"That's just the way it is."

At the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Sengoku sighed helplessly, "Gion and the others failed in their operation, and now they have put us in a passive situation."


The man known as the tea dolphin, Vice Admiral Kaji, who was also a candidate for admiral along with Momotu, was almost gritting his teeth at this moment, "In order to deal with the Fish-Man Island, we must turn our people into fish-men!"

“Because we are going to fight in the deep sea, we have to be incompetent people like Gion and the others!

“What kind of bastard came up with this battle plan!

Kake's fists almost bled, "Won't Gion and the others never be able to turn back into humans? They will always be able to remain fish-men!"

"Even their descendants will become fish-men!"

Strictly speaking, it was a half-murloc, just like that guy from Brett.

I thought so in my heart, but of course it was impossible to say that in the Warring States Period.

The navy marshal, whose face was pale because of the injury, paused, "This is the decision of the Goro Stars, and Gion and the others have already agreed."

"None of us want to see what happens to them, but you also know that the Fish-Man Island located in the deep sea cannot be interfered with by ordinary methods."

"We are the Navy."

Jiaji was silent.

When sacrifices are needed, if soldiers like them are not at the forefront, then who can be expected to sacrifice?

If they don't stand up, then who can fight against Fish-Man Island and the fish-man Brett who wants to subvert the world?

"I understand Gion's point of view."

Jiaji took a deep breath, "She is someone who is willing to do anything for the justice in her heart."

The tea dolphin's pursuit of Peach Rabbit is no longer news in the navy.

The two were sailors at the same time, and their pursuit of a relationship has continued since they joined the navy, but of course they were constantly rejected.

However, although they did not become a couple, the friendship between the two is still deep, and Cha Dou understands Tao Tu very well.

"But Mr. Sengoku,"

The tea pig solemnly said, "Although there are no results, Gion and the others are still heroes of the navy."


Sengoku nodded without hesitation.


Tea Dolphin said, "Please don't let our heroes die like this."

"of course not."

Warring States said in a deep voice, "I have applied to the government to negotiate with Fishman Island. Although privately we have already been incompatible with each other, on the surface we have not broken up with them yet."

Jiaji felt a little relieved.

If the Marshal said that, then it should be fine.

At the same moment, Marie Joa.

"That bastard Brett!

As always, the five old men held newspapers and cursed the same words. There would always be a few times every year when the five old men gathered in this office and cursed at the guy named Brett who was far away on Fish-Man Island.

"He actually exposed this matter!"

The bearded Wulaoxing pinched the bridge of his nose, "Now the whole world is talking about it, and they are saying that we are going to attack Fish-Man Island soon."

Although this is true, at least for now, the government is trying its best to avoid making this matter superficial.

After all, that guy Brett said that it doesn't matter how he comes secretly, but if he breaks out on the surface, he will use explosive rocks to bomb.

"It's enough to make a casual statement saying that Fish-Man Island has misunderstood."

The bearded Wulaoxing said calmly, "Don't pay too much attention to the others."

Time will wash away everything.

"Why don't we do something practical," the bearded old man said, "What are they going to do in Gion?"

"Sengoku has applied to negotiate with Fishman Island."

The blond Wulaoxing asked, "Do you want to agree?"

"It would be a good thing if we could get Gion and the others back,"

The bald Five Old Star said angrily, "But the key question is, will that bastard Brett agree?"

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The five old stars fell into silence.

Yes, now that things have happened, is there any possibility of negotiation between Fish-Man Island and their government?

"Anyway, let's give it a try. If it fails, we can only look at Gion and the others. Aren't there a few of them who have acquired some special fish-man blood?"

"Speaking of this, what should I do with the fish-man potion? Vegapunk has been taken away!"

"Aren't there still so many scientists? Ask that guy Caesar to step in! Although Vegapunk's information has been taken away, aren't there still finished products? Let him try to reverse-restore it! If he alone is not enough -"

Fishman Island.

After leaving the two doctors in the Forest of the Sea, Bright began to return to Fish-Man Island.

On the way back, he was thinking, should he stay in Fishman Street?

After all, Fish-Man Island is still a little too far away from the arsenal, so it is easy to be caught off guard if there is an emergency.

Although Vegapunk has been brought back together with his laboratory and collection room, it is difficult for the Navy to continue to produce murloc medicine and murloc warriors, but what if? right?

Working from home is also great.

Brett thought so.

As soon as he returned to his office, his phone bug started ringing.

Brett took out the phone and connected it.


A very familiar voice that had not been seen for a long time said, "You have captured Gion and the others now?"


Brett said, "You've already read the newspapers. Mr. Zeffa, you're shocked, aren't you? The government has actually developed this kind of technology."

"To actually do such a thing!

Mr. Zefa on the other end of the phone was furious, "Have those bastards gone so far as to modify the bodies of their soldiers in order to defeat the enemy?"

Many of the people who were transformed were his disciples.

"I don't know how many modified fishmen are left in the government, so Mr. Zefa,"

Brett warned, "I was just about to call you to tell you to be careful in the future."

"I know."

Zefa paused for a moment, and then he said, "Although it's a bit presumptuous, Brett, can those captured navy be handed over to me?"

"Oh?" Brett raised his eyebrows.

"I want to try to see if I can get them to join our camp."

Zefa said calmly, "In the past, they may not have been able to empathize, but now, maybe it is an opportunity."

Brett understood.

Zefa means that the artificially imposed bloodline gives the navy the opportunity to empathize with the murlocs.

"no problem."

Brett did not refuse. He was not an important guy in the first place. "Then I will send them to you later."

"sorry to bother you."

Zefa breathed a sigh of relief.

The relationship with the disciples is still very deep.

"By the way, don't hang up the phone in a hurry yet,"

Brett said, "I'll call Dorag again. It's time for us to have a meeting."

"Because I judge that the final war is not far away."

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