One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 403 Murloc Troops! Call from Katakuri

It's a new year, but Brett's life remains the same.

Fishman Island is still prosperous, and the world situation is still immersed in a strange silence.

But Brett knew that this kind of machine could not last long. If you want to ask why, it is that the Pluto replica battleship that Master Tom was responsible for manufacturing was almost completed.

The final war is not far away.

However, in this boring life, occasionally some interesting things will happen as a change.

The location was the Mermaid Cafe, and Brett was flipping through the newspaper.

"Ayes the fire fist,"

Brett looked at the unclear photo in the newspaper chapter. It was a man with his upper body naked, and his body was burning with flames.

With the corners of his mouth slightly raised, Brett chuckled and said, "Have you entered the Grand Line?"

"This kid made a lot of noise some time ago."

Taizuolo, who was sitting across from him and eating heavily without raising his head, said, "Extraordinary physical strength and strength, coupled with superb fighting skills, and finally the natural type of burning fruit, there is no one better than him in the past two years." An outstanding new pirate."

"Now that we have entered the Grand Line, we are still moving forward with unstoppable momentum."

Brett just smiled.

Has this guy already gone to sea? A new era is truly coming.

But I just don’t know what kind of future Ace will have in this world.

"But this guy is also a D,"

Taizuolo raised his head and wiped his mouth, "Is he the person Qiao Yin Boyin is waiting for?"

"Who knows."

Brett smiled and said, "Whenever a Nika fruit capable user appeared on the sea, then maybe he is the guy Qiao Yin Boyin is waiting for."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Qiao Yin Boyin's message did not say that the guy who inherited his ability is the inheritor of his will."

Tezuolo sneered, "How could such a coincidence happen?"

Brett could only smile.

Yes, how could such a coincidence happen?

It can only be said that the eight hundred years of waiting are not unreasonable, right?

"But it doesn't matter."

Tezoro said casually, "We are the ones who want to overthrow the world government and change the world!"

"It has nothing to do with the will of that guy Qiao Yin Boyin!"

"Right?" he asked.


Brett nodded slightly.

Neither Tezolo nor Brightco had the idea of ​​inheriting Qiao Yin Boyin's will and making the whole world free.

Tezoro wanted to take revenge on the Celestial Dragons, while Bright just wanted to fight for his own clan.

"Is it going to be soon?"

Tezuolo's eyes inevitably revealed unusual expectations.

"Yeah, it won't be long, so Tezoro,"

Brett asked, "How is Miss Utta?"

Of course, Uta's existence will not be forgotten. After all, her ability is extraordinary.

"It will definitely satisfy you,"

Taizuoluo smiled and said, "Although we can't let her go out to hold a concert to collect positive emotions, there is a similar approach to live broadcasting around the world through phone bugs."

Brett nodded slightly.

Her singing can even affect the people watching the live broadcast through the phone bug, so of course she can also collect the emotions of the viewers through the phone, thereby promoting the growth of the little devil.

"Then, we just need to wait a little longer."

Brett put down the newspaper.

I just don’t know if the government will take any action during this period of time.

"It's almost time to start preparing for action!"

The first half of the Grand Line, on a deserted island in Paradise.

This desert island looks ordinary, but there is a huge base underneath the island.

At the port directly connected to the open sea, a group of people stood neatly here.

The leader was a woman, a very beautiful woman with long black hair, slender thighs, a slim figure, and a long knife at her waist.

But she is not an ordinary woman, because there are three cracks on both sides of her shoulders, which are slightly squirming like breathing.

Generally speaking, these are gills that fish people only have.

The woman is indeed a fish-man. Her slender fingers are connected by fish webs, her white teeth are somewhat sharp, and even her skin is more brown.

The people standing behind them are indeed a group of murlocs. Although they have different shapes, each of them has very conspicuous traces of murlocs.

But the strange thing is that this group of fishmen are all wearing navy uniforms.

Even the woman at the head was wearing a coat of justice and had the rank of lieutenant general on her shoulders.

At this time, the woman was holding a phone bug in her hand, and a man's deep and solemn voice came from the other end of the phone bug.

"It's almost time to start taking action, Gion. You should have adapted to this new power."

"Yes, Mr. Sengoku,"

The woman known as Gion nodded slightly, "After half a year of training, underwater combat is no longer a problem."

"Okay, that's good."

The man on the other end of the phone said, "Thank you so much, Gion, for making you look like this because of the government's decision-making."

"It feels good now."

There was no sadness or joy on the woman's face, and no ups and downs of inner emotions could be seen. "At least it can be regarded as experiencing a different kind of life."

"Anyway, go to the meeting point. The government people will tell you what to do."


Brett didn't even know that the special forces that the government had spent quite some time setting up had now quietly begun to take action.

Peaceful life continued until one day later.

Brett suddenly received a phone call.

"it's me."

It was a very low voice, but it sounded very anxious.


Brett was a little surprised, "Is there something wrong with contacting me suddenly?"

"Something happened to Laura." Katakuri was indeed very anxious, and he couldn't wait to speak the moment Brett spoke.

Brett spent a few seconds recalling who Laura was, and then quickly remembered that she was the sister of Katakuri who escaped from marriage in the Kingdom of Giants.

Then he asked, "So what happened?"

Katakuri said hurriedly, "After I became the king of all nations, Lola still didn't come back. She said she wanted to find her love on the sea. I respected her will, but I have to keep in touch with her."

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"But yesterday she lost contact with me after entering the Magic Triangle."

"The Magic Triangle?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

Isn’t this place—

"Moria, one of the Seven Sea Warriors, is entrenched in that place. I'm afraid that Laura will be harmed by him."

Katakuri said in a deep voice, "But Ten Thousand Kingdoms is too far away from there, so Brett——"


Brett nodded slightly, "Then I will go there myself."

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