One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 460 In the belly of the fish

Chapter 460 In the belly of the fish

Pure gold.

This is a legend that has been circulating on the sea for many, many years.

Legend has it that ancient alchemists a long time ago refined a wonderful metal from gold.

Although this metal has the same appearance and color as gold, the difference is that it emits a dazzling light.

This light is said to be able to pass through the deep sea, even on the surface of the sea, and to the bottom of the sea.

Of course, the great thing about this metal called pure gold is not that it can emit light. What is really great is that people who are illuminated by this light are said to have eternal life.

Getting pure gold equals eternal life, so the legend goes.

Although it is just a legend, many maritime heroes throughout the ages have made it their lifelong goal.

But of course, no one has seen it with their own eyes.

Until now, pure gold only exists in legends passed down by people's mouths, and no one knows whether it really exists.

So when Bright told Tezolo that pure gold really existed and that he had a way to get it, Tezolo was completely confused.

He even suspected that Brett was joking with him.

Until now, when Bright took him outside the Fish-Man Island and said that he would wait for the pure gold to be delivered to his door, Tezolo still didn't believe it.

"Don't worry, my friend,"

Brett stretched leisurely and said, "I don't have to lie to you, do I? I said it will happen."

Tezzolo glanced at him sideways, and Brett could hear it. This guy still didn't believe it in his heart.

But Bright didn't care much, just use the facts to convince Tezolo.

If it were before, it would be very difficult to find the lantern fish that stored a huge amount of pure gold.

After all, even if Bright is a fish-man and has quite a lot of resources at his disposal, it is still very difficult to find a Neptune-like creature in the boundless deep sea.

The sea is so big that even fish people cannot go to every corner.

But now the situation is very different.

Princess White Star's abilities have been fully awakened, and she already has the ability to command every sea king in the world.

Even if it was a lantern fish and not a sea king, it would be a very simple matter to find his traces.

After all, although people cannot search every corner of the deep sea, Neptune species can.

Not to mention that the lantern fish has now been confirmed to be indeed a member of the Neptune species.

Princess Bai Xing gave the order, and he was now on his way over.

"Just need to be patient and wait a little longer."

Brett smiled, "A long life is beckoning to you, Tezolo."

Tezzolo snorted, "Don't speak too soon."

Whether there is pure gold or not, and whether pure gold has the legendary ability, is still completely uncertain.

The corners of Brett's lips curled up, which meant that he wouldn't shed tears until he saw the coffin, right?

You can already look forward to this guy's shocked expression afterwards.

Without waiting too long, Bright heard the sound of a huge creature approaching.

Along with this voice, there was another somewhat special voice.

It was a strange sound that I had never heard before. It was the kind of sound that dragged on for a long time and seemed very melodious.

"Huh? What is that?"

Tezzolo also noticed it, and he squinted his eyes and looked at the deep sea in the distance.

There is a light spot in the dark deep sea that is approaching rapidly.

There are not many Neptune species that can shine in the deep sea, but this light is a bit strange.

The gold-like color gives people an impression of nobility at just a glance.

"Hasn't what we've been waiting for already arrived?"

Brett raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.

"No way?"

Tezzolo immediately stretched his neck and stared at the light spot in the distance that was still getting closer, "Aren't you kidding me?"

It was getting closer and closer, and with the yellow light, I could even see the appearance of the thing clearly.

This is a giant lantern fish.

At this time, its mouth, which could chew half of an island in one bite, was constantly opening and closing, causing the currents in the deep sea to become chaotic, and it was crashing headlong into it.

"Oh! Is that right there?"

Even without Bright's reminder, Tezzolo had already looked at the huge lantern emitting golden light on the head of the lantern fish.

"The pure gold is stored there, right?"

"Probably so."

Brett nodded slightly.

This huge lantern fish has been alive for who knows how long.

He has been hunting pure gold since time immemorial.

Bright didn't know whether this metal could make people immortal, but it could indeed extend people's lives significantly.

The passage of time on a creature illuminated by pure gold light will be stretched to the limit.

The little girl in the original work lived for two hundred years while wearing a ring inlaid with pure gold, but her face remained unchanged from two hundred years ago.

It is difficult to guess how long this lantern fish, which has collected a large amount of pure gold over a long period of time, lived.

The last time he appeared on the sea was probably two hundred years ago when the little girl's father developed pure gold to attract him, and then he swallowed the island he lived on.

The huge lantern fish was still approaching, and Bright could already feel the turbulence of the current.

"Is it too big?"

Tezzolo could not help but marvel.

It's really too big, its length is at least several thousand meters!

It can even fit several small islands in its belly!

The huge monster gradually slowed down and then stopped not far from the two Bright people.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Bright approached the lantern fish and greeted him with a smile, "I don't need to say more why I asked you to come here."

The giant monster was silent for a moment, and then a thunderous sound boomed in Bright's ears.

"Although it is my most precious treasure, since this is the king's order, there is nothing I can do about it."

The lantern fish opened its mouth wide, and a huge vortex formed in an instant. Tezzolo couldn't even control himself and was almost sucked in.

"They are stored in the lantern above my head. You can go in and get them yourself."

The lantern fish said so.

"Then, I'll trouble you!"

Bright grabbed Tezzolo, who was struggling to control his body, and then plunged into the mouth of the lantern fish.

The lantern fish immediately closed its mouth, and the two of them, Bright, were already in his belly.

And the scene here.

"What is this!"

Tezzolo's eyes widened.

They seemed to be on a lake, and there was even a broken island on the lake.

The reason why you can see so clearly is because there is soft and bright light falling from above, illuminating everything clearly.

"Is it really in its belly?"

Tezzolo was confused. Didn't they really come to a small island in the outside world?

"Let's go,"

Blake looked at a certain corner of the space and said, "I heard something special."

Dragging Tezolo, Bright used the moon step to step on the air and move quickly in that direction.


Tezzolo also noticed something was wrong, "This aura? Human?"

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