Under the King's Shichibukai, people with this nickname are undoubtedly influential figures on the sea.

Although they are not as powerful and invincible as the Pirate Emperor, the name still represents a powerful force that is difficult for ordinary people to match.

Even for someone in this queue, confronting the Pirate Emperor is not something that is impossible.

However, now the organization called Wangxia Shichibukai has also begun to wither.

Jinbei Hawkeye is almost in name only, Tyrant Bear is completely an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army, Hancock's woman is also on his side, Doflamingo has been killed by Tezoro, and Crocodile has also Escape to a new world.

The last thing left was the Moria he was about to face.

But speaking of which, the Shichibukai's establishment is already full?

Brett was thinking this in his heart as he crossed the sky.

If I remember correctly, when Acena arrived at the Shampoo Islands, didn't he also receive an invitation from the government to become a Shichibukai?

Did that guy Mihawk take the vacant position in advance?

Forget it, this kind of thing doesn't matter, Brett has already arrived at the top of the castle.

"For now, let's say hello first."

Brett just flicked his right hand casually, and in the flash of lightning, a thunder spear was thrown directly by him.

The thunder gun penetrated directly through the castle, detonated after penetrating deep inside, and brilliant lightning shot into the sky. Most of the castle was directly blown into ruins.

"Tsk, what a brilliant fireworks."

Brett chuckled, "I just don't know if the master likes it."

"who is it!

Almost the next second, a sharp scream came from the ruined castle. Soon, a fat guy climbed up from the ruins. He looked up to the sky and roared filial piety.

The belly is round and swollen like a ball, but the neck is very long, almost as thick as the head, and the figure looks extremely uncoordinated.

"Who did it!

! "

He was roaring.

"Here here,"

Brett made a sound as he slowly landed on top of a broken wall, looking down at Moria below.

His height is already exaggerated. At over five meters tall, he is not inferior to Katakuri at all, but he is dwarfed by Moria, whose height is only slightly inferior to Kaido.

However, some people are so slow that they have to speak out on their own to discover their existence.

Brett sighed helplessly. What did this guy and Crocodile go through after the tragic defeat? How could he have fallen into this state?

"You guy-"

Moriah finally noticed Blake. He raised his head in shock and anger, and the moment he saw Blake's appearance clearly, his penis was shrinking.

"Mlocculant Brett!

Brett was a little helpless, why is the title of fishman already his exclusive title?

Why do everyone who sees me call myself that? Isn't there a pirate emperor? That one sounds much more handsome.

Moriah was really shocked.

This is really a normal thing. Even if a naval marshal suddenly sees an emperor appearing in front of him, he will probably break out in fine cold sweat on his forehead.

Moria immediately adjusted his mentality. He grinned and asked angrily, "You guy! What do you mean!"

"You suddenly came over and attacked me. Are you impatient?"

Wow, as expected, people galloping on the sea are always full of confidence in themselves.

Brett smiled and said, "Then I won't talk nonsense. You took away the shadow of one of my friends. Please give it back to her."

"What a joke!"

Veins were pulsing on Moriah's forehead, and Brett could already hear the anger gushing out like a volcano in his heart, "Don't talk nonsense in front of me, who do you think I am!"

Suddenly someone found his home base, and then a round of bombings destroyed his home.

Now this bastard attacker wants to give back the shadows he finally collected. How could Moria not be angry?

"Go to hell!


Deep Sea Emperor?

What I am beating is the emperor!

I was just worried that Kaido would have no target after that bastard was defeated. Wouldn't a new enemy be coming to my door right now?

What's even more coincidental is that this bastard has the same ability as Kaido!

Maybe, this is fate.

“Shadow Horn Gun!

Following Moria's roar, shadows condensed under the wall where Bright was standing, and then stabbed upward.

The shadow broke free from the shackles of the plane and turned into an extremely sharp spear.

Brett jumped back slightly and avoided the blow easily, "Danger, danger, danger, there are really despicable moves."

The power of this move is just that. Even if he doesn't use an armed Sebulite, he doesn't think it can break through his physical defense.

But the place of attack is too obscene. Where can I attack directly from below to the crotch?

"That means you refuse to negotiate, right?"

Brett nodded slightly. Sure enough, he would resort to violence in the end.

This is a very helpless reality. Language is not very useful in this ocean.

“Flying bats!

The piercing spears of shadow spread out and turned into countless bats flying towards Bright.

Brett didn't even bother to hide and allowed these bats to surround him.

No matter how hard these bats tried, they couldn't even leave any traces on his body.


Moria recalled bad memories again. This bastard's body was as indestructible as Kaido!

“Shadow box!

The bats surrounding Brett turned into a box to wrap him up, and countless sharp blades extended from the inside of the box, thrusting towards Brett.

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However, all the shadow blades were broken the moment they touched Bright's skin, and were unable to cause any harm to Bright.

"It seems like that's it."

Brett shook his head.

The next moment, brilliant lightning burst out from his legs. He just sprinted forward and smashed the shadow box directly, and then shot towards Moria like lightning.

too fast!

Moria felt his eyes blurred as Laite's big hand was about to press on his face.

Brett crushed a group of shadows.

I don't know when the Moria in front of me has turned into an aggregation of shadows.

Shadow warrior.

This is a move that allows the main body and shadow to switch places.

However, it was meaningless, because in the next moment, Brett had already refracted backwards.

Moriah, who was emerging from the shadow, had no time to react as Brett's hands had already pinched his neck.


Brett smiled.

"Let go of Lord Moria!"

Among the broken ruins, someone flew into the sky.


Brett raised his eyebrows slightly.

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