One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 437 Egghead Island

In the past, Brett didn't notice anything wrong when facing Vegapunk.

But Brett is different now. His knowledge is enough to cover the island easily.

So while talking to Vegapunk, he heard something else.

There is also a voice that calls itself Vegapunk.

It's really amazing.

There are actually two Vegapunks on one island.

After listening to the voice of Vegapunk over there, Brett knew one thing, that is, the Vegapunk that had been appearing in front of him was actually just a clone.

The real Vegapunk is still hidden deep in the island.

That is the room here now.

The man who appeared in front of Brett at this time could be considered tall, but he was already very old. He had gray hair, a bunch of wrinkles on his face, and a dry figure. If he wasn't a little taller, just looking at his body proportions He looks like a short researcher. It is worth noting that he has a long tongue. I wonder if he has any connection with that guy Perospero.

Just looking at his face, this guy looks a bit like the great scientist Einstein in his previous life.

But that wasn't what really surprised Brett.


"Is it too big?"

Brett raised his head.

What was displayed in front of him was a huge creature, almost ten or twenty meters tall, almost as big as the giants.

"Hahahaha, this joke is really good!"

The Vegapunk, who was held by Bright in his hand, laughed loudly, "It's indeed a big head!"

If you just look at the part below the forehead, the Vegapunk man is indeed an old man who fits Brett's idea of ​​a researcher, but if you look at the part above the forehead, it's quite different.

Starting from his forehead, his head spread upwards until it hit the ceiling.

The huge thing that Brett saw was this guy's head.

What an exaggeration! It can be said that there is a person growing under the head.

"Oh oh oh! It's little Brett!"

The old man had some trouble moving. When he shook his head and greeted Brett, his head tilted all over the place, causing his body to stagger around trying to regain his balance.

Brett remained silent.

What can you say after seeing such a scene?

"Oh! I've wanted to see you for a long time!"

While trying to maintain his balance, the old man who temporarily became the original Vegapunk greeted Brett with a smile, "But as you can see, the head has become too big, and it is a bit inconvenient to move. "

He is a completely different man from the other Vegapunk, and he seems quite kind.

"Since you find it inconvenient to move, why not try to cut off the head?"

Brett asked with interest.

This is simply too much, and it has reached the point where it is impossible to move freely.

But Brett was just joking about beheading. Unless Vegapunk's head was filled with water, otherwise, no matter how he thought about beheading, he was seeking death.

Of course, it's not completely impossible. There's also Luoma, whose surgical fruit ability can help Vegapunk cut off his head without causing any damage.

However, something unexpected happened to Brett.

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said in surprise, "As expected of Little Brett! He has the same idea as me!"

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Brett was stunned again.


"I am a superhuman Brain Fruit user! I can hold unlimited information! It also gives me monster-level computing power! The price is that my brain will become bigger!"

The world's number one technological superman shouted excitedly, "Coupled with my already genius mind, all the knowledge can be entered into my brain just by reading it once, so now my head has become too big!"

"I have a wonderful idea! Cut off my head and connect it to a life-support device to make a storage and calculator, and then connect it remotely. This way, I can continuously input knowledge into my brain without affecting my activities. "

"I can even create a few more clones and let them help record the knowledge, and in the end,"

His eyes were shining, "If such a remote link can be connected to everyone, everyone can upload knowledge and everyone can obtain knowledge!"

"An unprecedented great era is coming!"

Brett had to admit that at this moment he was indeed shocked by the man in front of him.

Is he planning a cloud project?

So this clone Vegapunk is the first experimental product of this plan?

But if the Brain Fruit is really what Vegapunk said, it is really possible for him to accomplish this.

That would be amazing.


Brett said sincerely, "If everyone can share knowledge, we can make the world's civilization leap forward in one go."


Vegapunk was as happy as a silly son who was praised by his father, "Technology is used to promote the progress of the world!"

In his true form, he is a very admirable scientist.

Brett sighed in his heart.

"But, I'm afraid the world government won't allow this kind of thing, right?" Brett said.


Vegapunk was silent for a moment, then he chuckled, "So you're here, Brett, take me away quickly!"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"Ha, if things come to this," the clone Vegapunk said with a grin, "the final battle should be not far away. It seems that there is no need to stay here anymore."

Brett curled his lips, "If this is really the case, then I can only say that you are welcome to join, Doctor."

"Okay, okay! Then start packing your things quickly!"

The original Vegapunk tried hard to run, but his shaking head made him walk very unbalanced.

It can only be said that Vegapunk's strength is not weak, otherwise his body would be crushed just by holding such a huge head.

"Pack it up? No need to tidy it up."

Brett transformed into the dragon form, released the flame cloud, wrapped up the two Vegapunks and lifted them up, "Wherever there is anything that needs to be taken away, I will take it away together."

It may not be easy to take away the entire Punk Hassad, but it would be too easy for just an experimental base.

"Oh! I almost forgot about your abilities, Little Brett!"

Vegapunk cheered, "Then take away my collection room and laboratory!"

"Target! It's Eiger Warhead Island!"

"Egghead Island?"

Brett was slightly startled. It was the name of an island he had never heard of.

"You must go there, little Brett! That's the island where the past and the future intersect!"

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