One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 386 The new emperor, General Yamato

Chapter 386 The new emperor, General Yamato

The country of Wano is boiling.

The results of the war that took place on the sea outside the newly built Onigashima Island were quickly spread throughout the country through the communication snail, a specialty of Wano.

Well-informed people spontaneously took to the streets, either in tears or extremely excited.

They were loudly telling the people about the war.

"The Beast Pirates have been defeated!!"

"Hundred Beasts Kaido is defeated!"

"The warriors have won, and the country has been liberated!"

At the beginning, the residents of Wano were skeptical about the news they brought.

Will Kaido, the beast who has ruled this country for more than ten years, really be defeated?

Can anyone really defeat the Beast Pirates he rules?

Having lived in darkness for more than ten years without any light, it was really difficult for the people of the Living Country to accept such a shocking fact.

Until the warriors who participated in that war returned to their hometowns one by one, happily telling them the details of the war.

Only then did people finally believe that this country that had been in darkness all year round had finally seen the light of day.

Then people knew that in a week, in the capital of this country, the new general of the Flower Capital would be crowned.

On that day, she will personally announce the dawn of a new era for this country.

A large number of people have begun to move towards the Flower Capital, and they all want to witness this new beginning in person.

But this matter has nothing to do with Brett.

Not long after the war ended, he and Tezoro left the country of Wano.

"Are you really not going to stay for a while longer?"

Yamato felt very disappointed at Bright's request to leave.

They finally won the victory under the leadership of Bright, but there was no time to celebrate as this man was about to leave.

"It will be dangerous if I stay here too long."

Brett said solemnly.


Yamato was a little confused about the danger Bright mentioned.

However, Bright did not intend to give a detailed answer. He just said his blessing at the end, "Govern this country well."

"Don't be too anxious about the founding of the country. After all, the final war will probably begin soon after."


Yamato gave Bright a bright smile, "Of course I will help you, no matter what kind of enemy you face."

Bright left just like that, taking Tezoro and the remnants of the Beast Pirates with him.

I didn't lie to Yamato. It would be really dangerous if you stayed here for too long.

If his whereabouts are exposed to the government, then the weapon in Lord Im's hands will most likely come directly across the sea.

That is a killing weapon that can truly destroy the world. I am afraid that the country of Wano will be wiped out in an instant, taking Bright himself with it.

Bright is no longer the fish-man who knows nothing about the world government.

He has reached the final island and learned the world's deepest secrets.

Not long after Bright left, or rather not long after the war ended, the process and results of the regime subversion war that took place in Wano Country were already on the desks of the Five Old Stars.

"Brett's bastard is really active!"

The bearded Five Old Star blew his beard and glared, with veins popping out of his forehead in anger, "Now even Kaido has been dealt with by him!"

"The situation in Wano has completely gotten out of control,"

The blond Five Old Star shook his head, "If nothing else happens, Kaido's daughter will become the new ruler of that country, and that woman is Bright's ally."

"That woman's strength cannot be underestimated, and the country of Wano she commands is also not weak in strength!"

The bald Five Old Star gritted his teeth, "Unknowingly, that bastard Brett has gathered more and more power!"

"Do you want to find a way to destroy Wano Country first?"

"How to destroy?"

The sword-wielding Five Old Star sighed, "Can you ask Lord Im to send that thing over?"

"That bastard Brett has already left. Even if Wano destroys that country, it will only let that bastard know that we have such power in our hands."

On the contrary, it can only be a warning.


The blond Five Old Star also sighed, "In the final analysis, the biggest threat is still only one member of the Bright family."

So what if the Giant Kingdom of Wano is so powerful?

It is only a piece of cake to destroy them.

But only Brett, only this guy Brett.

Hiding in the deep sea, hiding under the red earth continent, it would be difficult for the ultimate weapon to work on him.

But that guy had unrivaled power, and even a strong man like Kaido, a pirate emperor, was easily defeated by him.

"Speaking of which, the remnants of the Beasts Pirates were taken away by that guy Bright. What did he want to do?"

"Who knows, I think it will definitely not be a good thing for us."

The five old stars fell into silence.

This is nonsense. Can that bastard Brett do anything good?

The Five Old Stars did not deliberately add fuel to the flames, but the story of the war that took place in Wano Country still quickly spread across the entire sea.

The reason why the war that took place in that closed country spread so quickly was because shortly after leaving, Morgans's phone number had already reached Bright's phone bug.

That guy was very well-informed. He knew the occurrence of the war and the outcome of the war immediately.

But he didn't know the detailed process, so he asked Bright to find out.

Bright did not deliberately hide it, but he also told Morgans not to add information about him and Tezzolo in the report.

Let him claim that it was Kaido who was defeated by Yamato.

It would also be good to build momentum for Yamato so that she can better protect that country.

So, the sea boiled again.

Who would have thought that not long after a pirate emperor fell, another emperor fell.

"Does Kaido actually have a daughter? Have you never heard of such a thing?"

"Forget it if you haven't heard of it, she actually has that kind of power and actually defeated Kaido!"

"Isn't this just like Katakuri, defeating their parents who were emperors and then taking their position!"

"Yes, is the title of Pirate Emperor cursed? Will Whitebeard and Red Hair turn their children against each other in the future?"

"Hahahaha, Red Hair has no children, but White Beard might have so many children, doesn't he? Maybe one of them will betray!"

"However, since the woman named Yamato defeated Kaido, then of course she will be the new emperor, right?"

"But she's not a pirate!"

"Isn't that the same as Brett?"

"Anyway, she is indeed the new emperor, right? That General Yamato!"

People can only lament that times are changing so fast.

In the country of Wano, someone who doesn't know yet that she has been called the new emperor is delivering her declaration of inauguration.

"From today on, I will lead this country forward!"

Standing on the top of the tallest tree in the Flower City, Yamato raised his right fist.

"Oh oh oh oh!!"

The people who crowded the streets below like a tide cheered vigorously.

Although she is not a descendant of the Kozuki family, although she is Kaido's daughter, she saved this country!

General Yamato makes a grand appearance!

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