One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 393 The Lion Returns to the Sea

After throwing Kaido into a bubble prison under the sea and imprisoning him, Bright's life returned to silence.

The World Government is standing still. Of course, they will not dare to do anything to Fish-Man Island until they are sufficiently sure.

The New World has also completely calmed down. After all, the four current emperors are all Brett and are friends of Fish-Man Island.

As for Paradise and the four seas beyond the Grand Line, it was a bit too far away from Brett. He didn't care, and nothing big happened.

For a moment, the whole world seemed relatively silent.

But it should be said that it has finally calmed down. After all, too many shocking events have happened in this year.

The emperors fell one after another, three emperors were announced as ascendants, and the monsters in the new world were all replaced except for Whitebeard.

"Now people around the world are saying that a new era has arrived."

At the Mermaid Cafe, Brett sighed a little while eating.

Among the powerful pirates from the previous era, only Whitebeard is left, and the other four monsters called emperors, Katakuri, the eldest, is only in his forties, and he is not at all like him. Not from the same era.

The youngest ones, Brett and Yamato, are only in their early twenties and are truly the new generation.

The traces left over from the previous era began to gradually dissipate in the world of pirates.

People on the sea have begun to guess when Whitebeard will be pulled off his horse.

"There won't be such a time, right? After all, aren't Fish-Man Island and Whitebeard Daddy friends?"

A mermaid lady asked with a smile.

Before the rise of Brett, this island indeed relied on the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, although it was a member of the government-affiliated country, the World Government had never protected this country.

"The changes of the times are unstoppable, and no one can stop the world from moving forward."

Brett smiled and said, "But you can always slow down, right?"

"I knew it,"

Miss Mermaid smiled and said, "Britt, you can do anything!"

"But it can't be delayed for much longer?"

Charlie, who was settling accounts behind the bar, didn't raise her head, her voice was calm.


Brett sighed.

Yes, no matter how hard you try to stop it, it won't last long. This era is about to usher in a huge change. The profession called pirates may no longer exist after that. Whitebeard-senior's pirate family will also be able to do it. Not too long.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

The remnants of the old era will be swept into the garbage heap of history, and a new era is gradually heading towards the sea——

Brett thought so, it was irresistible and unstoppable.

Just when he was thinking this, a phone call suddenly came over.

"What? You mean, Shiki?"

Brett was greatly surprised.

Back in time, the New World, this sea area is called Ten Thousand Kingdoms, is where the new pirate emperor Katakuri sits. It is undoubtedly the most dangerous sea area in this sea that is known as the most dangerous. one.

Although the Charlotte family just ushered in a change of leader this year, in fact this did not have much impact on the family.

After all, Charlotte Lingling was not much in charge of affairs in the first place. She had always only cared about the decision-making of major affairs. As for the small matters of the country and family, they were all decided and implemented by the ministers of the family.

Although Charlotte Lingling was imprisoned, the family cadres were all intact, and the governing body was still able to govern the country efficiently.

So the country remains the same, except for the change of king, there seems to be no change.

Then, in the evening of this day, everyone thought that this day was no different from the past, it would just be a normal evening.

But the changes came suddenly.

In the center of the world, on the island called Cake Island, in the palace, Katakuri was having a dinner with his family brothers and sisters.

Katakuri likes his younger brothers and sisters very much. He always takes the trouble to organize various activities that can enhance the relationship between brothers and sisters. It is a daily activity to gather dozens of younger brothers and sisters to hold dinner parties.

Katakuri, who always has a cold face, will also show a gentle smile at this time. The younger brothers and sisters are very cute and care about each other very much.

To some extent, he and Whitebeard may have something in common.

That night, Katakuri also had a great time chatting with her brothers and sisters.

However, at a sudden moment, his eyes flashed red.

"not good!


The man stood up directly and suddenly raised his right hand.

The younger brothers and sisters didn't even realize what was happening when they saw that the surrounding walls and ceiling began to melt in an instant. No, the entire castle melted into white rice cakes.

These rice cakes surged upwards under Katakuri's control, condensing into a huge rotating drill, and roared upwards after being wrapped in dark domineering energy.

"Brother Katakuri??"

The younger brothers and sisters looked confused, not knowing what their brother was doing now.

But of course Katakuri didn't suddenly have a seizure, he just foresaw something terrible!

The sharp wind was howling in the sky, and something huge was falling at a jaw-dropping speed.

It was a ship, a huge sea ship!

The Queen Mother Anthem was originally Charlotte Lingling's ship.

This huge sea-going ship is hundreds of meters long. If it is allowed to fall, it will certainly be a disaster.

But luckily the drill came.

The jet-black drill whizzed upwards, disembowelling the ship the moment it hit it, and then drilled directly through it.

Large pieces of ship fragments were ejected in all directions, and when they fell in the forest around the castle, they made a rumbling sound like a meteor shower.


It was only then that the Charlotte family siblings realized something was wrong and someone was attacking.

They watched as Katakuri raised his head and stared at the sky.

The huge drill in the sky spread out and turned into black rice cake snakes hovering in the air.

"Jie hahahaha!

Isn’t this a good job? "

Loud laughter came from the sky, accompanied by strong winds, and with long golden hair flying, the old lion slowly descended.

His laughter spread throughout every corner of the island, "Katakuri, that little devil who followed Lingling back then is now able to stand alone."

Katakuri's eyes gradually widened, and an expression of astonishment appeared on his face.

He really didn't expect that this guy would appear in front of him at this time.

"Golden Lion!"

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