One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 440 Human Rights Issues

"This is it, Vegapunk?"

The location was the royal palace of the Fishman Kingdom, in the Dragon Palace City. Taizuoluo looked up almost dumbfounded.

Looking up at Vegapunk's big head.

"Okay, so big!"

Princess Otohime had runny nose.

In order to welcome the arrival of the two Dr. Vegapunk, all the senior personnel of Fish-Man Island gathered together at this time.

"It's too exaggerated!"

Even King Neptune couldn't help but be stunned at this moment. Vegapunk's head is bigger than his whole body!

"The world's number one scientist is indeed extraordinary!"

Jinbei nodded solemnly.

If you think about it carefully, of course a man with technology that is five hundred years ahead of the world must have this level of brains!

Brett couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Jinbei.

Literally the mind?

"From now on, we will temporarily stay on Fish-Man Island to bother you. Please take care of us."

The clone Vegapunk's communication skills are much stronger than the original body. He smiled and greeted all of Brett's friends.

"It would be better to say that your arrival, Dr. Vegapunk, will make the fishmen flourish."

King Neptune was not some deep-sea otaku, he was a serious man who talked and laughed with many kings of human kingdoms and formed deep friendships.

His communication skills were not weak at all, and he chatted with his clone Vegapunk with a smile.

"But you actually did it?"

Tezzolo walked to Brandt's side and couldn't help but gloat, "Now I'm really looking forward to what kind of reaction the government will have!"

"What kind of reaction can you have? Either you are furious, or you are really filled with hatred."

Brett shrugged, "But no matter what, they can't change the current result."

"I feel more and more that we have a winning chance."

Tezuolo said seriously.

"Of course, victory will only be in our hands from the beginning!"

Brett is very confident about this, because this is a prophecy made by the genius of the beautiful girl Miss Charlie, and it will definitely come to reality from the future.

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It has been doomed from the beginning that their side will win. The suspense just lies in when and how they will win.

Brett's confidence made Tezolo smile.

He grinned and said, "By the way, it's almost time for that guy Morgans' newspaper to be published. I'm really looking forward to seeing how people around the world will react when they know what the government has done this time."

"I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. It's time to call my friends."

Brett suddenly remembered this matter.

If the government suddenly sends marines who have turned into fishmen to attack their friends, it may affect the friendship between them.

You have to communicate with your friends in advance.

But at this time, Dr. Big Head staggered over and said with some dissatisfaction,

"Little Brett, how long are we going to stay in this place!"

The clone Vegapunk also stopped talking with King Neptune after hearing this, and cast an urging look at Brett.

"Then let's go, I'll take you there now."

It might not be a bad thing for the two Vegapunk doctors to meet their future colleagues in advance. Master Tom and the others should be very happy.

After all, the three masters and apprentices are said to be shipwrights, but in fact they are not much different from scientists. So how many scientists can refuse the temptation of working with Vegapunk?

At the same time, in every corner of the world, as Tezzolo said, newspapers from the World Economic News Service were once again falling from the sky.

When the first person who bought the newspaper opened it, his penis shrank and his whole face seemed to have become stiff.

"No, it can't be! This kind of thing can happen!"

Such exclamations resounded from all over the world in a very short period of time.

"Can science even do such a thing?"

"Vegapunk! It must be the work of Dr. Vegapunk!"

"But how can you do such a thing!"

People all over the world are exclaiming.

There was only one piece of news recorded in the newspaper, which was the protest launched by Fishman Island against the World Government.

The cover of the newspaper was a photo of a group of restrained fish-men, headed by a female fish-man who tried to cover her face but failed.

What Fish-Man Island is complaining about is that the World Government is conducting blood factor experiments with the intention of transforming humans into fish-men.

These terrorists who sneaked into Fish-Man Island are the first batch of transformation results of the World Government.

There are also many comparison pictures posted below, which are the comparison between the appearance of Lieutenant General Taotu and others in the past and their current appearance.

This is to prove to all readers that these fishmen were indeed transformed by former navy generals.

These transformed guys can never become humans again, and even their descendants can only be fish-men.

Fishman Island couldn't bear such a sad fact, so it decided to bravely expose it.

Because this has completely violated the basic rights and interests of the two races of humans and fishmen.

Fishman Island strongly protested this behavior of the government and demanded that they stop the experiment immediately.

After seeing such news, it is really difficult for people around the world not to be shocked by it.

People's first reaction is that if the government does such a thing, is it preparing to fall out with Fish-Man Island?

Everyone on the sea knows how wealthy Fish-Man Island is, but because it is located in the deep sea, no one can do anything about them.

That's why the government conducts such research so that Fish-Man Island can't hide.

After having such a conjecture, the discussion started.

The current Fish-Man Island is no longer the same as the little transparent one in the world in the past.

It has a very strong presence in the entire world.

After all, even now, All Stars' live concerts have never stopped, and this guy Tezolo is also constantly filming movies, and even Morgans is adding fuel to the fire.

With the export of culture and the continuous circulation of various commodities, Fish-Man Island has been truly connected with the world and has shown its appearance to the world.

People around the world have a high degree of recognition of this island.

When it was guessed that the government was going to use conspiracy to attack Fish-Man Island, and that it was such a conspiracy that ignored human relations, the whole world was boiling.

But now, there is something even more boiling.

"What the hell is going on? Mr. Warring States!

A certain man had rushed directly to the ward of the Navy Marshal who was still lying on the hospital bed.

Looking at the menacing man, Zeng Guo could only sigh, "In addition -"

Of course, the one who was boiling the most was Marie Joa.

"Oh! Humans turned into fish-men, that sounds interesting!"

"Yes, yes! I have never owned a slave like this!

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