Brett put away the phone, stood up and stretched, "Then, I'll leave first."

"Looks like that's a really interesting guy."

Charlie said, otherwise Brett wouldn't be looking forward to it.

"It's really interesting,"

Brett smiled and nodded, "So, Charlie, do you want to go together?"

"Not interested in,"

Miss Charlie shook her head.


Brett was a little helpless, "I know how to fight that guy. Don't you want Charlie to cheer me on? I really want to hear Charlie's cheering sound while fighting the enemy."

"But the Brett I know will never lose."

Charlie was as lazy as the slowly flowing clouds in the afternoon sky. Tired and soft, she wanted to be hugged. She said, "No matter what kind of enemy I face, I just need to make good coffee here." Await your return."

"Isn't that right?"

She raised her head and spoke softly.

As if a feather was tickling Brett's ears, Brett felt his ears itching. This itch spread from the ear canal to his heart, and he couldn't help but want to scratch his heart.


Brett sighed, "I just can't do anything about Charlie."

What else can I say? Of course, I can only go out with expectations to face the powerful enemy.

Well, it doesn’t seem to be a strong enemy.

Anyway, Brett set off.

Since you promised Rayleigh, you must do it well.

Brother Ace, don't blame me.

With the shackles of the Sea Tower Stone on his body, Ace had almost lost the ability to move. He was escorted by the fishmen and floated into the Fishman Island lying on the back of the sea beast.

Although he is now a prisoner, he is still trying hard to see the scenery of Fish-Man Island with his eyes.

Although it is inappropriate to say this now, he really thinks this island is really beautiful.

"Oh! Leopard Zang? Are these guys?"

Deus was not an esper, so he did not lose the ability to move due to the shackles of the sea tower stone. He saw several sea beasts coming towards him that were also floating in the sky.

He was shocked because this was not the first time.

It was even more exaggerated than what I saw in the newspapers. There were huge sea beasts cruising not far away in the sky, all of them fully armed and ready to fight.

Why does Fishman Island support so many sea beasts?

Coupled with the sea beast troops patrolling in the outer deep sea, this scale is too exaggerated!

In fact, the task of catching sea beasts that once gave Director Bright a huge headache is now extremely simple. Many cadres of the Immigration and Entry Administration now have the ability to catch sea beasts on their own.

[A book-chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend I’ve known for ten years! It’s so easy to use. I rely on it to pass the time while driving and before going to bed by reading and listening to books. You can download it here ]

The size of the sea beast army on Fish-Man Island is indeed exaggerated.

Leopard Zang stood on the head of the sea beast. He said with a smile, "Well, we caught a group of crazy people. Lord Bright said to take them over to have a look."

"Oh? Did Director Bright actually become interested?"

The guy on the head of the sea beast opposite looked at this side in surprise, "It feels like it will be very interesting, but it's a pity that I have to carry out a mission now."

"Hahaha, I will tell you later,"

Baozang winked, "Just treat me to a few drinks."

"Haha, you guy-"

After exchanging a few pleasantries with his colleagues, Baozang continued to move forward with a group of people.

He stood upright. The once alcoholic gangster from Fishman Street was now a man who would be called a soldier for granted. He said without looking back, "Remember to be respectful when you see Mr. Bright." Oh, Fire Fist.”

"It doesn't matter how arrogant you are usually, but in front of that adult, restrain all your arrogance and frivolity! Otherwise,"

Baozang looked back gently, "Kill you."

What an incredible guy, Deus sighed in his heart.

His reputation on Fish-Man Island has reached an unimaginable level.

No wonder he was immediately arrested just for saying he wanted to challenge him.

If someone were to insult someone, it would probably cause a huge commotion right away.


Even though he was completely weak, Ace still managed to smile, "I'm even more looking forward to meeting that man."

"Stupid guy."

Baozang turned his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It's really stupid. How can a normal person dare to challenge Mr. Brett?

Only the stupidest fool would make such a decision.

But why are you looking forward to the moment when this guy meets that adult?

Baozou lightly stepped on the sea beast under his feet to speed it up.

It didn't take long for the destination to appear in front of me.

After all, the headquarters of the Immigration and Entry Administration is located near the port, not far from the entrance to Fishman Island.

It was a not very tall building, but the man standing on the top floor of the building seemed to tower into the clouds in Bao Zang's eyes.

Leozo let the sea beast float above the building, and then he and his men jumped to the top floor of the building with the Spade Pirates.

He himself bowed slightly towards the man who was looking at the scenery of Fish-Man Island on the railing on the top floor, "Lord Brett, I brought them here."

Deus pursed his lips and was fully mentally prepared before finally daring to raise his head.

The first thing he saw was a back figure.

Wearing a loose T-shirt and a pair of equally loose shorts.

If it weren't for his overly tall physique, he would look just like the tourists everywhere on Fish-Man Island at this time, even wearing a pair of slippers on his feet.

However, it doesn't look like anything special, except for being unusually tall.

Isn't it that the emperors are so powerful that just looking at them makes people feel creepy?

Is this the emperor of the deep sea, the fish-man Brett? It's very different from what I imagined.

"Untie their shackles."

Deus heard the man with his back turned to them say this.


Leozo didn't have any doubts, and directly worked with his subordinates to untie all the restraints on the members of the Spade Pirates.

What an arrogant guy. Does this mean he doesn't take himself and others seriously at all?

Deus was heartbroken.

"Hahaha! Resurrected!"

Ace didn't think as much as his vice-captain thought. The moment the shackles of Hailoushi were released, he stood up, twisting his neck and moving his body in excitement.

"Hey," he looked at the tall figure and took two steps forward, "You are Brett, right?"

Brett turned back and looked down at the little man in front of him. He smiled and said, "If there is no second person named Brett here, it should be me."


Flames rose up from Ace's shoulders, "Come and fight me! Emperor of the Deep Sea! Everyone says you are a monster that can stand shoulder to shoulder with that Whitebeard! Then come and let me see your power!"

"As long as I can defeat you, you will let us go!"

"That's it."

Brett nodded.

I see.


I was wondering what excuse I should make.

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