One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 395 Chasing the Golden Lion

The location is on the coast of Cake Island.

No, it can no longer be described as a coast, because the island is now floating in the sky, and the sea that looks dark under the night sky is hundreds or thousands of meters below the island.

So the edge of the island is no longer a coast at all.

Brett stood here, and behind him was Katakuri who had just arrived.

"It's really scary,"

Brett looked down, "If this island falls, then I'm afraid no one will be able to withstand this terrifying power."

Yeah, how much does an island weigh?

That is definitely a terrifying weight that is unimaginable to ordinary people. If coupled with the acceleration of gravity, the island at this time is already a destructive weapon hanging in the air. It is not a problem to smash another island, and even destroy an island like Alaba. It may not be difficult for a huge country like Stanwa.

Just raise the island a little higher.

"No wonder you gave him the stone."

Brett said.

"The whole family was almost wiped out."

Katakuri sighed dejectedly, "Golden Lion, that guy has the terrifying power to destroy everything."

The golden lion had raised the island into the sky before, and threatened that if Katakuri didn't give him the stone, he would let the island crash down and kill everyone in the Charlotte family at sea.

As a last resort, Katakuri of course had no choice but to compromise.

If he was alone, then of course he would have nothing to fear, but the problem was that there were many of his younger brothers and sisters on the island.

Brett nodded with deep understanding.

Isn’t Ultron in Avengers 2 planning to raise a city into the sky and then smash it down to destroy the world?

A golden lion can do this very easily.

Although the ability to fight head-on is not very strong, to be honest, the destructive power of the Piao Piao Fruit is far greater than that of Senior Whitebeard's Shock Fruit.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

The deterrent power of ancient weapons is nothing more than this.

So Brett doesn't understand. What does the golden lion guy want to do with the ferocious beast that he has been hiding and studying for more than ten years?

If you have this spare time, wouldn't it be better to take a few more islands to Mariejoia and smash them?

"I'll send you down first."

Brett said so.

He jumped down, then turned into a huge fire dragon and released thick clouds, slowly rolling up the edge of the entire island.

Objects touched by the golden lion will lose gravity, but their mass will not change, so it still took a lot of effort for Brett to drag the island.

Put the island in its original position, and then let Katakuri use his awakening to melt the rocks on the seabed and reconnect the island with the rock formations below.

Then Brett set off.

He's going to chase that guy with the golden lion.

He wanted to run away after bullying his friend. How could anything be so cheap in the world?

Moreover, that guy is even now on his way to bully Brett's next friend.

"Remember to keep it a secret for me."

Brett transformed into a dragon-like form, released flame clouds from the soles of his feet, and lightning burst out from his whole body. He stepped on the clouds and rose into the sky. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the sky like a ray of light.

The secrecy he was talking about was referring to the use of flame clouds to put the island back on the sea.

There are not many people in the entire world who can do this kind of thing. If you really want to dig deeper, the connection between him and Katakuri will be easily exposed.

Of course, we can't be exposed so easily, and we still hope to find an opportunity for Katakuri to give the government a big surprise.

Fortunately, he is in Wanguo, fortunately he is on Cake Island. Katakuri has absolute control over this country and island.

"You should be able to catch up, right?"

Watching Brett disappear into the horizon, Katakuri muttered to himself.

After the Golden Lion took away the historical text of the road sign here, he headed to Wano Country without stopping.

Katakuri was very sure of this, because when the old man left, he threatened, "It's time to teach Kaido's stupid daughter."

There is no reason why it cannot be Wano.

As for whether Brett and the Golden Lion will stagger in the middle of the road, it probably won't happen.

If you want to move freely in the new world, of course you have to rely on pointers.

It is impossible to record pointers. There is no reason for the golden lion to go from island to island, so of course he uses permanent pointers.

Using the same pointer to fly in the sky and heading from the same starting point to the same destination, there is no reason why the routes of both parties should stagger in the middle, right?

Brett thought so too.

As he flew forward, he kept holding the permanent pointer to confirm the direction to ensure that he did not yaw in any way.

In this case, as long as Senior Golden Lion does the same thing on the road, he will definitely catch up with him. After all, his speed is much faster than his. Brett is very confident about this.

Even though Katakuri didn't contact him until after the golden lion left. And it also took some time to get to Wan Guodu.

But it doesn’t matter even if we don’t catch up, we will meet in Wano Country anyway.

His speed was indeed lightning fast, and the sea below and the clouds beside him were retreating rapidly.

Brett made a rough calculation and found that it was probably not that far away from Wano Country at this time.

From this point of view, the flying speed of Senior Golden Lion is still very impressive.

Maybe we really have to start a battle with him in Wano Country. Just when Brett was thinking this, he suddenly raised his head.

The released Haki sensed something.

It was a quite powerful aura.

His voice was full of pride and expectation.

Probably because of what he did on Cake Island, he was proud of what he did before, and he was also looking forward to his next actions after arriving in Wano Country.

Brett curled his lips.

The electric light on the legs bloomed further, and the body suddenly rushed forward, flashing forward in the sky as if it was moving instantaneously.

In just a few breaths, the shadow floating forward in the sky ahead was clearly visible.

Of course, what you can see more clearly is the huge red stone next to the figure.

"I caught you."

Brett chuckled.

He slowed down so that the sound of his running could approach the old man in front of him faster than his figure.

"Senior Golden Lion, please stay."

Brett laughed.


Senior Golden Lion, who had seen that he could no longer use his lusty domineering energy, turned around in shock.

He didn't notice Brett pursuing him until this moment.

"You guy is-"

The golden lion's eyes widened, "Floc, Brett!"

Oh, it seems that I am indeed somewhat famous.

Brett thought so.

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