One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 408 Infiltrator and Ace

Fish-Man Island, an island located 10,000 meters below the sea surface and in a huge cavity under the red earth continent, is still sitting quietly at the deepest point of the seabed.

The huge bubbles surrounding it gave it air, and the sunlight from the Sun Tree Eve falling from above gave it light and warmth.

This is the most beautiful place in the boundless deep sea, a treasure of depth.

At this time, in the deep sea outside this island, a group of people paddled in silently.

"This is Fish-Man Island. Although I have heard about the beauty of this place through word of mouth from adults when I was a child, this is the first time I have actually seen it with my own eyes."

The leader of this group of people was a woman. In the dark sea far away from Yangshu Eve, it was impossible to see her true appearance. Even her voice was a little distorted because of the water. "It is indeed extraordinary beauty. Not long ago Morgans said in the newspaper that this is the most prosperous, richest, and safest city in the world, and now it seems that it is indeed true."

Even from this considerable distance, you can easily see the island in the distance.

Under the sunlight, the country shrouded in huge bubbles is like a pearl embedded in the seabed. Its beautiful appearance is so breathtaking.

Then there are the sea ships that keep docking or sailing away. They transport goods from all over the world to Fish-Man Island. At the same time, they also transport goods from Fish-Man Island to all parts of the world.

"Although secretly we have already broken up with each other, on the surface we still maintain a peaceful situation."

The woman sighed softly, "The business of Fish-Man Island has spread all over the world, and they have collaborators all over the world."

This alone has brought countless wealth to Fishman Island, directly increasing the threat of these enemies.

However, the government is unable to do anything about this situation. In many cases, it even takes the initiative to protect the business of Fishman Island.

However, this situation is about to change now.

"Is the mission clear?"

The woman said calmly, "Spread out and sneak into Fish-Man Island, find out the various industries of Fish-Man Island, and focus on military engineering. There are two main goals. One is Fish-Man Tom. If you can't bring him Take them back and kill them on the spot."

"The second target is Explosive Rock. That thing is a sharp blade hanging above our heads. Only by removing this knife can we officially start a war with Fish-Man Island."


Accompanied by a uniform dull reply, these guys spread out in the dark water and wandered towards the Fish-Man Island from all directions.

At this time, shadows have slowly crept into the sunny Fishman Island.

At the same time, directly above here, through the deep sea water and the high red earth continent, is Marie Joa, the center of the World Government.

"Gion and the others have already started taking action."

The blond Wulaoxing said slowly, "I don't know how far they can achieve it."

"Now we just have to leave it to fate."

The bearded Goro Hoshi said, "Even if you have the ability of a fishman, you can fight in the deep sea like a real fishman and mermaid. However, the power of Gion and the others is in front of that guy Brett." It’s meaningless, if your identity is exposed, it might be difficult to escape from the deep sea.”

The government's vigilance against Bright has been raised to the highest level. The man's strength has even been strong enough to easily defeat the Yonko General. He is definitely the strongest enemy the world government has faced in the past eight hundred years.

"I don't expect Gion and the others to be able to deal with that guy Brett,"

The bald Five Old Star breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as we can deal with the two hidden dangers of Tom the Fishman and Explosive Rock, it is enough."

"In short, let's speed up the expansion of the fish-man army, and then give that guy from Vegapunk some funds to mass-produce the fish-man potion on a large scale!"

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "Sooner or later the war with Brett will start, and the battlefield will probably be at the bottom of the sea!"

"Let's put aside Brett's matter for now. What's going on with that guy Moria?"

Wulaoxing, who was standing by the window looking out at the white robe, turned around and frowned, "Why did you suddenly say you want to return to the new world?"

Just before, Moria submitted an application to the government, hoping to use Mary Joa to travel to the New World.

"Who can guess what these scum are thinking."

The bald Five Old Star snorted nonchalantly, "It's just that after seeing Kaido's downfall, prepare to seek revenge on the remnants of the Beasts Pirates."

"Promise him, it's not a troublesome thing,"

The bearded Wu Laoxing sighed, "There are not many guys left in the Shichibukai."

Jinbei rebelled openly, Doflamingo has been killed, Crocodile defected for no reason, and there are only four people left in the Shichibukai.

"We have to find a way to make up for the shortcomings of the Shichibukai."

The white-robed Five Old Stars said, "At least until Vegapunk's Seraph plan succeeds, the Shichibukai will still be of great use."

"Is there a suitable candidate?"

asked the blond Wulaoxing.

"How about Fire Fist Ace?"

The bearded Wu Laoxing suggested, "Among the recent pirate newcomers, there is no one more outstanding than him, not to mention that kid is a natural-type ability user."

"That boy?"

The bald Wu Laoxing thought for a moment, "It seems pretty good. He seems to be arriving at the Chambord Islands, so let's send CP to contact him. If he is willing, let him become the new Shichibukai." "

The other Five Old Stars all agreed.

Although Fire Fist Ace is still a new pirate, wasn't the empress recruited by the government after her first expedition? The focus of the Shichibukai is strength, and Fire Fist Ace is obviously enough. He is a natural type after all, which is almost a symbol of invincibility on the front end of the Grand Line.

Not long after that, Brett also saw the newspaper on Fish-Man Island.

"Supernova Fire Fist Ace has arrived at the Chambord Islands."

In Brett's office, he was flipping through the newspaper, his lips curled up slightly, "It's really fast."

It has been less than half a year since entering the Grand Line, and it has already reached the Chambord Islands like a raging storm.

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Almost as fast as his brother.

In this case, we will come to Fish-Man Island soon, right?

I’m really looking forward to it, Fire Fist Ace.

However, should we call Mr. Reilly and explain the identity of this boy?

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