One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 444 Goodbye Zefa

Gion is flying in the sky.

It quickly passed through the sky, and the sea below was retreating rapidly. The speed was so fast that the oncoming wind even made her cheeks feel painful.

Although Gion can use the Six Styles and can move briefly through the sky through moon steps, she cannot fly in the true sense.

The reason why she is able to fly across the sky now is all because the clouds wrap around her body and drag her along in the sky.

She was not the only one, the other navy soldiers who were turned into fishmen were also swept up by the clouds.

Gion turned his head and looked at the tall red figure running all the way in front of him.

What kind of monster-level physical strength is this! Able to maintain such high speed and continue running wildly in the sky!

Gion could already see that Bright was not flying in the ordinary sense at this time. He was just stepping on the clouds gathering under his feet again and again, and then shooting forward.

This man is indeed an unattainable monster.

Even though he didn't know about the battle that took place at the G-1 base, Gion thought so in his heart.

But the good news is that now he can at least survive. Not only can he survive, but he can even escape from Brett's control.

Teacher Zefa...

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit inevitably sighed in his heart.

Although the matter had gone their separate ways, they were saved by the teacher again.

However, even so, both sides are still enemies.

Peach Rabbit will never recognize the ideas of Teacher Zefa. He has been completely bewitched by Brett. He is teaming up with Fish-Man Island and wants to subvert the entire world. This will only bring disaster to the entire sea.

Try to see if you can persuade him to change his mind.

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit secretly made such a decision in his heart.

Brett, who was dragging Yanyun in front, couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

Shouldn't it be said that they are master and disciple? It just so happens that they all have the same idea.

Then just speed up a little bit more.

Today, the NEo Navy is well known in this sea area called the New World.

The New World was originally the most chaotic sea area in the world. Even though emperors were in charge and used force to maintain a certain order, the chaos never disappeared.

After all, the emperors were constantly fighting among themselves, so how could there be real peace?

This situation finally began to change until the NEo Navy appeared.

Although he has parted ways with the Navy, Mr. Zefa's philosophy remains the same as when he was in the Navy.

He recruited many non-franchising countries and more island areas that were not even countries, and finally built a huge alliance.

Like a miniature version of the world government, he created a safe zone in a vast sea area at the front of the new world.

Although it cannot be said to be absolute peace, the public security situation is not much different from that in the four seas. The NEo navy patrols this sea area with high intensity every day. After a large amount of investment, bases stationed in various areas have also been completed. The pirates entering the country will Will be punished mercilessly.

In short, Zefa and his NEo navy have indeed brought changes to this sea area.

This matter has become famous all over the world after being promoted by the World Economic News Agency's newspapers, and people from all over the world are talking about it.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

But of course, the government-led news media continues to denounce Mr. Zefa’s reign of terror every day.

However, although the NEo navy roamed the waters of the first half of the New World unimpeded, they actually seemed very mysterious.

People in the world don't even know where their headquarters is.

The reason for this choice is very simple.

After all, the NEo Navy is said to be strong and weak, but it is indeed very weak. If the location of the headquarters is exposed and the Navy carries out a decapitation operation and sends several generals to attack at the same time, Mr. Zefa will have no power to fight back.

As for why the headquarters of a majestic army can still be hidden, this is naturally due to Brett's support.

The Fish-Man Island Logistics Company is still operating smoothly to this day, and its scale has even expanded as time goes by as the difficulty of catching sea beasts decreases.

It is not difficult at all to help Mr. Zefa transport supplies from the deep sea and transport the fleet from the bottom of the sea to all parts of the new world.

At this time, Brett led Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit and his party to the hidden headquarters of the NEo Navy.

This is a deserted island that can be seen everywhere in the New World, and it doesn't look like anything special at all.

The only thing that may be considered special is that it is so inconspicuous that it does not even exist on the charts, and the magnetic link to the record pointer has never had anything to do with it.

The general meaning is that unless you have seen it with your own eyes and been there, this island does not exist for most people on the sea.

And this is the headquarters of the NEo Navy.

"It's finally here."

Brett sighed as he began to land, "It feels like nothing has changed from before."

Gion was also looking down at the island below.

It looks like just an ordinary desert island. There aren't even any decent buildings on it. There are only a few not-so-tall houses made of stone in the middle of the desolate island.

This is the headquarters of NEo Navy?

It doesn't even look like a small village.

But Brett's lips raised high, and he led a group of people to land outside the row of stone houses in the center of the island.

"Mr. Zefa, I'm here."

He said.

Almost as soon as he spoke, the door of a house was pushed open, and a tall man walked out quickly.

The muscular body was wearing a dirty shirt, and the right mechanical arm was exposed nonchalantly. The soft purple hair was also a little messy.

"Britt! Long time no see!"

Mr. Zefa came up and gave Brett a warm hug.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Brett returned the hug and stepped out of the way, "I've brought everyone here for you."

Only then did Zefa see clearly the people who were placed on the ground by Brett and were still tightly bound by strong chains.

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, who was sitting on the ground, also happened to look up at him.


The atmosphere became slightly silent for a moment.

"We haven't seen you for a while, Gion?"

Zefa walked over and squatted down so that his eyes were level with his disciple, "Why, it has become like this."

This fish-man's appearance was almost unrecognizable to him.

"Isn't there nothing wrong with this look? Teacher Zefa,"

Taotu spoke sharply, "After all, aren't the fish people your most important partners?"

"You girl have become unlovable."

Mr. Zefa shook his head helplessly, "But you are right, the murlocs are indeed our most solid partners!"

"Because only those who have suffered the most persecution and are most aware of the distortions in this world have the greatest determination to change!"

Taotu lowered his eyebrows and remained unmoved.

Brett shook his head. It would be a long way to go to persuade this young lady.

But it doesn't matter, just like Akainu Aokiji, just find a place to lock him up.

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