One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 463: An Unkind Invitation

Chapter 463 Unkind Invitation

"Can you finally go out?"

The little girl lay down on Bright's clouds excitedly, her young face full of anticipation.

After staying in the belly of a fish for two hundred years, no matter who she is, she will long for the outside world, let alone she is just a lively and active little girl.

Can I really go out?

Mr. Ahiye was far less happy than his daughter. He was always worried.

A user with the ability of an animal-based phantom beast type, you can tell from one look that he is not easy to mess with.

Now that their ability to extract pure gold has been exposed, they don't know what will happen next.

Brett understood his thoughts very well.

After all, the effect of pure gold is really incredible.

What if it really might have some unknown flaw? Just the fact that it can make people live for more than two hundred years without aging at all is enough to make the entire sea crazy.

And there is certainly no doubt about the importance of Mr. Myschina Ahiye, who may be the only one in the entire world who can extract pure gold.

But he didn't say anything. No matter what he said at this time, it would only aggravate the man's fear. It was better to go out first and then talk.

Brett increased his speed and soon brought the three of them back to the first stomach of the lantern fish.

It was at this time that Bright released several bubbles to cover Tezzolo and the father and daughter.

"Eh? Bubbles?"

The little girl stretched out her hand and shook her head in surprise, and then she found that the bubble would wrap her tightly no matter what movements she made, "It's so interesting!"

"Is this the bubble of the Shampoo Islands?"

As an old father, Mr. Ahiye is indeed well-informed. He said with some surprise, "This is also the ability of the phantom beast species? But why add bubbles?"


Bright curled his lips, increased his speed, and rushed directly into the esophagus of the lantern fish, all the way up to his mouth.

"Open your mouth!" Brett yelled.

So, in the outside world, the huge lantern fish immediately opened its mouth, and the sea water surged towards his belly again.

A huge amount of seawater came towards us under the heavy pressure of the deep sea. This was a devastating seawater impact.

However, there is little threat to the few people wrapped in bubbles. The only trouble may be that the chaotic vortex may scatter everyone.

But this is not a big problem when Bright uses a powerful flame cloud to encircle several people and link to each other.

In this way, Bright led the three of them to swim out of the mouth of the lantern fish and came to the deep sea again.


Olga couldn't help but exclaimed, "Yes, is it in the sea??"

Mr. Ahiye couldn't help but sweating on his forehead, "That's it—that's it—"

No wonder we need bubbles!

When Brett turned around, the lantern fish had closed its mouth.

"Did you only take this little?"

A rumbling sound echoed in Bright's ears.

"That's enough."

Brett used clouds to tightly entangle the pure gold, so that its brilliant light could not spread freely, "Besides, aren't they your treasures?"

"As expected of the king's leader, you have a kind heart."

Lantern Fish's voice was filled with a smile, "Then, I'll take my leave first and say hello to the king."


Brett then watched him turn around and leave, gradually disappearing into the deep sea.

"Hey, hey, hey! Brett!!"

The little girl tried her best to shout Bright's name. When Bright turned around, he saw her bright eyes, "Did you just communicate with Lord Lantern?"

Mr. Ahiye also had a face full of shock.

Communicating between humans and Neptune-like creatures——

"It's just a trivial ability."

Brett said calmly.

This is not trivial at all.

Mr. Ahiyeh made a fuss.

"But Mr. Bright, where are we now?"

Ahiye looked around, and this dark sea made him feel butterflies in his heart.

This Mr. Bright frightened him even more.

Able to communicate with Master Lantern, even Master Lantern was called here by him.

He looks like a murloc. Are murlocs so powerful now?

"Look behind you."

Tezzolo smiled.

So the father and daughter looked back.

They saw, far, far away, an island vaguely existing in the light falling from the sky.

Mr. Ahiye's eyes widened, "Could it be that-"

"Welcome to Fishman Island."

Bright took them to Fishman Island, "Mr. Ahiye, Olga."

"Fishman Island?"

The little girl immediately became excited, "Is it the island where mermaids and fishmen live that the bastard father once told about?"

"That's right right here."

Brett smiled and said, "This is the hometown of us fishmen and mermaids."

"Formal introduction,"

Tezzolo said with a smile, "This guy's name is Bright, the uncrowned king of Fish-Man Island, the man known as the Emperor of the Deep Sea."

Brett rolled his eyes.

I feel like I'm getting goosebumps.

“It feels so great!”

The little girl was very supportive and said excitedly, "Is Bright the boss of Fish-Man Island?"

"Absolutely." Tezzolo thought for a while and then answered.

Although Bright has always respected Ryugu Castle, no matter it is at sea or on Fish-Man Island, everyone thinks that Bright is the leader of Fish-Man Island.


Olga cheered.

The ruler of Fishman Island?

Mr. Ahiye sighed in his heart, it seemed that he had really met a great guy.

"Mr. Ahiye, can I ask a question?"

At this time, Brett suddenly spoke.


Ahiye immediately regained his spirits.

In such a deep sea, you must not anger the man in front of you.

"When did you get swallowed by the lantern fish?" Bright asked, "If someone had extracted pure gold in modern times and attracted pirates to snatch it, this matter would have spread long ago."

Tezzolo also cast his gaze with interest.

If pure gold can make people live forever, then how long have the two people who have been bathing in the light of pure gold in the belly of the lantern fish lived?


Ahiye hesitated for a moment, and then he said honestly, "I don't know exactly how long it took. I just remember that when we were swallowed, it was,"

"Year 1322 of the Haiyuan calendar."

"Two hundred years ago?"

This time, even Tezzolo exclaimed.

"Two hundred years?"

Olga exclaimed simultaneously, "Has it been that long? Isn't that person already two hundred and six years old?"

"It's still a few years away, but it's impressive enough."

Tezzolo was sincerely amazed.

She looks like a little girl on the surface, but is it enough to be his ancestor?

"That's it."

Brett calculated in his mind, wasn't it exactly two hundred years since he met the Straw Hat junior in the plot?

"Then, I have one more unwelcome favor,"

Bright said, "Mr. Ahiye, can you tell me the technology for extracting pure gold?"


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