"Captain! Attacking again!"

It was early in the morning, and on the deserted island where the red-haired pirates were stationed, someone shouted at the top of their lungs, and the shouts immediately broke the early morning silence.

Above the sea, huge ships have arrived in the wind and waves, and the sails spread out are like dark clouds, blocking the brilliance of the sun rising on the red horizon.

"Ah, this is really true,"

The red-haired man, disheveled and disheveled, walked to the shore and looked at the rapidly approaching fleet in the distance. His eyes had already met the man on the deck of the large ship at the front of the fleet.

"Can't we just have a good night's sleep?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get ready to fight!"

Next to the red-haired man, Ben Beckman stepped forward with a musket and stood side by side with him. The vice-captain of the red-haired pirates loudly announced the start of the war, and then his voice lowered slightly, "Maybe this is the last battle! "

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

The war with the Beast Pirates, if nothing else goes wrong, should come to an end today.


Red hair!

Damn you kid!

In the distance on the sea, wild roars of filial piety were approaching like a hurricane, and a huge green dragon soared from the deck of the ship and soared into the sky.

"Come on, let me kill you!

Hot breath!

The blazing flames had already crossed a distance of several kilometers and hit the red-haired pirates like a falling meteorite.

"No matter how many times you watch it, you'll always have the same feeling."

The red hair casually inserted his beloved knife into the rock at his feet, then held the handle and pulled out the famous sword named Griffin from its sheath.

He stepped forward slowly, the blade in his hand had turned pitch black, and lightning was wrapped around it.

"Is Brett's ability really just a pirated copy?"

He swung the knife.

The black and red slashes shot up into the sky in an instant, dyeing the entire sky.

The breath of flames was directly split into two by the slash, separated in vain towards both sides, and hit the sea heavily, causing huge waves.

Holding the knife, the red-haired man chuckled and looked up at Kaido in the sky. He sighed, "No matter how you look at it, I still think Brett is more capable."

Bang bang bang bang!

The fleet of beasts had already opened fire, and the artillery kept spitting out tongues of fire. The pitch-black shells shot up into the sky with the help of the flames, and then fell towards this side like a heavy rain.


Beckman raised his musket and fired casually.

Even ordinary muskets, with the help of high-level Haki, can still make bullets burst out with astonishing speed and power.

The bullets fired from the gun flew across the sky in an instant, and then a series of explosions occurred.

Just one bullet exploded countless shells.

This amazing insight is truly breathtaking.

"Oh! Let's see who can explode more shells with one shot, Baker!"

The snipers on the ship also raised their guns.


After one shot, there was a series of explosions.


The rough-looking man opened his mouth wide, and dazzling light spurted out from his mouth. As he turned his head, the laser swept across the sky.


Boom boom boom boom!

After a series of detonations, dazzling fireworks bloomed directly in the sky.

Then, the man raised his eyebrows proudly at his companion.

"Hey! Gabu! This isn't fair!"

Sniper Jesus Bu protested loudly, "If I can fire continuously, I can do it!"


Because the man who roared Gabu didn't care and just smiled proudly.

"Okay. Stop playing tricks, it's already here!"

Beckman's tone was solemn.

When he said coming, he meant——


General III - Yin Naraku! "

Thunder exploded in the sky, Kaido fell suddenly, and the iron rod in his hand smashed down mercilessly.

"Well... I went first..."

The red-haired man shook his head helplessly, and then ejected his body upwards.


The next moment, the collision between the famous sword and the iron rod caused black lightning to bloom in the sky.

The collision between the emperors naturally caused the clouds in the sky to begin to break.

After Kaido, there are the monsters under his command.

With wings spread, Doflamingo comes after him!

The fleet on the sea is also approaching, and standing on the bow are Quinn and Jack.


Beckman breathed a sigh of relief slowly, "It should be in time." He said in a low voice.

The two pirate groups once again started a fierce battle on this desert island.

The battlefield of the emperors was in the center of the island, and every collision between the long sword and the iron rod would make the entire island tremble.

The coast is the battlefield for the men.

The showdown between top cadres and top cadres, and the showdown between low-level cadres and low-level cadres.

The Beast Pirates have an absolute numerical advantage, but the battle situation is still tense.

The Red Haired Pirates have much fewer people, but their average level is much higher than that of the Beasts Pirates, and even their senior officers are stronger than those of the Beasts Pirates.

“What an amazing group of guys!”

As he was flying in the air, dodging bullets shot from below, he felt very solemn in his heart.

The vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, Ben Beckman?

This strength is simply exaggerated!

"But it's a pity."

Doflamingo was also dodging the bullets sent into the sky by the snipers of the red-haired pirates. He laughed softly, "This time, it's not a fair fight between good boys."

Not long after the battle started, the red-haired man who was fighting fiercely with Kaido in the center of the island was slightly startled. He had noticed something with his sense of sight.

"Uh-huh-huh! It's finally here!"

Kaido laughed loudly, "Red hair, I have prepared a surprise for you!"

In the sky not far away, a shadow was approaching quickly.

"Mom, mom! The kid on Roger's ship, why don't you hurry up and hand over the information about the final island to me!"

"Ah, I haven't heard such a title for a long time. I really miss it."

The red-haired man sighed and looked calmly at Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting on the cloud and approaching quickly.


Kaido frowned.

What's going on? Why is there something wrong with this kid's reaction?

Wasn't he worried at all when he saw Lingling's arrival?

"This is a really big surprise,"

Suddenly, the red-haired man blinked at Kaido, "But, Kaido, just in time, I have prepared a surprise for you."


The air was vibrating, and green light flew from the distant coast.

A huge chasm was torn open in the earth in an instant.


Charlotte Lingling was stunned for a moment, then quickly reached for the hat on her head and pulled out the Napoleon sword.

"The Gun of Elbaf——"


Amazing explosion.

"Such a level of slashing!"

Kaido's eyes widened and he said in astonishment, "Could it be that-"

On the sea on the other side of the island, a small boat lit with faint green candlelight was slowly approaching.

On the boat, a man with a black sword and sharp eyes like an eagle raised his lips.

"It seems that we came at the right time."

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