One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 369 Heading to the Final Island

After returning from the Shampoo Islands, Brett was not in a hurry to go back to sleep. He went to Coral Hill and the Mermaid Cafe.

Although the night was already quite late, warm light was still projected on the glass of the cafe. Brett opened the door and walked in. Charlie was sitting behind a table.

"I guess it's about time you arrived."

Charlie looked up.

Boss Xia Li is already twenty-three years old this year, and is at an age where she can no longer be called a girl.

The childishness that once remained on his face completely disappeared, replaced by a heart-stopping cold charm.

Brett was not surprised by Charlie's prediction. Prophets are like this.


Brett smiled.


Charlie's lips curled up, "Then let me see if your skills have improved."

Brett went behind the bar, rolled up his sleeves and started making coffee skillfully.

This is a craft passed down by boss Xia Li, and today Brett has honed it to a very mature level.

While his hands kept moving, Brett said at the same time, "Next, I'm going to reveal the world's ultimate secret."

"It is not good?"

Charlie's voice was as calm as ever. For a fortune teller who was used to predicting the future, there were indeed very few things in this world that would surprise her.

"Yeah, that's a good thing,"

Brett nodded, "This means that we are very close to the final goal."

As long as the details of the World Government are figured out, the only thing left is the final war.

It's really close.

We are very close to the goal of relocating the Fish-Man Island to the sea so that all the fish-people can breathe fresh air and bathe in the sun freely.

"What's the matter, Brett?"

Charlie turned around and said with great interest, "It can't be that everything is over now, but you feel a little uneasy, right?"

"It's not that I'm worried."

Brett shook his head, and then said with a sigh, "At this point, no matter how powerful the enemy I face next is, I will never waver again."

We have come all the way to this point, and it is absolutely impossible to back down. The next thing we can do is to move forward bravely and win.

If you are still hesitant until now, why not talk about the final battle and just sit in the sea and wait for the Straw Hat junior to become the Pirate King?

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"is that so?"

Charlie raised her eyebrows.

"Hey, hey, boss Charlie, do you mean you don't believe me?"

Brett said helplessly, "Even if the war fails, as long as we hide in the sea, the enemy can't do anything to us, so why should I bear any psychological burden?"

That's the reason. Even though Master Yin Mu and the weapons he controls have overwhelming power, what can he do as long as they are at the bottom of this deep sea?


When entering, there is a straw hat junior brother who can hide the truth, and when retreating, there is the deep sea where one can hide.

There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

"Have you actually considered these things?"

Charlie was startled for a moment, then chuckled and said, "I thought Brett was only thinking about the idea that he would definitely win?"


Brett smiled and said, "Strategically, you have to be at a disadvantage, but tactically, you must pay attention to the enemy."

Of course, you must have the belief that you will win, otherwise how can you fight the enemy unreservedly, but you must also keep up with the follow-up preparations.

Fighting at the risk of everything is something only a child would do. Brett has shouldered too many responsibilities, and he cannot allow himself to be careless.

"It's not apprehension or panic,"

Brett leisurely placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of Charlie, and then he sat across from his childhood sweetheart, "It's nervousness, the nervousness brought about by expectation."

We are about to go to the final island, we are about to get the treasure left by Roger and Qiao Yin Boyin, we are about to reveal the final secret of the world, how can we not be nervous?

Brett added, "Besides, after returning from the Final Island, we will almost start preparing for the final battle."

There is no doubt that it will be the most difficult battle in my life.

"So?" Charlie just looked at him with a smile.

"So before I can win the war, I have to devote all my energy to it."

That's what Brett said.

"What, do you just want to say this?"

Charlie smiled and said, "Just go ahead and do it, Brett. What awaits us will only be a bright future."

Brett smiled softly, "That's right."

The next day came and it was time to set off.

Brett traveled lightly and did not take too many people with him. He only left Fish-Man Island with Tezolo and Nico Robin.

Let people enter the new world and then head towards the second half of this sea area.

Since it is the island at the end of the Great Line, of course it is in the sea at the end of the New World.

However, the three of them did not go directly to the final island, but first went to an island in the new world.

This island is a desert island located in the back part of the New World. It was originally the territory of the Beast Pirates, but after the previous war, it is now under the control of the Red Hair Pirates.

A large ship parked on the shore, and two men on the shore were competing with each other with swords.

However, the two of them quickly stopped with a tacit understanding, because they had already arrived at the familiar scent that was approaching quickly.

Soon, in the sky, above the clouds, something huge was slowly falling.

The giant red dragon poked its head out from the clouds, looking down at the two people on the coast below with interest.

"The fight was quite lively. Do we need to wait until you decide the winner?"

"Need not."

The man with sharp eyes like an eagle put the black knife in his hand back on his back and snorted slightly coldly, "We are talking about a duel with this disabled person, just to pass the time."

"Hahaha, Mihawk, you guys are really merciless."

The one-armed man with red hair also laughed and put his beloved sword back into its sheath, but he did not have any overreaction because of Hawkeye's contempt.

"Oh! Hawkeye and Redhead?"

Tezoro, who was sitting on Bright's cloud, looked at the group of people below, "So, Bright should also take them with him?"


Brett nodded.

He released the clouds downwards, rolling up the red-haired and Hawkeyes as well as the ship on the coast.

"Then let's go to Lovedrew next."

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