government knew that we were leading the charge behind the scenes, they would be even more uneasy."

Of course, they have already broken with the government. No matter whether they do it or not, both sides will end up in a life-or-death decisive battle.

"My Healing Game"

But if everything is exposed too early, it will have a great impact on the subsequent decisive battle.

Katakuri is his ally. After he leads the Charlotte family, the overlord pirate group of the new world will also be his ally.

Rather than immediately being exposed to the government's eyes, it would certainly be wiser to hide this relationship.

There's no telling when they might come in handy.

"so what?"

Tezoro smiled and asked, "Britt, what do you think? What are you going to do?"

"It depends on how far Katakuri can do it."

Brett said softly.

Since he wanted to hide the information, of course he couldn't appear directly in front of Charlotte Lingling and then give her a righteous beating.

We have to see what Katakuri can do, we have to see how much power he can draw within the Charlotte family.

If the power he has attracted is strong enough, then this matter may not be too difficult.

But if things don't go smoothly on Katakuri's side, even if he helps him defeat Charlotte Lingling, it won't be so easy for him to command the Charlotte family.

However, Katakuri is not a reckless person. Now that he has decided to take action, he must be confident.

This operation should have a good result in the end, Brett thought so.

"Anyway, let's send a message to that guy Shanks first, don't let him be caught off guard."

Brett said.

In the new world, in a certain sea area in the middle and late stages, on a certain desert island, a pirate group is resting on the island at this time.

"Tsk, the pirate group commanded by the Pirate Emperor is indeed not formidable. I have never encountered such a stressful enemy before!"

The hair on his head is tied into a dreadlock, and the man, who looks carefree and unruly, is wrapping a bandage around the wound on his arm.

The pain made him grin a little, but the smile on his face never faded at all. "There were several times when I thought we were going to be doomed."

"The opponent is Kaido. No matter what the final outcome is, we won't be surprised."

In a sense, the most trustworthy man on the ship, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, Ben Beckman lit a cigarette for himself and said leisurely.

"That's right!"

The red-haired one-armed man laughed loudly. He held a wine glass in his hand and drank unceremoniously. He didn't care at all about the urgency of the fierce battle with a powerful enemy just before. "But it's impossible to defeat us like this." It’s possible!”

"There's nothing to be afraid of,"

The ship's cook, the chubby Lucky Lu, also laughed, "Isn't the captain now called the Pirate Emperor? What else does the emperor have to fear from the emperor?"

Yes, now both sides are pirate emperors. This is a fair and reciprocal war.

"I even think we have the upper hand now!"

Someone said with a smile, "Although many people were injured, the losses on the beast side were obviously greater! We have sunk dozens of battleships!"

Compared to the Red-Haired Pirates, who only have one ship, the Beasts Pirates are certainly much larger.

Even after the death of the Black Carbon Orochi, Kaido formed a samurai force whose strength was dozens of times that of the Red-Haired Pirates.

But of course, these military advantages could not give the Beasts Pirates any real advantage in previous wars.

Although the red-haired pirates have fewer people, the average strength of the cadres is much higher than that of the beasts pirates. Even in an all-out war, head-on confrontations will not fall behind at all.

But it was at this time that the phone rang.

The red-haired man answered the phone with some surprise.

"Shanks," a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, "Listen to what's going on over there, there's a banquet going on right now."

"Oh! Brett!"

The red-haired man laughed, "What's the matter with contacting me at this time?"

"Let's talk about it first. At least Kaidou is still my opponent now."

"I knew you would say that. Don't worry, I don't mean to compete with you. This call is just to give you a reminder." That's what Brett said.

"Just a heads up, what do you mean?"

The redhead asked in surprise.

"The latest information I got is that Kaido has requested support from Charlotte Lingling. As you know, they are allies,"

Brett said, "So if nothing else happens, what you have to face next is the alliance between the Beasts Pirates and the Charlotte family."


The red-haired man was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly, "This is really not good news."

Even though he thought he was no less inferior to other monsters in the sea, the red-haired man didn't think he and his friends could defeat the two emperors joining forces.

"So, Brett, you want to say, you can help us?"

The red-haired man chuckled, "If that's the case, thank you so much!"

Although he seeks a fair confrontation, since the other party does not show martial ethics first, then of course he will not be polite.

"No, although I do have my purpose, I don't intend to take action directly,"

Brett answered him this way, "Don't you have a very good friend?"

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