One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 451 Unexpected Situation

The ship flies in the sky.

The yellow, fat-looking submarine was currently swimming above the sea of ​​clouds.

"It's amazing! What kind of ability is this!"

Two men and a white bear were leaning on the railing of the submarine, shouting and looking down.

"It's cloud!"

The man wearing a red-brimmed hat stretched out hard, and then he saw a circle of flame-like clouds wrapped around the lower end of the submarine.

“The clouds lifted the Polar Diver!

"What an amazing ability!"

Another man with a black hat also exclaimed, "It's flying with this ship!"

Is this what this man is capable of?

Luo, who was standing aside, turned to look at the tall figure sitting cross-legged on the bow of the submarine.

His body was covered with fiery red scales, and he had completely entered the dragon-like state.

It was so easy to let this huge metal ship fly into the sky, and it was still flying forward at such a jaw-dropping speed. Such power was simply unbelievable.

With wonder in his heart, Luo walked to Bright's side, "So Mr. Bright, what kind of difficult surgery do you mean?"

In addition to being a user with surgical fruit abilities, Luo Gu is also a doctor.

He felt that before officially performing the operation, he needed to have a good understanding of what the operation was like.

"Well, it's not difficult at all for you."

Brett smiled.

For ordinary people, this operation must be extremely complicated, and even Vegapunk Brett would not dare to let him do it.

But Luo is of course an exception.

The surgical fruit ability he possesses allows him to accomplish his goals with just one blow.

"I just need your help to cut off some bastard old man's head." Brett said.


Luo blinked and after a moment of silence, he subconsciously asked, "Is it the one I understand who cut off the head?"

"It literally means that the guy felt that the extra head was too much of a bother, so he decided to cut it off."

Luo was silent.

What is an extra head? What does it mean to be too intrusive?

Luo could understand every word that Brett said clearly, but the combination made him completely incomprehensible.

Is this really just an operation and not some form of torture?

"There's no need to worry. Once you meet that person, you'll know what it means."

Brett laughed.

At first glance, this request seemed ridiculous, but after Luo saw Vegapunk, he must have been able to understand it immediately.

"If that's all it is, that's not a problem."

Luo said calmly.

With his ability, if he just wanted to cut off a person's head, it would not be difficult. Or rather, it would be extremely simple. He only needed to use his ability and chop it over with a single blow.

"Anyway, I'm leaving it to you, Luo."

Brett chuckled.


Luo seemed very taciturn.

On the other hand, his three companions were very noisy.

"So we are going to enter the Grand Line next! Wow, we haven't even visited the North Sea yet!"

"It's not just the Grand Line! It's Fish-Man Island! If you set out from there, you can directly enter the new world!


Although there was a brief period of nervousness and panic, after realizing that Brett really had no intention of making things difficult for them, the three guys became unrestrained and even started cheering on the deck.

Brett smiled and said, "The new world is too early for you. If you still want to take risks, it's best to start from the Grand Line."

In other words, it is better to practice in Beihai for a few more years.

Xia Qi, Peijin, and Beibo are all very average in strength. Even if they were placed in Paradise, they would be considered weak.

Although the surgical fruit held by Luo was quite powerful, it consumed a huge amount of energy. At this time, he simply could not make this fruit exert its powerful power.

At their current level, they would undoubtedly be courting death if they wanted to venture into a new world, and even the level of paradise would be a bit difficult.


After hearing Brett's words, the two men and one bear softened in disappointment.

"No need to despair,"

Luo said softly, "Sooner or later we will go to the new world with our own strength."


The three of them were instantly resurrected with full health, and even started to wave their fists in excitement!

What a simple and happy group of people.

Brett couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

He looked back at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance.

At this rate, it would only take half a day at most to return to the new world.

But it was at this time that Bright's hegemonic aura captured something.


He lowered his head to look down.

"What's wrong?"

Luo keenly noticed Brett's reaction and asked curiously.

"Well, something interesting seems to have happened on the sea." Brett raised the corner of his mouth.

Sea surface?

Luo opened his mouth for a moment, but in the end he didn't ask anything.

If I remember correctly, this is almost 10,000 meters above the sea, right?

Under such circumstances, he can notice what is happening on the sea. What kind of monster is Brett?

"Hey, Luo,"

Brett asked with great interest, "Have you ever heard of the name Germa 66?"


Brett saw with his own eyes that Luo's expression changed from stunned to excited, "Mr. Brett, are you also a reader of "Sea Warrior Sora"!"

The Sea Warrior Sora that Luo refers to is a series of comic strips published in the Beihai issue of World Economic News.

It tells the story of Sora, a legendary naval warrior who can walk on the sea, and his fight against the extremely evil Legion Germa 66 who does all kinds of evil in the North Sea.

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"So now you can personally participate in this wonderful story."

At this time, below the thick clouds, above the blue sea.

A group of giant snails rested on the sea.

These giant snails float on the sea, carrying buildings on their backs.

A single snail may not mean much, but a large number of snails add up to form a shocking complex of buildings that looks like a city floating on the sea.

At this time, in the center of this building complex, there was a huge and splendid palace complex held up by several snails.

"...So, Vinsmoke Gaji, we can understand that you are going to reject the government's kindness?"

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