One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 355 Katakuri is waiting

The war on the island continues.

In the center of the island, monsters were fighting each other, and on the battlefield on the coast, the officers of the two pirate groups were also fighting to the death.

"Damn! What is going on over there with the Charlotte family!"

The obese Quinn has transformed into a giant brachiosaurus, and he can spray dazzling lasers from his mouth, tail, and braids.

Every time a laser hits the ground, it triggers a huge explosion.

But unfortunately, although his opponent is also a fat man, he is much more flexible than him.

Lackey Lu's short legs moved rapidly, making him bounce around on the ground like a ball. The bullets he occasionally fired made Quinn fearful.

Quinn complained loudly, "What are they doing? Why don't you come and join the fight!"

We've already arrived at this island a long time ago, right?

Even if it is difficult to interfere in the war between monsters, if you join their side, it will be very easy to defeat the leaders of the red-haired pirates.

So why? Why are you still standing still until now?


The minds of the red-haired pirates were shooting into the sky one after another. Ben Beckman, who was unable to escape, whispered softly, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "What is the reason?"

In the center of the island, on the battlefield of monsters.

The two monsters were wielding their blades and slashing at each other passionately.

"Oh, this power is really amazing!"

Hawkeye looked excited, laughing and waving the blade, "Just the collision of the swords made me feel like my arms were going numb!"

He said such words, but in fact, the collision between Hawkeye and Charlotte Lingling was not at all inferior.

He is indeed no match for Charlotte Lingling in terms of strength, but his honed swordsmanship to the extreme and his domineering ability to forge the strongest black sword are more than enough to make up for his shortcomings in strength.

"It seems like you're having a lot of fun over there."

The redhead chuckled.


Kaido just sneered back, and then waved the iron rod in his hand vigorously.

Boom boom boom!

The continuous explosions caused the entire island to shake continuously, and the center of the island sunk dozens of meters, turning into a huge pothole.

The confrontation between the monsters can simply be described as a natural disaster.

It was during this fierce exchange that Charlotte Lingling noticed.

"Why are you still standing still?"

During the gap between confrontations, she couldn't help but turn her head and look towards the distant coast.

Katakuri, what the hell are you doing now, you little bastard?

Didn’t I already give the order to help the Beast Pirates defeat the red-haired boy’s subordinates? Why are you motionless now?

Do you want to disobey my order?

"There are flaws."

With a chuckle, the green sword light flashed, Charlotte Lingling snorted and stepped back.

Her arm had been cut open by a sharp sword.

Even her indestructible body known as a steel balloon cannot really withstand the full attack of top masters.


Charlotte Lingling couldn't think too much. All she could do now was fight.

The enemy in front of you is not a stinky fish or shrimp in the sea. You can't help but be careless when fighting him!

At this time, in the distance, on the large ship of the Charlotte family on the sea.

Katakuri stood on the side of the ship and calmly looked at the islands in the distance. Although he could not see with his eyes, his vision was enough to give him a clear insight into the fierce fighting between the monsters on the islands.

"Katakuri, what on earth do you want, you bastard!"

Behind him, Perospero, who was chained and slumped on the deck, gritted his teeth and roared. His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the expression on his face was full of disbelief, mixed with a third of panic.

"Do you want to disobey mom's orders?"

Until now, Perospero was still a little confused.

Just when he was about to follow his mother's order and lead his brothers and sisters to support the Beast Pirates, Katakuri, the bastard, suddenly attacked and captured him and the other people who were also at a loss. stand up.

Faced with Perospero's questioning, Katakuri did not respond, and did not even turn his head.

Perospero continued to question loudly, "Don't you know the consequences of an angry mother? Do you want everyone to lose their lives with you?"

This time Katakuri finally reacted. He paused and then turned around.

"Brother Perospero, it is precisely because I know the consequences of angering my mother that I am doing such a thing now."

Katakuri said so.


Perospero only wished that he was deaf.

Katakuri, that bastard, does he really want to rebel against his mother?

No! No!

Not only did he resist, he wanted to betray his mother!

"I no longer want to continue worrying that my brothers and sisters will be harmed not by foreign enemies but by their mother."

Katakuri said calmly, "From today on, I will lead the family."

Perospero was almost stunned, "Katakuri..."

Crazy, this bastard is crazy, he really thinks he can go against his mother!

Who do you think your boy is? Katakuri!

Yes, you are indeed the most outstanding among us brothers and sisters, but don’t even think about keeping up with mom.

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How could such a thing be possible!

"So, you all want to help him?"

Perospero looked blankly at his younger siblings standing behind Katakuri.

Owen, Dafu, Cracker, Smoothie...

The most elite members of the family are all supporting Katakuri!

I have long known that this boy has a high prestige, but this level is too much!

Could it be that each of them didn’t take their mother seriously at all?

"We also want to see the future situation described by Katakuri."

Dafu said calmly, "Brothers and sisters are united, and there is no need to worry in the family. If it is Katakuri, he might be able to do such a thing."


Perospero was speechless.

What a bunch of bastards!

All of them are so bold.

And more importantly, Katakuri, you bastard, you have obviously connected so many younger brothers and sisters, why didn't you tell me about this from the beginning to the end?

Perospero was angry.

"So, Katakuri, what are you going to do?"

Perospero asked angrily.

Although he was caught, he was not worried. Katakuri was not someone who could do such a thing to harm his brother.


Katakuri paused, "Just wait."

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