Chapter 388 Agreement

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Jhin frowned, "I don't think we have anything to talk about."

Even facing Bright, Jhin was not afraid at all.

Of course Jhin knew that in a head-on battle, no matter how hard he tried, he would never be able to defeat Bright.

But fighting is one thing, surrendering is another.

Brett can defeat his body, but don't defeat his spirit.

"It doesn't seem to cooperate at all."

Tezzolo said with a smile, "Otherwise we should throw them into the sea now."

Don't throw it away!

Quinn's teeth were almost broken, and he kept using his eyes to signal Jhin, the bastard, to cooperate.

Now there is a clear turning point. There is no need to fight against Bright.

But Jhin didn't look at him at all.

"I think there are quite a lot of things to talk about."

Bright smiled and said, "For example, I can temporarily spare Kaiduo's life."


Jhin's pupils shrank instantly, and an expression of excitement appeared on his face that could not be suppressed. He pressed his body forward and asked quickly, "Bright, are you telling the truth?"

"Hey, Jhin! What are you doing, you idiot!"

Kaido said angrily, "What else is there to say to this bastard!"

He had roughly guessed what this bastard Brett wanted to do, and precisely because of this, he would never let this guy Brett succeed.

He was never willing to give in to Bright, nor was he willing to let his men bow down because of him.

But Jhin didn't reply, he gritted his teeth.

Everything else doesn't matter, but if it's Mr. Kaido's life——

Mr. Kaido, you saved me and gave me the meaning of living, so now, let me save you!

"Bright, what are your conditions?"

Jin said solemnly.

Quinn's face instantly lit up with joy.

Appeared! Isn't this the turning point?

Many of the officers of the Beasts Pirates had happy faces at this time.

But of course, not everyone is like this.

"Hey! Jhin! You bastard-wuwuwu..."

The angry Kaido began to roar, but soon he was speechless. The clouds rolled up and blocked his mouth like a snake.

Really, you don’t have the right to speak now, Kaido.

Bright smiled, "You also know that my enemy is the World Government, and the power they hold is still a bit too strong."

"So, I need to gather more strength."


Jhin nodded solemnly, "You want us to obey your orders."

"That's what I mean."

Bright snapped his fingers, "Use your hard work in exchange for Kaido's survival."

Kaido was struggling hard, even the high-purity sea stone chains could not completely make him lose his power.

He felt insulted. When did he need to ask his men to sacrifice their freedom to save?

In this case, it is better to let him die.

But Bright didn't give him a chance to speak. After all, if he did let him speak, he might be able to shake Jhin's belief.

"Why should we trust you?"

Jhin did not agree easily. Since Bright chose to negotiate, let's have a good talk with him.

Let's talk about the price.

Unfortunately, Bright had no intention of bargaining. He just said casually, "Do you have any choice?"

Jin was speechless.

Yes, now Bright has the absolute initiative, and they can only passively accept it.

"What you have to do next is very simple,"

Bright said, "I want you to go to the sea and build up a team again, but stop being pirates and just find a non-member country or an uninhabited island to station yourself temporarily. "

"I will contact you when the time is right to take action."


Quinn nodded repeatedly, "We agreed!"

I never expected that this guy Brett would be so kind!

What is the difference between this and letting them go directly?

But Bright quickly added, "Of course, I also have conditions. Jhin, you must restrain these guys. Even if you kill them, you can't let anyone leave the team."

"Otherwise, I will kill Kaido."

Kaido struggled even harder.

To be honest, it was a pity to deal with the Beast Pirates like this, so Bright thought of using the waste.

They have done so much evil over the years, so let them finally pay for their sins a little in the war with the World Government.

Let’s talk about their trial after the war.

"You should be able to do this, right?" Bright asked Jhin.

"How can you guarantee that you will not harm Mr. Kaido during this period?" Jhin asked.

"How about letting you guys talk on the phone every once in a while?"

"I think the terms I offered were very generous," Bright said.

Jin was silent for a moment, but only for a moment. Soon, he nodded heavily.

"I agreed!"

Oh, I heard Kaido’s extremely angry voice right away.

Of course he is very angry now.

But unfortunately, you no longer have the say.

Brett nodded slightly, "Very good, then the contract is established."

"You shouldn't have any objections, right?"

Bright asked the other remaining members of the Beast Pirates.

"Of course, of course I have no objection!"

Quinn nodded repeatedly.

Isn’t this enough to survive? What else can you say?

"If you can keep your promise!"

Jack, who was wrapped into a rice dumpling, said solemnly.

"Of course, I have no reason to deceive you, my compatriots,"

Brett smiled, "After all, all of your lives are in my hands now, so why should I deceive you?"

Jack snorted, but didn't say anything after all.

"Then, everyone must work hard next."

Bright stood up, stretched, and showed a bright smile to the leaders of the pirate group, "If I find someone escaping, the contract will be void."

"I will kill Kaido first, and then I will chase you to the ends of the earth."

His tone was gentle.

But Quinn couldn't help but shudder.

If you are targeted by such a monster, you might as well just die!


Jhin nodded and said, "I won't let these guys have any chance."

If anyone really wants to escape, Jhin will end that guy's life without hesitation!

Never allow those guys to have any chance of harming Mr. Kaido!

"Me too, me too."

Quinn also nodded repeatedly.


Brett applauded, "It's a pleasure to work together."

This should be no problem. With Jhin's strength and his respect for Kaido, he should be able to restrain these scum.

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