One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 428: The calmed undercurrent

Chapter 428 The calmed undercurrent

Another person fell down from the top of the coral jungle.

Coincidentally, Taotu also knew this person.

She was a very beautiful girl with distinctly red and white hair.

Wearing a slightly oversized coat, he was holding a strange-looking doll in his arms, and his body looked like it was made up of various musical instruments.

The girl's beautiful face was full of disgust, "Have you already said who is your disciple?"

"Hahaha, don't worry about these little things, now is the time for you to show off your power! Uta-chan!" Tezzolo waved his hands repeatedly.

"It's Uta!"

"It's a real person! This is the first time I've seen it!"

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit heard the whispers coming from behind.

There are actually fans of this girl among her subordinates.

No wonder, this girl is the number one singer in the world, and her fans are all over the world.

But is now the time to discuss meeting your idol?

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit couldn't help but cursed, "Please be serious! Didn't you hear what this guy Tezzolo said!"

This guy Tezzolo said to leave it to Uta to handle it?

Is this the world's number one singer girl still a person with extraordinary abilities?

Peach Rabbit couldn't help but feel uneasy.


The navy immediately stood ready.

This is the advantage of professional soldiers. Even if there is temporary chaos, order can be restored immediately.

Little sister Uta, whose body was also wrapped in bubbles, took a step forward. She looked at Peach Rabbit and his group carefully and then frowned, "Is the enemy really a fish-man? What is going on?"

"Let's figure this out later, catch them first," Tezzolo said.

"Leave it to me! Leave it to me!"

The doll held in Uta's arms suddenly started to make a fuss.

Lieutenant General Taotu immediately frowned. Is this thing actually alive?

Could it be that this guy Tezzolo relies on him, so what kind of abilities does he have?

"Now is not the time for you to show off your power."

Tezzolo rolled his eyes and said, "Let's solve it quickly, Uta."


Uta nodded, "Then -"

She took a small breath.

Taotu clenched the knife in his hand, and his spirit was stretched to the limit. His eyes were fixed on Uta, and his ears stood up sensitively.

Then the battle was over.

Outside the Fishman Island, in the deep sea where Kaido is imprisoned.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Stierres swam forward with all his strength, waving the blade in his hand vigorously.

In this dark sea, he couldn't even see clearly what the huge black shadow in front of him looked like, but this did not prevent him from waving the weapon in his hand desperately.

All the subordinates who came here with him have been killed in battle, and he is the only one left at this time.

However, even if he is the only one left, he still has to complete his mission!

The dark blade struck the monster's head heavily.

The iron-cutting swordsmanship of the swordsman level, coupled with the powerful armed domineering power of the Vice Admiral, this should have been an indestructible blow.

However, the blade was deflected.

The indestructible sword was no match for the indestructible monster, as if it had struck a sea-building stone.

Stierres felt his hand shake so hard that he could hardly hold the knife in his hand. The tiger's mouth was split open and blood even seeped out.


Stierres couldn't help but scream.

There was no doubt that what appeared in front of him at this time was indeed a Sea King.

Even in this dark deep sea, it is impossible to see his true appearance clearly, but with such a huge size and weird outline, of course, it can only be the Sea King type.

It is indeed Neptune's, but why does he use Haki?

What was wrapped around the head of this sea king and blocked the blow just now was the armed domineering force!

And it’s also a super strong weapon color!

Stierres had no idea what was going on.

In fact, even Kaido, who was imprisoned in the bubble at this time, looked confused, "What the hell is that guy Bright doing!"

I knew that guy could communicate with Neptunes, but I never thought that he would actually impart Haki to Neptunes!

If he is allowed to pull up a force of the Sea King type that can use Haki, then who else on this sea can resist it? Who else can resist it?


Kaido has even begun to feel this way. Did he not lose unjustly?

"hold head high!!"

In the dark water, the giant beast roared.

He didn't attack, he just roared hard.

Neither Stiers nor Kaido could understand what the Neptune was saying, so of course they didn't know that the Neptune named Alexander was urging them dissatisfied.

"Continue! Keep attacking, warrior from above the sea! Let me see your power!"

However, although he did not understand what Alexander was talking about, Stierres did not give up the attack.

He realized it the moment this sea king type used its domineering force.

This is not a wild sea king, but a monster cultivated by Bright from Fish-Man Island!


He roared with all his strength, and the sharp blade slashed at Alexander's body again and again. The sparks from the collision between the blade and the Neptune-like body illuminated the deep sea in a flash.

But it makes no sense.

No matter how much he roared or roared, he couldn't hurt the monster in front of him at all.

"I see,"

Alexander shook his head, "It turns out that this is already your limit. Although it is very disappointing, warriors, the appearance of fighting hard is so moving! Then, let me respond to you with all my strength!"

The pincers on the monster's chest began to shrink, "Let's be defeated by Alexander's blow!!"


Stirres had no idea what was happening.

He felt like he was hit by a mountain, or a planet?

The consciousness disappeared in an instant, the body was shattered, and darkness came.

The chaotic sea water finally calmed down, and the huge monster in the darkness raised his pliers high and roared with all his strength.

He was proclaiming his victory.

A man whose limbs were completely twisted fell silently into the dark sea.

He is dead.

"How weak."

Kaido closed his eyes.

But, Brett, you bastard is pretty awesome.

Outside the Fish-Man Island, in a dark deep sea.

There is a man who is quietly waiting for information about Fish-Man Island.

He was waiting for the promised chaos to occur and then launched his action.

However, what he expected never came.

"Gion, what are you doing?"

What is Gion doing?

"What on earth is this place?"

Gion's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

She was clearly still in the Forest of the Sea a second ago, but now, she appeared in a deserted wasteland.

In the end what happened?

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